
Chapter 207 A Hard Fight, The Powerful Slaking

"Come back, Shawarang!"Xiao Zhi took back the evolved Savarang. It was seriously injured in the battle just now, so there is no need to force it.

"Why did you take it back? I still want to see how powerful this Shawarang is!"Xiao Sheng murmured as if complaining, but was slapped on the head by Xiao Yao

"Sister, why did you hit me?"Xiao Sheng covered his head and looked at Xiao Yao angrily, but suddenly noticed Xiao Zhi's eyes looking towards him, and quickly shrank his neck,"Boss, you continue, you continue!"

This is a Pokémon battle, not a show for you guys. It is also the trainer's responsibility to pay attention to the condition of Pokémon.

Mitsuko on the side smiled secretly,"Ash is really awesome!"

"It's up to you, mini dragon!

Seeing Xiaozhi sending out the mini dragon, Xiao Sheng immediately screamed,"Sister, did you see it?" This is the Mini Dragon that defeated several opponent Pokémon at once in the first round of the Finals Tournament!"

Qianli was shocked when he saw the mini dragon, but he quickly recovered.���, as the champion of the conference, it is not surprising that there is a mini dragon,"Xiaozhi, your strength is so surprising, this is the last battle, fight with all your strength!""

"Wouldn't Dad feel unwilling to do so?"Xiao Sheng looked at the battle and looked at Qianli's expression and said doubtfully.

"Nope!"As a wife, Mitsuko really understands Qianli,"He looks very happy!"

"happy?"Xiao Sheng didn't seem to understand the meaning of being a trainer, but he just thought it was a cool thing.

Qianli threw his third elf ball,"Go, leave king!"

Sure enough, his third Pokémon is the King of Leave. What is different from the illustration is that the King of Leave is standing facing Xiaozhi and the Mini Dragon.

This shows that the bond between this King of Leave and Qianli is very valuable. High, so that it can be the same as Ash's Kirby.

This is Qianli's strongest trump card!

"Mini dragon, blizzard!"

Xiao Zhi took the lead in launching an attack. The biting wind and snow hit the Leave King. In the blink of an eye, it was covered with a layer of ice crystals. However, Qianli did not panic. After the Leave King appeared, he changed his previous momentum. , obviously he has confidence in the strength of the King of Leave to win.

"Xiaozhi, this kind of skill can't make the trouble-free Pokémon King of Leave use all his strength. King of Leave, use Qi Fist!"

This Qi Fist is a super move in the fighting system, but Xiaozhi did not let his Pokémon master this skill.

Although this skill is very powerful, it requires a certain amount of time to accumulate momentum. If you are attacked during the process, The attack will be interrupted and the launch will fail!

How to use such skills in the battle is a very big test for the trainer!

The momentum of Qianli and the King of Leave made Xiaozhi frown again and again. The current strength of the mini dragon is still It's too small, but it has the speed skill that has always been used to crush it.

This leave king is very powerful in both defense and attack, but it can't attack continuously. If it can't be hit, it will be seriously injured if it is hit on its side. How to fight such an opponent?

"Mini dragon, dragon tail!"

The figure of the mini dragon suddenly disappeared, a dragon tail knocked away the leave king's zhenqi punch, and then a tail slapped it on the head!


At this time, the leave king finally roared, obviously angry!

"Oops, it made it angry!"Mitsuko knows Qianli's leave-taking king very well, and now it is going to use its full strength!

"Just what I wanted!"Xiao Zhi smiled slightly, so what if you are serious about it, what if you are angry, you are still lazy, you still need to take a break after beating!

"Electromagnetic waves!"

The mini dragon doesn't have many skills that it can use now, but there is still a current that jumps from the white horn on its forehead and wraps around the leave king!

"The leave king was paralyzed!"Xiao Sheng is aware of the current situation!

The king of leave hammered his chest, his momentum continued to increase, but suddenly a flash of electricity flashed across his body, and he felt a numbness in half of his body, and he was unable to move!

"One more time, Dragon Tail!"The mini dragon hit the Leave King on the head with another dragon tail. Now there is only the Leave King left in Qianli, so it will not be forced to leave the stage by the Dragon Tail.

In the eyes of the Leave King, this one The mini dragon is probably as slippery as a small loach!

"Ask for leave, use Earthquake!"Qianli knew that he didn't have many chances to attack, so the skills he asked the King of Leave to learn were all ultimate moves!

He saw the King of Leave jumping up high, and his huge body sank down, and the concussive power continued to spread from its feet.

Such an attack is simply impossible Unable to escape, Mini Dragon and Ash had no choice but to resist!

By the time the shock was over, Mini Dragon had already consumed a lot of energy, and Ash frowned,"Mini Dragon, use Blizzard continuously!"

The biting cold wind blew, and the entire battlefield suddenly became cold.

Xiaoyao sat next to her mother and shivered,"It's so cold."

The Leave King just stretched out his palms to resist, but they were quickly frozen. The ice spread from the Leave King's palms and quickly sealed them.

"Ask for leave and use the destruction death ray!"This is the ultimate move of the general system, but as soon as the King of Leave was about to move, electricity flashed on his body, and he was numb. The King of Leave was immediately unable to move! The mini dragon's blizzard continued, and it moved and sprayed out around the King of Leave. The blizzard has made the ice on its body thicker and thicker!

No matter how fleshy the King of Leave is, such ice will definitely consume a lot of energy!

"King of leave, use your laziness quickly!"I didn't expect Qianli to have another move. This is the scary thing about the Leave King. It can slowly recover part of the physical strength by being lazy and relaxing the muscles.

Although the recovery effect is much worse than the sleep skill, it makes the battle at this moment… It became a tug of war!

"Dragon's wrath!"

This is Xiaozhi's final trick. The mini dragon consumes a lot of energy. If he can't defeat the leave king again, he will decide to challenge again next time!


The mini-dragon stopped the blizzard and let out a childish dragon roar to the sky. Its belly was glowing, and the energy of the dragon system was concentrated and spurted out from its mouth!

A giant dragon of energy blasted towards the leave king. The ice outside was also blown to pieces.

"Is it done?"A blue light flashed on Xiaozhi's body, but he found that the King of Leave was still standing on the spot, not falling down!

It was such a thick blood and such a strong defense. Xiaozhi finally felt how his opponent felt when facing his Kirby beast.

The mini-dragon was already exhausted, so Xiaozhi took out the elf ball,"Come back, mini-dragon!""

"Mr. Qianli, let's stop here. When we come back here, I will challenge you again!"
