
Pokemon - A real story

There is a huge gap between the story of anime and the realistic story of Pokemon. This light novel closes that gap and gives the viewers a believable and exciting story with lots of adventure. Follow our protagonist Axel Blaze, a reincarnated person. With his knowledge of the previous Pokemon world, he hopes to dominate the world. But after he realizes how very wrong he was. This novel has a system, just to make things fun, the story is not focused on it though. "Success is like being pregnant, everyone says congratulations but nobody knows how many times you were fucked" So this novel tells the story of Axel blaze but all points of hidden difficulty he has to face to get it to there. -------- If you want to read advanced chapters earlier or just want to support me, you can do that at https://www.patreon.com/TheSilverPrince1 You can also visit my website and read 3 advanced chapters for free at: https://silver-prince.com/ (The story has a similar start as 'Pokemon - a mystical journey' so some people are probably confused. I wanted to say that only the beginning of the story is similar, not the later chapters and this story is not a copy.) Disclaimer: This is a fanfiction novel. So, the basics of the Pokemon world is not created by me. It belongs to "The Pokémon company".

TheSilverPrince · Anime und Comics
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704 Chs

Beedrill rank up

All these moves had a similar effect. These moves when used would have higher power, would consume less stamina, and have some icy effect. That was great but it still was not enough. However, Cloyster was not able to level the move 'Toxic bite' to a higher level. If it was able to do it, the effect would have been more powerful. Axel could just wait for a year and then see what would happen.

Except for these moves, other moves had also leveled up a bit. Mainly, psychic-type moves had acquired some good level. The new move 'Hadauken' was now in level 29 which stupified Axel. Before, it was only level 1. It gained 28 levels after the evolution.

Axel could think of 2 reasons. First was the evolution. Since Slowemperor had evolved, it had gained a huge amount of psychic mastery than before which led it to increase the levels of psychic moves.

Secondly were the 3 moves, that had combined to form 'Hadauken'. These 3 moves were 'Chilling water', 'Rain dance' and 'Psychic rain'. All of these moves had leveled up and except for 'Psychic rain', both of these moves have crossed the threshold. 

Since the mastery of all these moves had improved, the move which was the combination of all 3 of them was bound to improve too.


After 'Hadauken', there were also other moves that had increased in levels and some of them had even crossed the threshold.


Psychic Domain (Slowemperor) (Level 40): Special attack and special defense would be heightened while using this move.

 (Level 45): It could spread out 25 meters wide and it could last for 15 minutes.

 (Level 50): The power of creating illusion has increased.

Psybeam (Slowemperor) (Level 40): If the move is hit, then there is a 30% for the target to be confused.

 (Level 45): The speed and the power of the move have increased.


 'Psychic domain' had leveled up a lot. From level 39 to 50, it had leveled up 11 times, which was very hard to do. Axel did have the talent that could improve the pre-domain moves but this was not a joke.

Most of its psychic-type moves have leveled up a lot. Axel got into thinking after looking at this phenomenon. Had the mastery and understanding of psychic increased rapidly when it evolved to Slowemperor? That could be a possibility.


Finally, he looked at the passive move 'Frost giant'


Frost Giant

Stage I: Mastery speed and the power of ice-type moves will increase by 20%. The user can actively use the move 'Frost Giant' where the size of the user would increase by 1.5 times. During that time, the defense and special defense of the user would be heightened to a high degree. The cooldown period for using it actively is 2 months.


This was an overpowered move. Axel didn't know how defensive it would be while using its passive move but it was an addition to its power. Axel was also expecting that there would be a blessing while he looked at the passive move. But the blessing didn't activate.

'System, you said that Slowemperor had gained multiple blessings. There is only one of them.'



If the host wants to activate the blessing, then Slowemperor would have to fulfill some conditions.


'So, what are the conditions?'



The host would have to find out himself. In total, there are 5 blessings for Slowemperor. The host has only known about 1 of them.


Axel was sure that this passive move was also a blessing but a blessing would have to be activated for it to work. After the blessing is activated, Axel might get another mission and Slowemperor might also get powerful. 

Axel looked at the final item in the stats and that was hidden type mastery. It stood high at 90%. This was the highest reward Slowemperor had received after merging with Cloyster. He didn't know what would happen when they reached 100% mastery but he knew that something very beneficial would happen to his Pokemon.

Looking at Slowemperor, it looked more like ice/psychic type Pokemon than water/psychic type. An icy aura was continuously coming from its crown/helmet unconsciously.

Then a thought suddenly hit Axel,

'Wait a minute. System, what is the typing of Slowemperor?', asked Axel to the system in his head.



Slowemperor typing- Psychic/ice.


'What? It had changed its typing?', asked Axel to himself.

That changed a lot of things for Slowemperor. The first thing that changed was that, since it didn't have a water type but an ice type, the power of its water type moves might be reduced. It had many water-type moves right now and some of them had even combined with Cloyster to become more powerful.

Cloyster also had ice typing, so that might be the reason why Slowemperor also had ice typing. However, the battle tactics of Slowemperor would definitely change after this.

'System, why was I not notified about this before? Also, why are there no details about it on its status page?', asked Axel.



The host has completed the hidden mission.


The typing of the Pokemon will also be displayed on the status page right now.


Since the host has completed this hidden mission way after it was supposed to be, no reward would be given.


 'How the hell am I supposed to know that there was such a hidden mission like this?', shouted Axel on his mind.

A mission would not be called a hidden mission if it was revealed before Axel. Axel was frustrated that he could not get a reward from it.

'Since it now had ice typing, it could only have an ice-type core, not water type core. Before giving it resources to master the ice-type core, I must teach it some ice-type moves. It doesn't have much of them.', thought Axel.

It was already deep in the night and others were already sleeping. Axel also decided to sleep. He had to wake up and start his training.




Bagon had completed its baby stage.


That was good news. Bagon was very close to evolving right now. Axel didn't know what would happen if it managed to evolve when it was just a baby. He was worried that it would have some negative effects as its body had not fully grown.

Since Bagon had completed its baby stage, it could now learn other moves too. For 3 months, it had only trained on its egg moves and that was why it didn't have a good variety of attacks. Bagon was frustrated too and Axel could feel it. 

Now, it could learn some new moves too. Right now was not a good time to teach it new moves cause they were going inside that weird mountain tomorrow. Axel just wanted his team to be in the top condition.

"Guys, take a rest today. You can train if you like but don't tire yourself. You have done all the things that you could do to prepare yourself.", said Axel to his Pokemons and also to his team.

Axel was still marveling at Slowemperor and its ridiculous stats. It was tier 3 Pokemon. Axel estimated that it could rank up to champion rank after 3 years. He was still overestimating and he knew that but a man could only hope.

He also didn't force himself to train very harshly. He just did a light exercise, some running, and some sword training. He had been training his sword every day.

Suddenly, a notification comes up…



Beedrill has leveled up 'Bug house' to level 50. It could now hold the bug-type energy for 15 hours.


Beedrill has learned a new move. Name the move.


"Let's call it 'Bug knight'", said Axel.



The move has been named.


Beedrill attack stat has been upgraded to B+ rank.


Beedrill's defense stat has been upgraded to B rank.


Beedrill's agility stat has been upgraded to B rank.


Beedrill is ranking up to tier 2…


Bug-type energy enveloped Beedrill as it started to rank up. Lance was already numb by seeing so many of Axel's Pokemons ranking up so fast and in such a short duration. This time he didn't panic and shouted out loud. He was used to it.

The process took around 5-10 minutes and Beedrill was finally able to rank up to tier 2. It was a much-awaited sub-rank up. Slowly, his Pokemons were also ranking up to tier 2. After reaching king rank, it became very hard to further rank up. Even the sub rank was difficult to achieve. Axel had a cheat called system, so these Pokemons would naturally rank up faster than others. 

He could not help but think how difficult it would be for others like Lance and Kate. He felt very lucky to have the system.

After ranking up, Beedrill didn't go haywire that he had expected it to be. He felt that since they were already king rank, they had matured enough and could control their emotions. 

After ranking up to tier 2, Axel looked at its stats:


Pokemon's name :- Beedrill (Age- 3 years)

Pokemon Nickname :- None

Pokemon rank: King

Ability :- Swarm (mastered)

Hidden ability :- Sniper (mastered)

Potential :- Purple


Health :- 14000/14000

Attack :- B+ Agility :- B

Defense :- B Sp. Atk :- C++

Sp. Def :- C


Moves: Active: Poison Sting (E) (Lvl 47), String Shot (E) (Lvl 52), Bug Bite (E) (Lvl 47), Electroweb (E) (Lvl 46), Harden (U) (Lvl 10 max), Poison jab (E) (Lvl 47), Fell Stinger (E) (Lvl 44), Roost (E) (Lvl 61), Drill Run (E) (Lvl 62), Agility (E) (Lvl 43), Minimize (E) (Lvl 49), Calm mind (E) (Lvl 44), Swords dance (G) (Lvl 39), X-Scissor (E) (Lvl 46), Fury Cutter (E) (Lvl 59), Lunge (E) (Lvl 48), String Armor (E) (Lvl 55), Laser Focus (E) (Lvl 46), String pierce (E) (Lvl 55), Conversion (E) (Lvl 50), Bug life (E) (Lvl 52), Substitute (E) (Lvl 52), Bug domain (E) (Lvl 45), Bug house (E) (Lvl 50), Bug knight (Lvl 1)

Passive: Resolve (Stage IV)

Core: Bug (mastered)

Hidden Power: Psychic (56%)


Its health had increased by 1000. That was a lot for a sub rank and since the move 'Resolve' had not reached another stage, Axel expected only a short increase. 'Resolve' was now getting almost impossible to improve to a higher stage.

There was not a huge change in its move levels. It had concentrated most of its time on mastering 'Bug house' and learning the new move 'Bug knight'. So, it could not focus on other moves but some of them had leveled up and even crossed the threshold.

Axel looked at the move description.


Roost (Beedrill): (Level 40): It could be in the effect of roost for 10 minutes.

 (Level 45): It could be in the effect of roost for 15 minutes.

 (Level 50): Beedrill now need to rest for only 2 hours after using roost.

 (Level 55): Beedrill now need to rest for only 1 hour after using roost.

 (Level 60): Beedrill can recover 70% of its health while using it.

Sting armor (Beedrill): (Level 40): The armor would start to self-repair but it would be slow.

 (Level 45): The armor is more solid and sturdier.

 (Level 50): It has become more solid and thin. This would not compromise its speed.

 (Level 55): There is a 30% chance that the armor could knock back special-type moves to the target.


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