
Pokemon: Reincarnated As An Extra Who Never Existed

Chiks_Marak · Anime und Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter 22

The tense and exciting pokémon contest finally came to a semi finals.Although the match between Evan and Drew was shocking,it was now the second battle between May vs Savannah.

In the lounge Ash,Max and Brock wanted to gave their opinion but was retorted angrily,seeing this Evan step up and said "May it would be good if you could consider using Bulbasaur again, you just caught Bulbasaur who haven't seen the outside world yet since it's been born." Evan gave his honest opinion.

"It's fine, I can do it" Said May confidently.

Seeing this Evan doesn't want to bother anymore and said with a frown "Alright, do what you like."

Just like that May and Savannah entered the stage, Savannah released her Lairon. And May also released her Bulbasaur just like she wanted, unexpectedly Bulbasaur ran and hid behind May who was frightened by the noisy crowd of the pokémon contest.

"I knew this would happen" Brock said in the auditorium with a dignified expression "Bulbasaur has never been out of the forest, suddenly seeing a crowd of people of course Bulbasaur will have a stage fright. "

"How could this be happening" Max and Ash were dumbfounded.

"It wouldn't have become like this if May listened to Evan's advice in the loungelounge, Not only does she listen to the opinion but she also doesn't pay attention to the Bulbasaur who was worrying while Evan was giving his sincere advice" Brock said frowning.

At the start of thr battle, Bulbasaur was doing alot of mistakes allowing Lairon to seize the opportunity and hit successfully.

Then May ordered Bulbasaur to use whine whip and Savannah and Lairon took the whine whip with a harden and quickly countered with shock waves.

In the end, Lairon's metal claw hit Bulbasaur making it fall hard on the ground with one blow.

Bulbasaur fell to the ground in pain. May who was unwilling to accept her lost protested against the judges who called off the battle.

"Hey wait I'm not done fighting"

"Yes you are, where's your concern for pokémon's health May! " Nurse joy yelled at May. "That's the coordinator's no. 1 priority not winning" Mr. Contesta also retorted, "by now you should understand that" Mr. Sukizo added.

May looked at the bruised Bulbasaur with complicated emotions and then left the stage.

After apologizing to Bulbasaur at the venue, May was in a complicated mood.

On the stage, Evan and Savannah met each other in the finals.

"Sylveon quick attack, and use fairy win" Evan commanded sylveon patiently.

Fairy type moves are nit effective against a steel type pokémon like Lairon, but Evan wasn't in a hurry.

"Lairon, use harden" Savanna could only stand on one place, while Sylveon was fast.

Sylveon kept jumping up and down, as her ribbons flow, looking leisurely and elegant, while Lairon was constantly loosing points due to Sylveon's beautiful moves and attacks against Lairon.

"So strong~ so this is Evan's skills" Savannah greeted her teeth anxiously.

Outside the venue, "let's go and watch Evan's battle" Ash sat beside May and said calmly.

"Evan will definitely scold me for ignoring his advice" May lowered her face.

"Being admired by other people really makes you overwhelmed. So being carried away sometimes isn't a bad thing, you just have to learn from your mistakes and improve yourself and to accomplish that you have to work together with your pokémon" said Ash reassuring May.

"That's right, I'm so ashame of myself how can I forget about this" May smiled wryly.

"Come on May you got this" Ash encouraged May.

"That's right" May nodded and followed Ash back to the arena stage.

"Lairon, use shock wave" Savannah was fighting with all her might.

"Sylveon, shadow ball" Evan looked at the time and decided to end the battle.

Boom a pitch black shadow ball emerged in sylveon's mouth and shot it between sylveon's ribbon against Lairon, causing and explosion.

After the smoke dissipated, Vivian rushed to the stage and immediately announced the battle off.

"Evan, thank you for the beautiful battle" Savannah walked up to Evan and thanked him. Evan nodded and shook his hands out of politeness.

After winning Rubello ribbon, Evan has already collected 3 ribbon medals, now he only needed 2 more in order to participate in the Grand Festival.

Evan and his friends decided to spend the night in a pokémon center in Rubello town before heading towards Fortree city for their sixth gym badge.

The next day without wasting anymore time they headed towards the Fortree city and came across the Crossgate town at the foot of the hill.

" Okay let's go to the city" Brock said enthusiastically and introduced everyone to the village "this is village is Crossgate town also known as the 'crossroad of the winds'."

"It almost feels like you are flying" Feeling the flowing wind around themselves, Evan and his friends closed their eyes comfortably to feel the breeze.

As soon as they entered the village, they found out that Poké Ringer competition was being held here.

Flying pokémon showdown, a very special pokémon match by fighting for the ring.

"Evan, do you want to participate? " May asked excitedly.

"No, you guys participate" Evan shook his head, he wasn't interested in this kind of competition.

Having a good time while enjoying the competition, Ash's tailow successfully evolved into swellow and he became an honoray townsman by winning the competition.

After the competition, Evan and other continues on their road again.

Passing through the Crossgate town, they decided to camp at the forests.

The next morning

After washing up, Evan and Brock prepared a breakfast for everyone.As they started eating Ash's corphish finished his pokémon food in three bite and stole May's torchic's pokémon food, and torchic started crying.

And Corphish was caught red handed by Ash and May.

Evan's Blaziken glanced at the crying torchic and shook his head "Blazikenn~... ( crying is useless beat him up) "

"Corphish quickly apologize to torchic" Ash had an headache teaching Corphish.

Corphish put on a disdainful face and shook his head "cor~phis~phis~corr~ (why should I apologize) "

Torchic looked at the corphis with an angry face and a fight started immediately after disagreement, Torchic directly used ember and hit Corphish angrily.

"Tsk" Evan's forhead bulged in veins with vexation. " Kirlia stop them! "

"Kirlia~" Kirlia used her psychic power to separate them.

Seeing Kirlia getting annoyed following it's trainer's mood, torchic and corphish broke into a cold sweat and stopped fighting.

"Alright, alright, no need to be angry now here I'll gave you an extra food today, torchic special" Evan handed a huge mountain of pokémon food for torchic and finally it calmed down.

With the hatred of seizing his food, torchic was suddenly wrapped in a light of evolution and successfully evolved into a Combusken.

"Treecko, Kirlia, I think it is also the time for you to evolve" Evan suddenly said to his pokémon.

"Eh, Evan you can control their evolution"×2 Ash and May asked Evan in confusion.

" Oh it's not like that, Treecko has already met it's requirement to evolve along time ago, it's just that his evolution was being suppressed with everchanging stone.As for Kirlia , He is a male so I decided to evolve it into a Gallade with a dawn stone" Evan explained to everyone.

Brock nodded as he understood what I said but Ash and May were still showing a confused expression. But that's not Evan's problem, and finally after taking everchanging stone back Treecko began to glow with a light of evolution and evolved into a Grovyle. "Gro~grovyle~"

"Here take this Kirlia, with this you can evolve into a gallade" Evan gave dawn stone to Kirlia as Kirlia touched the dawn stone it also started to glow with a light of evolution and a cool looking pokémon, Gallade appeared.


"Congratulations Grovyle, Gallade you successfully evolved." Evan and his friends congratulated Grovyle and Gallade.

As the three pokémon evolved in the forests, Evan and his friends are about to arrive in Fortree City.

The sixth badge gym battle is about to begin in Fortree gym.

And the trip of Evan and his friends will continue.

~To Be Continued...