
Pokemon: Reincarnated As An Extra Who Never Existed

Chiks_Marak · Anime und Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter 17

Evan and his friends who are traveling towards Petalburg city are taking a break for a lunch.

"It's very delicious, another serve please" May's loud voice could be heard.

"Me too, me too, I didn't expect Evan to be good at cooking other than Broke" Max said as he extended his bowl.

"Haha did you thought just because I was born with a golden spoon, I couldn't cook" Max right though it was a skill gifted by a system Evan was being shameless but only he knew that it was because of his skill chef.

"We're just a little bit away before arriving at Petalburg city" Broke said to everyone holding a bowl.

"Dad is very strong you have to be careful Ash, Evan" Max said to Ash and Evan.

"Oh so the gym leader of Petalburg gym is your father?" Evan tried to be confuse since they haven't mention before that Max and May were the children of Norman.

"Oh did we not tell you" May asked.

"Nope, first time hearing" Evan replied nonchalantly.

At this time suddenly a loud roar came from the forests.

Everyone quickly looked towards the direction a loud roar came, and they saw a lavender pokémon with four teeth on a big mouth running towards Evan and others.

"That's a Loudred" Max exclaimed.

Moreover this loudred was on a berserk mode and was rushing foward destroying everything on it's way.

[ pokémon : Loudred

Level:Mid Gym


Suddenly a trainer arrived who seems to the trainer of loudred and ran towards the berserk loudred and stopped it and Loudred became normal.

After a while the trainer introduced himself, the name of Loudred's trainer was 'Guy'. Evan and the others also introduced themselves.

After learning that Guy was was going to participate in the upcoming Hoenn league and has two badges, Ash showed his own four badges, Guy admired Ash.Where as Evan remain silent.

Afterwards Evan and others learned that Loudred has become violent recently and doesn't listen to him sometimes and Evan expressed his own opinion "Some pokémon tends to change their personality when evolve, maybe your Loudred is on the verge of evolving."

"Indeed" Broke also agreed to my opinion.

"Evolution?? Really..? " Guy said excitedly.

Evan nodded affirmatively.

"Then what should I do?" Guy asked for my advice.

"Of course the fastest way is to gain experience through pokémon battle" I suggested as I showed a poké ball of my combusken who is also on the verge of evolution.

"Alright then" Guy accepted my suggestion

Broke decided to be the referee "it's a 1 on 1 battle between the trainer Evan and trainer Guy, let the battle begin!"

"Combusken, I choose you" "Combuskenn~"

"Let's go Loudred" Guy said with a fighting spirit.

"Combusken flame charge" Evan took the lead in attacking.

"Loudred dodge and use stomp" Guy also have his command. Boom Loudred successfully dodged and stomp on combusken's back.

"Combusken no get out and use flame thrower" As Evan instructed combusken successfully escaped from Loudred's stomp and used flame thrower.

"Super sonic" Guy countered flame thrower with a super sonic which was effective.

Guy took the opportunity and gave a quick command "use earthquake". The ground was shaking and it was very effective against combusken.

" Quick use quick attack and sky uppercut" Evan gave a quick order and it hit Loudred which made him fall to the ground.

After a while two evolution light emitted from Combusken and Loudred, successfully evolving into a Blaziken and Exploud.

[ Pokémon : Blaziken

Gender : ♂️

Type : Fire, Fighting

Level : Early Elite

Qualification : Champion

Favourability : 100%

Skills : Ember, growl, quick attack, scratch, flame charge, detect, sand attack,agility, aeriel ace, slash, bounce, flame thrower, fire punch,double kick, feather dance, sky uppercut,blaze kick, fire punch, bulk up, rock slide, earthquake]

[ pokémon: Exploud

Level:Late Gym


"This is the first time this kind of situation happening where 2 pokémons evolve at the same time, Do you want to resume the match" Broke asked Evan and Guy's opinion.

"Definitely" Evan and Ash said at the same time together.

" Then let the game continue " Broke said.

Immediately Evan gave his order " Blaziken use blaze kick."

Guy quickly asks " Exploud, dodge" However Exploud didn't listen to Guy's order Instead attacked with hyper voice.

"Exploud, why? " Guy was perplexed as Exploud started destroying the surroundings.

"Blaziken stop Exploud with Blaze kick" Evan gave Blaziken his order.

On the other side, Team Rocket, seeing Exploud not listening to it's trainer they were lost into their own delusions again to give Exploud as an alarm clock to their boss.

Exploud ran away destroying it's surrounding.

And Team Rocket with their latest gadget was planning to steal Exploud.

Just as they caught Exploud in a net, Exploud

easily tore it apart and used Hyper voice against team Rocket.

Team Rocket also didn't give up and came with an upgrade gadget, just as they were suceeding suddenly Guy arrived at the seen and took team rocket's attack on his body himself. And Ash asked Pikachu to use thunderbolt on the team rocket which sent them flying to the sky creating a star on the daylight.

After those situation, Exploud also recognized Guy as it's trainer, Evan and Guy continued their unfinished battle.

"Blaziken sky upper cut"

" Exploud hyper voice"

Although Exploud is powerful, Blaziken managed to defeat his oppenent.

Congratulations to Exploud for it's first defeat after his evolution 🥳🥳🥳

I mean congratulations on Blaziken for his first victory after evolution🥳🥳🥳

~To Be Continued....