
Chapter 208 Rockets’ Hoenn Debuts

Chenghua Gym.

Xiaozhi went to the Pokémon Center in order to teleport Savarang and Little Elephant back to Dr. Oak's Research Institute.

Team Rocket, who had been following along all the way, took advantage of Xiaozhi's absence to launch an attack on the gym. With a roar, a big hole was blown open in the outer wall of the gym!

The rising smoke and dust captivated the eyes of the family of four, Xiaosheng even fell to the ground, Xiaoyao covered his eyes,"What's going on?"

"Since you sincerely ask for advice!"

"We will tell you with great mercy!"

"Omit meow below!"

"While the little boss is away!"

"We're coming to collect the Pokémon from this gym!"

"This is the first appearance of Hoenn Place, it must be gorgeous!"

Musashi and Kojiro were very proud. They had been watching outside for a while, and they had seen with their own eyes how powerful the hyperactive monkeys and the leave kings in this gym were.

Taking advantage of Xiaozhi's temporary departure, they decisively launched an attack. , striving to win a quick victory and capture all these Pokémon after the battle!

It should be said that they really made a good plan!

"You areTeam Rocket, I saw you next to Ash!"Xiaoyao heard what Xiaozhi said about the Rockets trio and knew clearly that they were bad guys.

"Ah, are you Xiaoyao's friend?"Seeing Xiaoyao announcing their names, Mitsuko ignored the big hole in her wall and actually said thank you,"Thank you for taking care of Xiaoyao!"

"No, they are bad people!"Xiaoyao is going crazy. What should he do now that Xiaozhi is not here?

Musashi and Kojiro fight quickly. They have already thrown their pokeballs and used double-bomb gas to create a smoke screen, blocking the sight of everyone in the room.

"Be careful everyone!"Qianli finally realized that the two people in front of him came to invade the gym, but now he must protect his wife and children first!

So he threw the elf ball of the strongest ace, King of Leave.

"Abo monster, use collision now!"The Abo monster is a snake, and it can still see its opponent clearly in the smoke screen. It slammed towards the leave king.

However, it seemed to have hit an iron plate.

"I just saw it clearly. Although this Leave King is powerful, it can't attack continuously, right?"Musashi and Kojiro have seriously watched the battle between Xiaozhi and Qianli.

So they are not worried about this leave king at all, and quickly take the opportunity to snatch all the Pokémon here!

In the smoke screen, Xiaosheng always stands beside Xiaoyao," Sister, won't you take out your Pokémon? When you encounter a Pokémon, you should use Pokémon to fight against it! Hearing this

, Xiaoyao also made up his mind to join the battle,"Go, Fire Chicken!""

But she still didn't know what to do,"By the way, we have to use a trick.But for what?"

There are only a few skills in total. Xiaoyao still hesitates. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Abo monster knocks the fire chicken away with one head. Team Rocket and the others are merciless.

"Fire chicken!"Xiaoyao was even more panicked!

Musashi and Kojiro had already taken control of the situation,"Take advantage of now!"

"Sister, use sparks!"Xiao Sheng quickly reminded Xiao Yao, who reacted and called out,"Huo Zhiji, use sparks!"

I saw fire shining in the smoke screen, and Xiao Sheng was burned to coke. I don't know if the fire chicken did it on purpose.

"Oops, Xiao Sheng, are you okay?"

"It's okay, the sparks from the fire chick are really hot, I'm so touched"Xiaosheng experienced the skills of Pokémon firsthand, which was a good experience for him.

The smoke cleared and Team Rocket had withdrawn, having indeed completed their raid before Ash returned. However, the Leave King was still by Qianli and Mitsuko's side and was not taken away.

"Dad, my turkey chick is missing!"The only thing missing is the fire chicken that Xiaoyao just got, and now she is really anxious.

The family chased out of the big hole in the wall, and saw that Team Rocket had flown into the sky in a balloon, and the fire chicken Putting it in a cloth bag, with a proud look on his face,"We will take this Pokémon away, bye!"

The Flame Chicken is one of the three fire-type masters of Fengyuan. It is naturally a very valuable and excellent Pokémon, and it is obviously easier to catch. Team Rocket really made a good choice this time.

They didn't say much this time. Xiaozhi hadn't come back yet, so he hurried away after achieving his small goal!

Seeing them flying further and further away, Xiaoyao sat on the ground in frustration,"My little fire chicken, I just got it not long ago!""

"You can't do this, sister!"Xiao Sheng wanted to pull her up,"Let's go find Brother Xiao Zhi, he must have a way to get the turkey chicken back!"

"What happened?"As soon as Xiao Sheng finished speaking, Xiao Zhi came back. He had just talked with Dr. Omu about the rewards for the three divine beasts, and said that they were already on the way, so he was delayed for some time.

"Xiaozhi!"Hearing Xiaozhi's voice, Xiaoyao suddenly felt like he had found hope,"Team Rocket, took away my fire chicken!"

"Pickup truck?"

Even Pikachu was confused, why did Team Rocket show up again? It seems to be a fact, and Xiaozhi quickly agreed,"Don't worry, we will definitely rescue the Fire Chicken!"

A group of five people started chasing in the direction of Team Rocket's balloon. It's a pity that no one here has a flying Pokémon, otherwise there wouldn't be so much trouble!

"So let's search separately from here!" Qianli suggested, and then took Mitsuko in another direction to look for her. The relationship was really good!

It made others envious!

"No footprints left!"Xiao Sheng was lying on the ground with a magnifying glass, not knowing what he was looking for.

"Yes, Team Rocket's people flew away from the sky!"Xiaoyao is extremely anxious, this kid is still playing tricks here!

"Yes!"Xiao Sheng quickly stood up from the ground and said with a proud look on his face,"This way I can use my mind, develop brilliant reasoning, treat my sister as a subordinate, and lead the solution to this incident!

Xiaoyao couldn't stand it anymore,"Stop talking nonsense!""Then he hit his head with a punch.

After being beaten, the boy's eyes were filled with tears. He actually fell to the ground and rolled around,"Sister hit me!"

Xiao Zhi couldn't stand it any longer, so he hit his head with a fist, which made him immediately hold his head and cry out the pain,"It hurts, Mr. Xiao Zhi, you hit him too hard!""

"Boy, if you dare to act cute again, I will let you taste the iron fist of my love!"Xiao Zhi looked at this little boy and really had a headache. He couldn't help but want to beat him. What's going on?

"Xiaozhi, let's go find my turkey chicken quickly, okay?"Xiaoyao is really anxious!

"Folks, we've found it!"Qianli and Mitsuko came back at some point. Xiaozhi was a little sweaty and didn't know if they saw him beating their son.

However, they didn't seem to care and quickly led everyone to find Team Rocket's hot air balloon. , the three of them seemed not to be there, but the turkey chick was locked in a cage next to the hot air balloon.

"Fire chicken!"Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng ran over immediately, and there was no doubt that they fell into a trap.

Xiaozhi grabbed Qianli and Mitsuko who were about to run over,"Leave it to me!"

A blue light flashed in his eyes, and Xiaoyao, Xiaosheng and Huo Zhiji were brought over. Xiaosheng floated in the air and suddenly exclaimed,"Brother, do you have super powers?"

Ignoring him, the mission of rescuing the Fire Chicken was completed. Xiaozhi shouted sharply,"Team Rocket, come out to meet us!"

"yes!"The trio rushed out of the jungle on the side with a few fruits. When they saw Xiaozhi, they immediately smiled and said,"Little Guitou Boss, would you like some?"

"Do you have any information about the mysterious organization from before?"
