
Pokemon AU : A Dangerous World

The world is a dangerous, deadly place, and mankind vies for its very existence on a planet prowled by terrifying monsters and powerful creatures. Ash of Pallet Town, a talented trainer who knows this all too well sets out to change everything. Along the way he meets colorful characters, makes potent allies and wicked enemies, and crashes into a plot spanning all Kanto.

Imu_D_Boss · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Chapter no.25

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Ash had already fallen asleep before Misty had even finished taking her shower. After realising that she had only brought her soiled clothes into the toilet with her, Misty threw the towel around her waist and strolled absentmindedly into the main room, more or less exposed to the world. The small towel that was provided by the Center was barely large enough to dry her, and it was in no way large enough to cover her properly. She had gotten as far as the pack that she had left by her bed before it dawned on her that Ash was still in the room and that both of his Pokémon were staring at her with curious gazes. She had gotten as far as the pack that she had left by her bed before it dawned on her that Ash was still in the room.

Misty let out a startled yelp, and the joy she had felt from the steamy shower vanished in an instant as she snatched her backpack from the floor. She did this involuntarily, causing a terrible commotion in the process and undoing the knot that had been holding the towel around her hips. She then jerked it up in front of her chest. As Ash stirred and reached up to rub the side of his face, the white cotton cloth slipped and fell to the ground at Misty's feet at approximately the same time that she realised how noisily she'd try to conceal herself. Ash had stirred and was rubbing the side of his face. Misty had just realised how noisily she'd try to conceal herself.

However, for a split second, Misty was oblivious to the fact that her towel had fallen to the floor. She had just finished taking her shower when she realised that Ash had taken off his shirt at some point while she was in the shower and was now lying on the bed with his hands behind his head. Wow, the girl thought to herself for a split second. She mused to herself for a moment, not so much on the fact that she was ogling a man younger than herself, but more on the fact that Ash appeared as though he were carved out of wood. "He's got to be older than sixteen," she told herself. "He's got to be older than sixteen."

Growlithe let out a single hacking cough, which caused him to throw back his head and disrupt Misty's train of thought. The trainer with the fiery red hair shook her head once and immediately recalled that she was standing in the room almost naked... Misty was mortified and was now blushing furiously; she simply grabbed hold of the rucksack and ran into the bathroom. As she entered, she slammed the door behind her with a loud crack, which immediately put Growlithe on high alert. In his sleep, Ash rolled over onto his side, turned to face the wall, and mumbled something. Pikachu and Growlithe looked at each other with confused looks before turning their attention to the entrance to the room.

Misty took a few deep breaths as she slouched against the wall and tossed her backpack between the toilet and the washbasin. She then took a few more breaths. A short while later, she sat up straight and moved her ear towards the entrance to the room. She was relieved to discover that the only sound she had heard was the dog by the door panting. She mumbled, "What was I thinking?" while shaking her head and turning a deeper shade of red. She was so out of breath that she put her hand to her chest before turning back to the shower. She muttered, "Right," as she reached for the handle and turned it to the "cold" setting.

Misty was very thankful that Ash was able to sleep soundly and peacefully for the next half an hour because she was unsure whether or not she would be able to look at him in the near future without feeling embarrassed. The young lady decided that in order to get herself out of the room, it was necessary for someone to do the laundry, and the Center had a facility located in the basement specifically for doing so. To achieve this goal, Misty gathered up all of her garments, with the exception of the set she was wearing at the time, which happened to be her very last clean set, and tossed them into a plastic bag that the Center had left by the entrance.

Misty took a quick glance around, and when she noticed that Ash was still wearing the same trousers that she had seen him in when they left Pallet Town, she made the assumption that the rest of his clothes were clean, and that the young trainer, like herself, was used to sleeping in less than ideal conditions. She left the room after picking up his shirt, and as she was walking down the hallway, she caught the very last glimpse of the sun before it disappeared behind the horizon. She left the room just in time.

The rest of the night proceeded normally without any problems. After finishing her laundry at nine o'clock in the evening, Misty returned to her room, but not before making a quick trip to the cafeteria for a "cheap" dinner. She had considered using some of her field rations as a cash substitute, but in the end, she decided against taking that course of action. She argued with herself that despite the fact that it was pricey... In the event that we are stranded in the wilderness without any food, we cannot eat money.

When she finally made it back to the room, Ash had already risen and was in the process of taking a shower. The trainer with the orange hair made sure to knock on the bathroom door while it was closed and call out that she had returned so that Ash would know not to leave the room without covering up. There was no call for Fearow before eleven, so after a particularly austere dinner and some idle chatter, the two trainers decided to call it a night so they could get some extra rest the following morning.

"Would it be all right if I asked you something?" Misty questioned as she and Ash made their way into their respective beds.

"Go for it," Ash said as he listened in the dark to Growlithe sleeping lightly by the side of his bed and scratching Pikachu behind the ears. "Go for it," Growlithe said in response. "Go for it." The yellow rodent had curled up in a ball by Ash's head, sandwiched in between the side of his face and his shoulder. "I think we've passed the point where we need to ask to ask questions," he said. "I think we've passed the point."

Misty gave a dismissive shrug despite the fact that she was aware Ash would not notice the gesture. The girl said, "You haven't mentioned to anyone that Pallet Town has been destroyed," which was something that the boy had not done.

Even if I were to speak up about it, not much would change, according to Ash. "There's not much anyone could do about it." It's not like the news won't be all over it by tomorrow or the next day anyway... by not bringing it up to anyone, we avoid a lot of unnecessary attention" and pity. "It's not like the news won't be all over it by tomorrow or the next day anyway."

Misty responded, "That makes perfect sense to me." "Then, I bid you good night."

Ash mumbled, "Night," as he closed his eyes and made an effort to calm down.

Misty waited a few minutes, until she was certain that Ash was asleep, then rolled to the edge of her bed and, as quietly as she could, reached down to her pack and opened a small concealed flap. Once she was satisfied that Ash was asleep, Misty proceeded to the next step. She reached inside the bag, rummaged around for a few moments, and finally extracted a stuffed Squirtle doll. She smiled to herself as she tucked herself under the covers and cuddled up with the little doll before slowly falling asleep.