

The next day, I decided to relax and watch some battles in the Pokemon Centre.

I opted out from researching too deeply into Gym leader Erika's fighting style.

I didn't want to train Cet in niche tactics dedicated to Erika's battle style when I booked my match as he didn't even know basic commands then. Knowing that basics are always important, I decided to concentrate on his foundation back then.

As he only recently understood all the basic commands and moves. Now I don't have time to train him for niche situations, making me decide to spend my last day watching battles.

With Nia in my embrace and Cet sprawled on my head, I sat in the audience seat, observing the novice trainers.

Cet being Cet twitched and tried to fly whenever something moved, be it flowers, Pokemon or trainers making me command him to stay strictly more than once.

But he settled down when Nia got a treat and he didn't, making me laugh.

I wanted my Pokemon to spend time outside their Pokeballs as much as possible until they chose otherwise.

As we watched the battles a particular caught our eyes, at least mine as Cet started sleeping after not being able to move for 2 minutes, making me return him.

A girl was using an Abra.

An Abra is notoriously difficult to train, with it requiring more than 18 hours of sleep a day and not being able to learn any moves naturally until it evolves.

Her opponent was using a Scyther, making me wince at the bad matchup.

"Scyther, Quick attack. Follow it up by Fury Cutter," He shouted.

The scythe blurred, covering more than half the distance to Abra and nimbly flew towards the Abra, pushing the ground with its legs, gaining short bursts of speed.

Just as I thought the Scyther's attack was going to connect to Abra it teleported, appearing to the back of the Scyther.

"Confusion," shouted the girl.

Abra let a weak telekinetic attack, hitting the Scyther.

The situation repeated itself two more times, becoming a battle of endurance.

Just as I thought the Abra was going to tire itself first, the girl shouted.


The Abra teleported to the back of the Scyther and hit it with a Fire punch.

'Oh! Super effective,' I thought cringing inwardly, feeling bad for the poor Scyther.

The Scyther and its trainer cried out in unison as the nimble Pokemon's body skated across the ground and crashed.

The Scyther slowly stood up, eliciting a cheer from the crowd.

The Abra looked tired, floating unsteadily huffing and puffing.

The Scyther darted towards the Abra again, Fury cutter move making its scythes glint.

"Finish it" "Fire punch."

Both trainers shouted ending the match.

The Scyther fainted, leaving an Abra sitting on the floor, inhaling mouthfuls of air like it, didn't know what air was until recently.

The girl took pity on the Abra and recalled it.

The girl won the match.

The guy could have easily won the match if he had simply played to Scyther's strengths instead of forcing a confrontation.

Forcing the Abra to teleport and tire it out does not take much effort as Abra are generally very frail. With Scyther's speed, he could have run circles around the Abra making it use Teleports repeatedly with threatening feints.

'He should have learned more about the Abra line, before trying to battle one.' I thought shaking my head.

The girl battled cleverly. But the Abra is highly unusual as far as I can tell.

' I would let Cet eat me if she trained Abra to learn confusion and Fire punch in two weeks,' I thought, as the crowd cheered for her win, despite teaching Cet Gust, Agility, BraveBird and Posion sting in a mere 17 days. 

It might appear as though he achieved the impossible, but the fact is that Gust and Brave Bird being egg moves of the same type reduced their difficulty drastically when compared to learning a new move from TM.

With him being a poison type, learning poison Sting takes time just like Cet took a total amount of 13 days to perfect it. Cet learning agility quickly is fully attributed to Gengar and it's being a TM. 

So, Any Pokemon can learn the same type of basic moves from TM's quickly. A poison Pokemon can learn basic TM such as Poison Sting quickly, as opposed to learning Toxic or Venoshock which take quite a long time to learn. 

Abra's are supposed to sleep a minimum amount of 18 hours a day and the resting increases if they work too much.

So, there is no way that girl trained the Abra by herself as they tend to Teleport away if they face a situation they don't like.

An Abra needs at least 1 or 2 months for it to be even able to learn a single move. 

An Abra is only useful after it becomes a Kadabra. Even with Abra making the worst starters, people are crazy for the Abra line because of a simple reason.

They are the masters of Teleportation.

The Abra line can perform the longest teleportation and a high number of short-range teleportations.

If you face a Kadabra or Alakazam in a battle, you better be facing them with a Dark or Ghost-type Pokemon. Otherwise, the match is lost, it was an unwritten rule, really.

Kadabra can perform a great number of teleportations making it neigh impossible to hit.

The Abra the girl used even has Fire punch as the egg move. I am assuming, otherwise, an Abra like this can't exist. 

Accounting for the last mating month, the girl would have Abra with her for at least a month, which she is used to teach Abra Confusion, but elites are not restricted by mating months adding unrequired variables to my analysis, making me stop analysing.

Abra is the type of Pokemon that evolves into Kadabra after a certain time, unlike some Pokemon such as Magikarp or Zubat, which can be in their base forms all their life if certain conditions like berry intake quantity are not met.

So, the Abra is specifically bred to shore up its weakness. Having a fire-type parent that imparts a Fire-type egg move, makes it easier for the Abra to learn fire-type moves easier in the future, effectively removing the threat the Bug-type Pokemons pose to the psychic type.

'She is a rich second generation' I concluded. Just as I was dreaming about what would I do If I had that money or backing, someone tapped on my shoulder.

The smug kid from before was looking at me with the same superior look on his face.

"I have someone who wants to meet you" he said signalling to the back of a guy surrounded by a group of trainers.

After looking over the smug kid from top to bottom, I shooed him waving my hand and went back to my daydreams.

Since he didn't disturb me again, it seems my efforts to make him go away succeeded.

Just as I was becoming bored with the ongoing battles, a guy came up to one of the challenger podiums and released a Gastly.

"Oh! I think I saw this Gastly before," I murmured, impressed that I was able to see two rare starters in a single day.

Just as I shifted towards him, he pointed at me and shouted.

"Trainer Leo, I heard about your Zubat's prowess. How about a match now? I will bet a luxury meal package too."

The offer was tempting, but he is most likely the guy that the smug kid pointed to, so he may try to injure Cet.

I was honestly tempted by the luxury packages, but keeping Cet in tip-top condition for tomorrow's match takes priority for now.

So, I waved my hand indicating that I won't battle instead of shouting.

Maybe I underestimated the smug kid's spite, as the novice trainers who came with the smug kid started shouting things like coward and typical spiel to force me to battle.

I just ignored them and looked towards other battlefields, the whole training stadium's attention was on me because of these guys' nuisance. 

I waited and just sat there, thinking they would get tired or bored.

It seemed I was wrong again, as one girl from their group walked up to me and started saying something, making me walk from there.

Boo's sounded behind me as I made my way to exit the training area.

Just as I was about to exit the area, I stopped.

'What am I doing? Ignoring the smug kid and noisy trainers just because dealing with them is tiresome.' 

'The kids booing and the attention of every trainer in the novice battlefield didn't bother me except irritating me slightly as they changed my plans for the day. I thought I was going to change, that won't revert back to my previous apathetic state.' I thought reflecting on my earlier behaviour. 

As my retrospection came to an end, I went back into the training area, making the Goon group- that is what I am going to call them- smirk.

I donned a smirk of my own and spoke loudly so that everyone could hear.

"I have a Gym Match tomorrow, so how about a match the day after tomorrow? The bet's going to be a Luxury ball. Of course, you can refuse it. If you think your Gastly is going to lose to a Zubat."

I continued.

"Just like how the smug kid lost there, with a Geodude no less," I said causing some murmurs from the crowd.

The smug kid whispered hastily into the Ghastly trainer's ears, most likely pleading, making him nod.

"Ok! But if you lose you will have to agree that you used cheap tricks to win against Connor here." He shouted entertaining our audience.

I nodded, indicating my agreement.

' One more thing to look forward to after I win the Gym match' I thought grinning as I made my exit from the training area.

I am writing about his personality so much, so that you can understand some of his future decisions more clearly, and to give him a clear personality or I am trying to at least. 

soul_wordscreators' thoughts