
Pokemon: - The Journey of a Reincarnator

Join my discord server. https://discord.gg/7UKG6SZy8u AZURE's server ____________ "Itsuki Kagami is my name" I was reincarnated in Pallet town; I was the neighbor of Ash Ketchum. I and Ash quickly became best friends because of our interest in the Pokémon.] Itsuki is reincarnated in pokemon world with 3 wishes. Itsuki wants to compete and defeat the Mc of pokemon. Itsuki is one year older than Ash. This novel is about the journey of a reincarnator who admired Ash and loved. Now after reincarnating to his favorite anime, Itsuki's greatest wish is to defeat Ash and make his own legend. Note:- Our MC is not a perfect man. He also has his shortcomings which will be shown in upcoming chapters. Also this world is different from the anime, because other Anime characters might exist in this world and will be introduced in upcoming chapters. ___________________ [If you want to read advance 19 chapters https://www.patreon.com/Azure_warrior.] __________________ I am not the owner of the cover image. Credit goes to the owner.

Azure_warrior · Anime und Comics
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191 Chs

Chapter 4 - Eevee

[Pokémon: - Zeraora

_Level 31

_Type: - Electric

_Species: - Thunderclap Pokémon

_Ability: - Volt Absorb

_Gender: - Female

_Plasma Fist | Wild Charge | Close Combat | Quick Attack | Grass Knot]

"My Zera is really powerful but I wonder how does this leveling system work? Looks like I have to find out by myself." Itsuki knew that he cannot ask system because the system is only meant for assistance. Itsuki also knew that the leveling system is different from how it used to work in games.


Zera looked at Itsuki in confusion. "It's nothing. Just thinking what should we do today?" Itsuki then rubbed Zera head.


Zera smiled and closed her eyes while enjoying this.

"Zera, why don't you go and gather some dry woods while I wash my up and prepare for breakfast." Zera nodded with a smile and left.

After Zera left, Itsuki then looked at the things he had in his inventory.

[ 6 Great pokeballs, 3 Ultra Pokeballs, 10 Super potions 10 Hyper potions, 10 Max potions, 10 full restore potions, 1 Master Pokeball]


Itsuki couldn't believe what he was seeing.

A master pokeball is the most powerful Pokeball in Pokémon Go. Although the Masterball is the rarest and most expensive Pokeball, it can effectively be used to capture any wild Pokémon in Pokémon Go.

"A master ball can even catch Mewtwo or Mew."

(Tier 1) Pokeball

This is the most basic of Poke balls. The standard Pokeball is the easiest to acquire and cheapest to purchase. Standard Poke balls are most effective at capturing common Pokémon.

(Tier 2) Great Ball

The Great Ball is slightly more difficult to obtain and more expensive to purchase when compared to the standard Pokeball. However, the Great Ball is more effective at capturing wild Pokémon than the Pokeball.

(Tier 3) Ultra Ball

The Ultra Ball is the second most powerful Pokeball in Pokémon Go. It is more expensive and more difficult to acquire than the Pokeball and Great Ball. However, the Ultra Ball is much more effective at capturing wild Pokémon than the lower Tiered Poke balls.

"My journey will become even easier with these items." Itsuki did some light exercise then washed his face and prepared to cook breakfast.

(I never played those Pokémon games so I don't know much about the cities or routes but I have done some research and hopefully you will enjoy my story.)

Zera returned with some dry woods, Itsuki then prepared breakfast. Itsuki made sandwich for him and gave Zera special Poke food.

"Zera we will be going to Pewter city and restock our supplies there and register myself."

Itsuki at first wanted to challenge the viridian city gym leader but remembering that Viridian city gym leader was the leader of Team Rocket made Itsuki to give up. 'I don't want Team Rocket to come after me.' Itsuki was sure that the Team Rocket is going to go after him, if they see Zera, a mythical legendary Pokémon with him.

Also one needs 7 badges to challenge the Viridian city gym. Currently Itsuki has zero badges.

Zera nodded while eating. Its funny how Zera was quickly eating like someone was going to steal her food. Even though Zera was almost same height as Itsuki, but she did not lack in cuteness.

"You really like my cooking don't you?" Itsuki chuckled seeing Zera nodding her head while eating.

Zera really liked Itsuki's cooking. Itsuki's cooking was the most delicious thing she had ever eaten. Itsuki had cooking skill and vast knowledge about cooking. Thanks to having cooking skills, Itsuki felt that he had many years of cooking experience and could perfectly combined and bring out the taste of any food.

After eating, Zera and Itsuki once again continued their journey. Itsuki directly put his clothes, poke balls, food items etc in his inventory. Itsuki also told Zera about the inventory and her reaction was like totally confusing. Itsuki took some time to explain her usage of the inventory.

Itsuki did not put his backpack in the inventory. He always carried it on his back.

'I don't want people to ask where is my bag or how can I travel without supplies. Sometimes answering to those questions can be annoying.'

On his way through the forest, Itsuki saw many bugs type Pokémon which did not interest. 'If I want to become stronger, Strong enough to win the Indigo League then I have to caught strong Pokémon.'

Itsuki had complete trust in Zeraora abilities. Itsuki knows Zera for a long time. 'My Zera is the strongest trump card I have.'

"I wonder when we will arrive in Pewter city." Itsuki was feeling bored. Zera also looked very bored.

While walking through the forest Itsuki and Zera did not receive any attack from wild Pokémon. Even if they did, Zera was strong enough to beat them alone.


Zera and Itsuki suddenly heard a painful cry of Pokémon. Zera and Itsuki looked at each and nodded simultaneously. Both of them run towards the source of the voice.

After running for a minute, Itsuki and Zera saw an injured Eevee were continuously being attacked by a group of Beedrill.

"Zera use quick attack to close the distance and then use close combat."

Zera used quick attack to increase her speed and quickly arrived in front of the group of Beedrill then she used close combat. Zera speed was so fast that none of the Beedrill had time to defend against her attack.

After being beaten by Zera, the Beedrill ran away. Itsuki approached the injured Eevee and saw that the Eevee was bleeding.

Itsuki did not hesitate to use one Full restore potion on Eevee since the Eevee was very badly injured and they were far away from Pewter city.


Eevee opened her eyes and looked at Itsuki. She already knew that Itsuki had saved her.

"Hey! You okay" Itsuki asked with a smile. The Eevee checked on her body then stood up. She shook her head with a smile.

"That good" Itsuki patted her head which made very happy. She excitedly moved her tail.

"How did you get injured?" Itsuki while picking her up and letting Eevee sit on his lap,

Evvv, eevee! Eevee tried her best to tell everything through expression which was very funny because she thought Itsuki wouldn't understand her.

'Fortunately I asked God to let me understand Pokémon language.'

"So run away from your home because you wanted to travel the world. Today you were suddenly attacked by those groups of Beedrill." Eevee excitedly nodded her head. She was surprised that Itsuki could understand her.

"So Eevee if you want to travel the world then do you like to join me? Because I plan on becoming a Pokémon master so I will be traveling around the world." Eevee moved her tail and excitedly nodded.

"Okay, first let's introduce ourselves?" Itsuki pointed at Zera.

"This is Zeraora but I call her Zera. And I am Itsuki. It's nice to meet you." Itsuki took out a normal pokeball and Eevee touched the Pokeball with her paw.

Eevee's whole body turned into red light and entered into the Pokeball.

"Zera looks like we have another friend joining us." Zera nodded with a smile.

"Eevee come out."


Eevee jumped on Itsuki's embrace and rubbed her head against his chest. Itsuki also couldn't help but pat her head.

[Pokémon: - Eevee

__Level: -14

_Type: - Normal

_Species: - Evolution Pokémon

_Ability: - Anticipation

_Gender: - Female

_Flamethrower | Dig | Double Team | Tackle]

'She is pretty strong for a wild Pokémon of her race. Especially learning Flamethrower without any external help is really something.' Itsuki took Eevee not because of her level, Itsuki knew that those group of Beedrill will return with more reinforcement and that time Eevee won't able to protect herself. Itsuki decided to caught Eevee because she was too much cute and adorable. Just holding her in his arms gave Itsuki a great feeling.

Zeraora : - [ I am Zeraora. You can call me big sister. You will my little sister.]

Eevee : - [Big sister] Eevee showed an excited look. Zera smiled and patted Eevee's head with her paw.

Zeraora: - [Don't worry, under Itsuki and my guide, you will become very strong. I won't allow anyone to harm you.] Zera said while patting Eevee's head.

Itsuki watched the whole scene with a smile. Being able to understand what is pokemon was saying and feeling, Itsuki was able to forge a closer connection with his pokemon.

"Eevee, are you hungry?" Itsuki asked. Under the gaze of Itsuki and Zera, Eevee shyly nodded her head.

'So she is little shy type pokemon.' Itsuki thought as he took out some wild berries for Eevee. Itsuki and Zera also ate some berries with Eevee.

With Eevee, Itsuki and Zera once again continued their journey towards Pewter city.


Written by Azure_warrior

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