
Pokemon AU : A Dangerous World

The world is a dangerous, deadly place, and mankind vies for its very existence on a planet prowled by terrifying monsters and powerful creatures. Ash of Pallet Town, a talented trainer who knows this all too well sets out to change everything. Along the way he meets colorful characters, makes potent allies and wicked enemies, and crashes into a plot spanning all Kanto.

Imu_D_Boss · Anime und Comics
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32 Chs

Chapter no.26

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The sunrise on the following morning was absolutely breathtaking. As the minutes ticked by, the skies gradually became crystal clear and cloudless. At the same time, the first sliver of sunlight that appeared on the horizon gradually illuminated Ash and Misty's rented room. Ash slowly opened his eyes and guessed that the thin curtains that were hanging over the windows were there not so much to prevent the sunlight from entering the room as they were to disperse it evenly throughout the space.

At seven in the morning, almost a quarter of the sun was visible above the horizon. Ash, who felt revitalised and fully awake, got out of bed, dressed in clean clothes and tactical armour, and walked to the windows of the room. Almost immediately, Pikachu became awake, alert, and sat up in the bed, where it continued to keep a watchful eye on its trainer. While Ash opened the curtains enough to get a clear view of the outside world, Growlithe opened one eye but otherwise remained motionless and relaxed.

When Ash turned towards the door in the early morning, he noticed a folded piece of paper lying on the carpet. This led him to conclude that someone must have passed by the room at some point during the early hours of the day and left a note there. It was a question that he tried to push to the back of his mind as he continued to concentrate on what they were doing. As Ash tore off the sticker that had been holding the note shut, Misty began to wriggle and poke her head out from under the covers.

Misty mumbled something about "Wassat."

After giving it a cursory look over, Ash refolded the note and put it away. He said that the information came from the nurses who were in charge of Fearow. As Ash tucked the paper into his back pocket, a broad grin spread across his face. The treatments went off without a hitch; the doctor's note indicates that Fearow will be fine, but she will need to take it easy for a little while.

Misty asked as she finally roused herself enough to sit up and stretch, "Is Fearow a she?"

Ash responded with a chuckle, "I know." "When I saw her the other day, I didn't get the impression that she was very feminine."

The two instructors gathered their belongings and packed whatever they had left undone from the previous night's preparations. While Misty was busy putting away something that Ash believed she did not want him to see, he took advantage of the opportunity to go through the remaining money he'd received from Jesse and James and count it all out. Wow, what a grouch he was. How much more do you need to get rid of? And he couldn't exactly blow all of it in front of Misty because she would in all likelihood get curious about what he was doing with it.

It wouldn't be until much later that he'd realise the irony of wishing he didn't have any money in his possession.

After ensuring that everything was in order, Ash and Misty dashed down to the cafeteria for a speedy breakfast before returning to collect Fearow and leaving the Pokémon Center in their wake. They went back to the same militia surplus store that they had been to the day before and bought a few "luxury" items for the road, such as some wood-alcohol and toilet paper, at Misty's recommendation. When nothing else was available, according to her, the latter made for an effective sterilising solution.

At nine in the morning, they exited the city through the northern gate of Viridian. They then made their way for a quarter of a mile along the rugged but well-maintained footpath that encircles Viridian before turning onto the wider, gravel-topped way of Route 2. They encountered a few other people on the road as they walked, and the ground beneath their feet changed from crushed stone to dirt as they got further and further away from the town, but by and large, Ash and Misty did not come across anyone else who was leaving the city.

After travelling for an hour, the trainers noticed that there was no one else on the road at all, and Route 2 had shrunk from a wide road to something resembling a country lane that cut through tall grass. Along the way, Ash would pause every now and then when Growlithe, who had assumed the role of leading the group, would pause to take a whiff of the air or turn his attention to a rustling in the grass just off the path.

Misty murmured to Ash, "He's really turned into quite the little protector," as Growlithe stopped and bounded off to the edge of the road, barking furiously at something neither trainer saw. "He's really turned into quite the little protector,"

Ash gave a satisfied nod when he heard the rattling hiss of a terrified Rattata and saw the purple rodent's tail twitching crazily as the Pokémon turned and fled into the grass. Growlithe barked once more, this time especially loudly for good measure, before turning around, trotting back to Ash, and sitting in front of him while staring up at the trainer with a look that said, "didn't I do so good?"

Ash knelt down and scratched Growlithe's ears while simultaneously complimenting him and pointing out that he had done an excellent job of scaring off the Rattata. As Growlithe basked in the compliments that Ash was giving him, he remarked, "I get the feeling that this little guy is a lot stronger than I thought when I met him." Ash turned to Misty and asked, "Even without a pack, he's assertive, confident, and playful. How old do you think he is?" "Even without a pack, he's assertive, confident, and playful,"