
13: First Gym Battle

Jayden followed a dirt road path beside pewter city, this was the path that led towards the pewter city gym.

the rock type gym to be exact.

While on the bike, Jayden noticed a few other trainers going in the same direction he was, some were walking, and some were on bikes.

it wasn't long before Jayden found the pewter city gym building.

it wasn't too grand, but I was imposing and was decorated with stones all around, whether this was the building itself or the space around it, there were rocks everywhere.

"did they really have to go so far to match the gym's typing?" Jayden heard a mumble from a trainer who was behind him.

Beside the trainer was a Squirtle that slowly followed.

Jayden had to agree with the trainer, even so having the gym decorated depending on their typing made them easy to differentiate.

Jayden spent no more time looking around and entered the pewter city gym.

there were rocks everywhere across the battlefield, and many artificial hills.

there seemed to be a battle happening currently.

Jayden noticed a few guards who stopped people from entering the field immediately and motioned people towards the stadium-like stands.


Battles upon battles were issued towards the gym leader "Forrest" who was the brother of the previous gym leader brock.

Jayden studied the gym leader's fighting habits while sitting in the stands.

this fight might be easier than he expected, the gym leader's pokemon weren't that strong, not only that, trainers could also use the rocky environment to their advantage as well.

even so there were only 2 people who had managed to defeat forrest and earn their rock badge.

Soon it came down for Jayden to fight the gym leader, although he had no type advantage over the rock type Pokemon that forrest had, his Pokemon were all high level and could destroy this gym.

Gym leader Forest came back after healing his Pokemon and stood a few meters away from Jayden.

a lady dressed in a blue uniformed outfit appeared on the field before stating the rules.

"the gym leader can only use it's two pokemon, while the challenger can use as many Pokemon as he wants, whoever has all their pokemon knocked out will be the loser of this match, if your both ready, let the battle begin"

she said before walking away.

"are you ready?" forrest said with a large grin.

he had spiky light brown hair, kind of like his brother, and with the same seemingly always closed eyelids.

"let's start" Jayden replied, he then sent out Pidgeotto.


the winds around the field blew heavily and Pidgeotto appeared in the air, causing the rocky earth particles to float in the wind.

" a Pidgeotto?" Forrest was surprised for a second before sharpening his gaze and turning serious.

"come out Geodude" Forrest threw his PokeBall and a Geodude came out, it flexed its muscles before preparing for battle.

Forrest chose to start off the battle and said with a fighting spirit "Geodude use tackle"

Geodude rushed towards Pidgeotto who was in mid-air.

Jayden sighed sympathetically before saying.

"Pidgeotto fly up as high as you can so Geodude can't touch you, then finish this with a twister"

Pidgeotto flew up a dozen meters, leaving Geodude in awe as it stared at the flying bird.

Forrest sighed in disappointment, he figured this would happen, if only it was onix.

the large winds around the field twisted and turned.

this caused many people on the stands to gasp in shock, they usually wouldn't see such a strong Pokemon like Pidgeotto on the regular.

a large tornado was created, it was mixed with the particles of rocks that were laying across the field, the rocks were randomly flying out towards Geodude, causing it to rush about.

"Geodude try to dodge this attack" Forrest said immediately.

Pidgeotto flapped its wings even more ferociously and released the devastating attack.


the tornado rushed towards Geodude, spinning with great power.

Geodude couldn't dodge, the winds alone were strong enough to make its movements too slow.

Geodude was immediately engulfed by the twisted, it was hit many times by cutting winds and sent flying before it fainted.

Geodude was unconscious.

Forrest had a calm expression before calling Geodude to return and throwing another PokeBall.

"come out, onix"


the PokeBall opened and a large creature appeared, it was in the shape of a snake but it was made from boulders and rocks.


the ground under onix shatter and it released a strong roar. even though onix was huge, it was still intimidated by the flying Pidgeotto.

"Pidgeotto return" Jayden called back Pidgeotto, even though it probably wanted to fight again.

"huh?" Forrest was surprised, he hadn't expected Jayden to change his Pokemon right after he brought out his onix.

"could he perhaps have a stronger pokemon?" Forrest began to sweat.

Jayden grabbed a PokeBall and threw it.

"Come out, Magikarp"


"wait...Magikarp?" Forrest was conflicted in his head, he was wondering if he heard correctly.

"there is no way"

he was bamboozled when he noticed that a Magikarp had really appeared out of the PokeBall and onto the battle field.

it laid there flat like a small towel and continuously flapped its tail.

"it's a shiny Magikarp" Forrest said in surprise, after that he didn't think much else, he only thought that Jayden was lucky as hell.


Jayden walked up to Magikarp and rubbed its golden scales.

"don't worry about the big guy's size, just try your hardest and do some damage" Jayden consoled it, he noticed that Magikarp was scared of onix's size,

even though it was only a poor Magikarp, Jayden wasn't planning on letting it lay down all day without battling a lil bit.

plus he could always call back magikarp if it couldn't take the battle anymore, Magikarp was already level 20, it's tackle skill should at least do some damage.

"are you ready?" Forrest asked when he noticed Jayden step back from the battlefield after his quick talk with his Pokemon.


Jayden smiled, he was looking forward to this exchange.