
Poke Era

Welcome to my world of Pokemon !! A new journey through the Pokemon world with my Protagonist. Be and stay with her to complete her journey to be one living legend of that world. I hope you support her and also this poor little me, in this first book. If you all don't like it please remind me of the changes to be made, I'll be glad. Happy Reading ~ :) - Alpha Wolf

Darkalphawolf · Fantasie
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20 Chs


After Moon left my stay extended to exactly 3 weeks and 4 days till I got completely healed.

I have to say, the medical field in this world is too good.

During my time here, I got more acquainted with the moves of Absol and Swablu.

Previously I thought Absol was Gym leader level pokemon but after observation and talking with him I came to know that my speculation was wrong.

According to the book I read in the library of the old bastard Pokemons strength stage is divided into six ranks : Primary Level, Qualified level, Excellent level, Gym Leader level, Elite level and finally the Champion level.

The special rankings are the Quasi-legendary level, Legendary level and Divine beast.

Each level can be understood by the moves learnt, the strength, stamina and finally the aura of that level.

In today's era, Champion Level is the highest one can reach and that can be counted within five. Elites is the most approachable level but still not all can reach Elite level.

A Trainer's Pokemon reaching Divine beast can be said to be myth now.

I was really confused how to recognise the levels of wild pokemons .

How much I wished to have a golden finger with a status function. But nope, I'm not gifted. Neither can I have a Pokedex...

I seeked advice from Nurse Joy and she adviced me to meet more Pokemons in wild to feel the aura of each level and I'll automatically understand it as time passes. The thing is the more oppression force I feel the more powerful is that Pokemon. The other factors are the number of moves learned and strength of the attack.

According to her, the most difficult problem is to understand the potential of the Pokemon, as per the lastest news Professor Oak is trying to add a feature to understand the potential in Pokedex.

To normal Trainers like me, Pokedex is a far gone dream even the Alliance kids won't get the best Pokedex it comes with higher level members kids getting them. So conclusion, just say 'bye bye' to shortcuts.

The normal way to determine potential is by the Pokemon's composition power, stamina, willpower, strength, body build up,etc.

After listening,to me : it's all luck to get a high potential Pokemon with just eyes observation now it's not possible to check so many things.

I'll try to observe potential later but first I picked up which I could. So I practiced to feel the aura of the Pokemons in the Pokemon Center. Then I gradually felt a bit and my psychic worked as a catalyst to progress. I tried to guess the level of Absol and Swablu, Nurse Joy didn't help me, after many practices I could determine Absol to be Qualified and Swablu as Primary level.

I mistook Absol to be Gym leader level because... the moves were too powerful... and an Elite Or Champion level won't rome around alone as they are held as king in the wild.

Pokemons are very hierarchical.

So the highest level I could think was Gym leader.

Absol : "...." Why does she have such expectations...?

Haah. Ok, my start is not OP but at least I started with fucking rare pokemons. Hahaha. I'm so great! I got my favorite Absol even a Swablu... It's like buy one get one free!!! I'm amazing! It's not luck definitely! It's my charm, yes!

" Tweet? " Why is she laughing like that? Swablu turned to Absol with a confused face. She is worried about her Trainer who is now laughing and her face is like a lunatic...

Absol: " Awoo" Leave her. She's... Like that.

Let's just respect her brain.

If she knew what Absol thought, she would have chocked on her blood.

When I stopped and looked at them to see they are looking at a mad people...

Cough. Cleared my throat and started noting the points in a Diary.

" So Absol, you can do Night Slash, Quick Attack, Shadow Ball, Substitute and Ice Beam. You can also use Psychic. "

Ok... His moves are very jumbled and few are high level moves. Hmm. I'll think of a good practice plan for Absol to follow.

" I understand but can you tell me why you learned Shadow Ball and Psychic . As for Ice Beam I'll take it as your other special attribute talent. "

Absol pondered for a while and opened his mouth.

『 Shadow Ball was taught to me by an elder Mismagius and Psychic was learnt to try to talk with the villagers to persuade them to stop harming the wild pokemons.』

"...." Haah... Silly Absol. I exhaled a deep breath of exhaustion. What else could I do with such kind heart? I tried to suppress the anger which was igniting again. The people he so tried to communicate with never wanted to communicate.

" The thing is even if you had persuaded them to the right track they never wanted to. So every sacrifice you did is futile. "

Absol listened quietly, I could sense his sadness from his expression less face.

" But I'm glad you're like this for I feel more relieved and safe to stay by your side. I know, at least whatever happens I can trust you blindly. You're a gift to me, Absol. "

He snorted and left but his red ears plays a big traitor in his white body. When I checked Swablu and it surprised me.

" Silly bird, you learnt Disarming Voice and Peck. Very good, I'm proud of you. "

" Tweet! " Of course. I'm great.

It was really surprising how she comprehended Disarming Voice with that brain but it seems with some effort I can make her learn some good moves.

Even if I could move, Nurse Joy strictly made me stay in bed. It was the most boring time to lie in bed so I made many Practice Plans and Tactics for both of them. Thankfully one day a mail came from Moon.

Unpacking the box, there was a matt black phone with a design of a rose, a note book.

I opened and read the note book which was a guide to open the phone.

Step 1: Drop a blood in the Receiptor.


Wow. Neither finger nor face recognition directly blood. This world's black technology is in another level.

I did whatever written even if I had complains. Few seconds went and the phone lit up.

< Welcome Nightwalker to regiment Black .>

< Please enter your codename. >

I did as per instructed.

< Thank you, Nightwalker, Equinox for your cooperation. You're registered as Novice Nightwalker. Work hard for a better future both for yourself and others. >

Ok. I'm so curious to explore more.

Step 2: Register yourself in the already downloaded Black App.

I opened the only app in the phone. It needed finger recognition and next I gave personal details and quickly got registered.

A chibi Lucario wearing a suit and spects with a stick in hand like a Professor came up on screen.

" Hahaha. Kawaiiiiii... This is quite innovative. "

" Welcome Nightwalker, Equinox. I'm Lucario your Mentor. Please listen to me carefully I don't repeat. "

Ahhhh... The cute baby voice won my heart.

Absol tugged my dress with a sullen face and Swablu tweeted on my head.

Ah? They're... Jealous? ( ̄∇ ̄) hehe.. Let's enjoy their jealousy...

" Firstly, as you're a Novice you'll get you're first two missions will be having no penalty but from third mission you've penalty. "

" Secondly, missions are not given. You'll encounter missions in your surrounding by yourself. According to our Alpha, ' Missions are not chosen by you. Fate chooses your missions. ' So stay alert to find your own missions. "

" Thirdly after you get your missions register the Task number in the 𝙼𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗 option in your personal profile page. "

" You can watch, comment, advice under the videos of other Nightwalkers who upload their mission videos or pictures. Currently in your rank you can only watch, uploading function will activate in Advance Nightwalker rank. "

" You can use this as a regular phone and download other apps. But if you want to contact or call other Nightwalkers it can only be done through this app. Personal contact is prohibited."

" Fourthly, both World Channel and Regional Channel is deactivated. Regional Channel will activate in Proefficient Nightwalker rank and World Channel in Advance Nightwalker rank. "

" Thankyou for listening. If you've any problem press the 𝙷𝚎𝚕𝚙 option in the top left. Lastly, please complete your missions or else the consequences of the aftermath will be bad. "

Mentor Lucario left and the screen of the app was left with many

Damn. I want to activate it. It's like a game and I'm more hived upup and join in the fun.

I went and searched for the profiles of Beta and Alpha.

Alpha : profile pic of a baby Riolu. 35K Followers.

Bio: Lost in Space again _(:3 」∠)_


According to the records of videos and comments... He has a special affinity of getting inside unknown distorted Space. It's been 25 times already and the last time he came back he put a bio of : Yo! I'm Back!

Now the edited bio seems he's lost again.

All the videos were from his point of view so I could see how he looks but the videos were pretty interesting.

Beta : profile pic of a Gardevoir wearing sunglass sitting in a beach under an umbrella.


Bio: Busy. Doing Alpha's paper works again as he's "working" in space :)


I can feel his rage coming out from that smile... Poor Moon. 2 mins silence for him.

Starting with both of them I spent the rest of the days scrolling in that app. Meanwhile I downloaded some games and online food delivery apps.

Days passed and it's time for my discharge. Wonder how my new journey will begin after I go out from the Pokemon Center. I'm looking forward to it and the missions.

" Absol, Swablu it's time to make our own legend. " I raised my hand to grasp the brightly lit full moon from the open window.