
Pokemon: Reincarnated As An Extra Who Never Existed

Chiks_Marak · Anime und Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter 25

After hearing the situation about Ash and his friends, Evan and Steven decided to hear towards them.

Unfortunately when they arrive the situation was on the verge of breaking out. Team Aqua and Team Magma wanted to use the ancient Pokémon Kyogre and Groudon to conquer the world.

Archie took out the Red orb, glanced at Maxie and said in a queasy voice "Maxie stay there and watch me conquer the world."

Maxie just gritted his teeth hearing at those mocking words.

"Protect sir Archie" Shelly ordered and released all their Pokémon.

Team Magma also released their Pokémon in order to protect Maxie.

The two sides released Walrein and Mightyeana respectively and started fighting with each other.

Taking advantage of the fight between the two organization, Archie boarded a small plane and went towards Kyogre in the sea.

The movement of the sea was getting louder and louder as Evan and Steven headed towards the direction Lance gave them, they saw Kyogre's huge figure.

"Kyogre sink this world into the bottom of the sea" Archie gave his command to Kyogre holding the Red Orb.

Under the sway of Archie, Kyogre's movement became biggerbigger, turning the sky into dark clouds that brought tornadoes, rainstorms and tsunamis.

"Oh no, Tsunami is coming" Max and May who was on the island hugged each other in fear.

All the other people on the island also looked solemn, only Archie didn't have the awareness of the situation and laughed wildly on mid air.

"What are you trying to do, your subordinates are also still on the island" Maxie yelled at the craziness of Archie.

"Flash canon!" Sudden a beam of silver light shot at the direction of Archie from afar, Steven and Evan finally arrived.

"Archie let go off that orb quick or you'll be comsumed by the orb" Steven ordered with a stern expression.

Seeing that Steven and Evan have arrive Lance tore off his disguise and sat on his Dragonite.

"Yes give up on controlling Kyogre,Originally, The Orbs were created to control Kyogre and Groudon, but it was impossible to control them completely, don't make the same mistake as ancient people" Lance yelled and explained to Archie.

But Archie didn't listen to them, held up the Red Orb and ordered confidently "Kyogre teach them a lesson."

Following Archie's command Kyogre brought tsunami again.

Evan looked at the stats of Kyogre.

[ Pokémon : Kyogre

Gender :

Type : Water

Level : Mid Legend

Qualification : Legend

Favorability : N/A

Skills : ancient power, body slam, origin pulse,

scary face, water pulse, aqua tail, calm mind, muddy water, ice beam, sheer cold, aqua ring, hydro pump, double edge, water spoud, hyper beam, surf, rain dance, waterfall ]

Looking at the tsunami brought by Kyogre Evan glanced at Steven and nodded.

"Show us our bond, Mega evolve" ×2 Evan and Steven said at the same time.

The bond of light shone from the keystone on Evan's earring and started connecting with Salamence and evolved into a Mega Salamence. Steven also did the same thing and Mega Metagross appeared.

"Salamence stop the tsunami,use dragon pulse" "Roarr~" "Metagross you too, use flash canon on the waves" The siblings gave order at the same time and managed to stop the huge wave.

"So this is mega evolution" Lance glanced enviously.

On the other side Ash and his friends also found Evan and Steven fighting.

"Evan are you okay!" May shouted worriedly.

"Evan let us help you" Ash said as he hold his Pokéball.

Evan didn't say anything and just nodded.

"Archie put down the Red Orb" Evan and Steven yelled at Archie who was crazy in his delusion about conquering the world.

Suddenly with an explosion Groudon arrived.

In an instant half of the sky became clear, it was Groudon's skill Sunny day.

"Ah Groudon revived" Evan, Steven and Lance said at the same time.

[ Pokémon : Groudon

Gender :

Type : Ground

Level : Mid Legend

Qualification : Legend

Favourability : N/A

Skills : ancient power, lava plume, mud shot, precipice blades, scary face, earth power, bulk up, earthquake, hammer arm, fissure, rest, fire blast, solar beam, eruption, sunny day ]

Looking at huge tsunami sent by the Kyogre again, Groudon used solar beam to stop it.

On the other side Maxie realised that they couldn't control such a Pokémon from the beginning.

Evan, Steven and Lance retreated as the two ancient Pokémon Kyogre and Groudon started fighting.As they started fighting the Red Orb finally got out of Archie's hands and flew into the sky with the Blue orb, shattering and spread into tiny particles.

Kyogre also regained it's consciousness and came out of the sea quietly looking at the Groudon.

Groudon raised it's head slightly and echoed with Kyogre.

Evan turned his head towards Groudon and asked "Are you going back to sleep?"Groudon nodded and went back into magma, Kyogre also swam back into the trench of the deep sea.

The farce of the two ancient Pokémon officially came to an end. Evan, Steven and Lance enjoyed the sunset looking at the leaving ancient Pokémon, Groudon and Kyogre.

Evan also bid farewell to Steven and Lance, and continued his journey with Ash and the others.

After a huge battle, Evan and his friends finally dragged their tired bodies to the Pokémon center in Mosdeep city.

After talking to his brother on the phone, Evan took a good night rest preparing for his seventh gym battle.

Early the next morning the energetic Evan and his party set off to the Mosdeep gym to challenge.

"It's finally time to challenge for the seventh badge, Good luck Evan and Ash" May walked briskly beside them with her arms at the back.

"And Ash you gotta work hard" After watching the battle between Evan and the Kyogre, now Max's confidence in Evan doesn't have to say in words, he doesn't even consider that Evan might loose.

"Oh don't worry I will get the seventh badge" Ash said clenching his fist. "Pi~pikachu~"

No matter what, pikachu is really Ash's best buddy who is always very supportive.

All the way to the Mosdeep gym in the semi circular stadium, Ash was the first to go and called out towards the door.

"Just watch my battle!" As a result just as Ash took a step, he was knocked away by the blue haired girl wearing glasses.

"Oh no! I'm going to be late!" The young lady looks very much like us and was axiously glancing at her clock time to time.

"Wait,do you know where I can find the gym leader" Ash put on a retaining posture and asked.

"The gym leader should be at the Space center, today is the day when space shuttle is going to be launched" The young lady kindly explained to Evan and other, then turned around and left running.

After understanding the situation, Evan and his party decided to go the Space center in Mosdeep city in order to find the gym leader and challenge to a gym battle.

As they arrived at the Space center, Ash started searching for a gym leader.

"This machine looks interesting, it should be played like this" Ash directly climbed into a training machine without a permission and switched on the button.

"Ash!!" Everyone was surprised.

Ash who naively switch on the machine was being spun crazily.

"Gallade" Evan sent out his cool pokémon, Gallade teleported to the side of the machine and turned off the machine, thus saving Ash.

"Ash it's your fault how could you use other people's machine casually without a permission" Brock said to Ash.

"That's right, Ash why are you so immature!" May followed the suit.

Suddenly a flash of light downstairs caught everyone's attention,the trainers were training with each other. After a brief introduction the group found out that the twin's name was Liza and Tate, the gym leaders of Mosdeep gym.

Afterwards they made an appointment to battle a official gym battle after a space shuttle launched.

As they went out of the zero gravity room, Liza started explaining about the rules "Ash, Evan the rules of our gym battle is quite special, do you know?"

"I don't know" Ash lay down on guardrail, Ash never investitated about such things he is just a battle junkie, just like his brother Steven who is a stone junkie.

On the other side Steven felt a chill.

"It's a double pokémon match against you and Tate right!" Evan replied affirmatively.

"2 vs 1?" Ash looked at Evan in surprise.

"That's right the Pokémon Tate and I using will be Solrock and Lunatone" Liza replied frankly.

"It sounds difficult" May said as she curled her lips.

"It's alright, the more difficult the battle is the more interesting the match becomes" Ash patted his chest confidently.

After learning about the rules everyone released their Pokémon to play in the space center except Evan.

"Then I'll go for a special training" Seeing everyone having fun, Evan left the space center.

"Is Evan nervous?" Seeing Evan left, Ash said helplessly.

"His attitude towards the battle is very strict, we can look forward to his performance in the gym battle" Brock smiled, speaking to Ash and the twins,gym leaders.

Coming to the land by the sea where there was no one, Evan took out his two Luxury balls, "come out, Grovyle, Gallade!"

"Grovylee~" "Gallade~"

Two pokémon came out, Evan and the Pokémons started training against some wild water pokémons and they came across a will Sharpedos.

Facing the ferocious Sharpedos and other wild water pokémons Grovyle and Gallade started their special training without any fear for a gym battle.

Grovyle abd Gallade's special training has begun!

Facing a double match using Solrock and Lunatone what kind of strategy will Evan come up with? Let's look forward to an exciting gym battle.

~To Be Continued....