
Poke Era

Welcome to my world of Pokemon !! A new journey through the Pokemon world with my Protagonist. Be and stay with her to complete her journey to be one living legend of that world. I hope you support her and also this poor little me, in this first book. If you all don't like it please remind me of the changes to be made, I'll be glad. Happy Reading ~ :) - Alpha Wolf

Darkalphawolf · Fantasy
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20 Chs


The man was leaning against the door when he came in spotlight. He came up close and sat pulling up a chair beside the bed.

Um.... Everything is fine... But if I want to describe him to my fellow readers.. I can only say, I could see the wide chest and the ultimate battle of the small button of his tight black shirt trying to cover him...

" Hello, nice to meet you, Sneha. "

Cough. Cough.

I'm innocent. My views are pure!!!

It's just he's too fucking tall to see his face!!

Nurse Joy quickly got some water and made me drink. That wasn't needed.. Well good cover up?

" Sorry for disturbing you in this condition but I've to. " The man interrupted.

" No problem please go on. " I tried to see his face but to see he was wearing a golden mask like in...It looks very similar...

Squid Game? Gasp. This brain is done.

" Let me introduce myself. I'm Moon, specifically that's my code name. I'm from Black regiment of Alliance. "

He looked at my casual face like listening some shit from one ear and throwing it from other and his voice grew serious and heavy.

" I hope you're listening carefully. I won't repeat and it's very important to determine for you to live or not. "

My life? Big news.

" Yes. I'm listening seriously please go on. "

" You don't seem like. " His voice was skeptical.

Haah... I really forgot the facial features of my body.

" ... It's not that. It's a problem with my facial features. Even if I look serious my face portrays carefree nature. Its like this since my birth... "

God knows how many times I was punished and asked questions in class for this problematic feature... Because I looked

inattentive. ╥﹏╥

My life was really tough still now too...

" Interesting. " He rubbed the mask which should be his chin. " Ok. You know what you have done and according to Alliance rules - you're a murderer or rather a terrorist because you mass killed. I've the right to shot you to death on spot. "

He glanced at my facial expressions to observe my reaction and was surprised to see a stable and calm face.

" What do you think about it? "

Think? Hmm. Quite normal.

" It's alright. I know what I did so indeed you can shoot me. "

" Grr... " A low growl came from Absol and looked at Moon with serious face.

I felt secured and warm inside to see him protecting me so I tried to sooth him by rubbing his paws.

Moon glanced at both of us, " You don't feel guilty? " He asked looking straight in my eyes.

" Guilty? " I couldn't stop my chuckle,"They don't deserve it. " I stated my view looking straight into his eyes. I'm not afraid to tell my true thoughts,"Whatever I did was right. Sir, even if you have different opinion then also sorry , I don't give a shit to it. As what they did to Absol and other Pokemons...they..leave it. "

I don't even want to mention it. My hands automatically formed a fist with anger. If I could I would have bombed this entire village.

Haah... Calm down. Calm down. I tried to suppress my anger.

I spoke a lot so I was grasping for air.

Moon : Good , she seems to have good mentality and feeling of justice. If honed properly she can be a good comrade to join .

" No. I have the same opinion as you. So I will give you a second chance, itself up to you to consider it or not. "

I nodded for him to continue.

" As I said before, I'm from the Alliance , Nightwalker from Regiment - Black. I hope you know Interpol , we're called Nightwalker. They are the force who work in the light meaning their works are known by the world. While we are the force of the Alliance who work in the dark unknown to this world."

Wow. Nightwalker, this name sounds too cool. I feel am exposed to a massive secret not known by the people from my previous world and even this world.

Seriously, it's really difficult to know the depth if you don't experience it yourself.

" We are the sharpest sword of the Alliance. Our work mainly constitute in the field of drugs smuggling, Pokemon smuggling, Pokemon poaching by big dangerous groups , rape cases, murders, serial killings, undercover, spying,etc. "

... Fuck... It's a lot man. In anime I only knew Pokemon violence and poaching. The others are really new to me. So this Pokeverse is also filled with this things.

" But isn't catching the poachers and smugglers work of Interpol? " I asked as I saw Lance and other Ash team doing those in anime.

He sneered, " Hah. Except Lance and a few Officers , all are best not to mention. Hearing the risk of death they are first to escape. But we're different and this is one of the greatest difference why we've less people. Our first moral code is : Mission before life. And the second difference is we've the right to kill people if needed to complete our task by hook or crook. "

"So every mission is fighting against death." I concluded.

He was silent , " Yes, you're right. It is our job to complete this or else the consequences will be unimaginable. Do you think the wild Trainers of 10 years or so of every region could be safe if we didn't clean the trash and make a safe environment. Our people mainly are made up of people like you. "


" They have once done a job which led them to have no option to live in society like a normal person but to join us or they sometimes join the evil organizations. It's good I found you first before them as Nurse Joy informed me. "

" It's alright. I did what I should and I knew Sneha is a nice girl after hearing from Absol and Swablu. "

Oh? They both said nice words about me.

" Thanks you both. "

" Tweet! " Hehe, No problem!

" Awo" I told what's true.

" Now. Let's come to the main topic. " He clapped and brought our attention to him. " I want you to join the Nightwalker in regiment Black under me. Oh... I forgot to mention, I'm Deputy Captain or Beta. Your psychic as I felt from my Aura Force is cold to injustice and have a thrist to kill them so from my observation it's very suitable for this job. Now it's upto you to decide. "

" My psychic? " I was confused.

" Yes. Every psychic has a trait and yours is very unique. You should be grateful as I've Aura Force to detect the true nature as other's could only find that you're thirsty to kill people and will automatically be in the list to be killed. Ok now let your decision."

Mumma... This world is too dangerous.

(/□\*) every step will lead me to death...

" Do I have to tell you now? "

Such a big decision needs time.

" Yes, because I have a mission to complete. So unfortunately you have to hurry up."

Oh shit, then I've to think fast but not rashly. Who told me to be so unlucky?

Let's think :

Now as he said I became a murderer I'll be caught by the Alliance and my psychic is suitable for this job. Hmm, but I still want to be an independent Trainer and fight in Leagues. But if I join them then I can find my family faster... Ughhh... But I want to be a Trainer and travel the world with my Pokemons safe and sound.

Moon observed my complicated eyes and spoke up, " If you have doubts best to clarify. "

Yes, I should ask directly.

" I know being a Nightwalker is very suitable for me but I really want to be a Trainer... I don't know what to do... "

" What? Hahahaha " He laughed out loud.

" Sorry, I only mentioned the threats and not the benefits of joining. "

" That's why you can't recruit anyone. " Nurse Joy interjected.

"..." Ahem. I can't help it. " So, ah, yes, Trainer. You can obviously become a Trainer even if you're a Nightwalker. Our missions are divided in ranks - F, E, D, C,B, A, S, SS, SSS and so does the results of mission clearnce in similar ranks . The higher the success rank rate the higher rewards. As we're under great pressure than Interpol so our rewards are also better. If you have a clearance of S or more then you can directly challenge the Champion Or any Elites of any region and if you complete SSSSS rank task inspite of rank clearance you hold the right to challenge the Alliance Champion. "

I was shocked beyond belief.

" Are you fucking kidding me?! " My tone was high, I was literally shrieking. Is there really such good things?

" Yes, this is absolutely true. I hope you can understand the situation from a good view. It means the mission is equivalent to fighting all the participants from the competition and having same or more or less equal strength as an Elite to challenge an Elite or Champion."

I knew it, nothing is easy but that's acceptable and under gradual life and death situation you're bound to improve more than those Rookie Trainers but it'll be difficult to reach Elite. It's better to be patient.

" Sir, I thought about it. I'm willing to join."

He nods with satisfaction. " You won't regret the choice. Welcome to Black. Now you're an Rookie Nightwalker. You can choose to keep your gender hidden or change and the most important thing choose your code name. That's your second core identify. "

Code name.. All the account names of every game came into mind - Death, Darklord, Summer, Rainshadow and the last was which had so many nice memories before dying of catching all my favorite pokemons except Solgaleo...

" Yes, I've decided, it's - Equinox and I choose to keep my gender hidden but disguise as boy. "

" It's a really nice choice to hide your real identity like that and nice name , Equi- what?! " He's voice was filled with bewilderment.

Um? What's the new situation?

" What's the problem Moon? " Nurse Joy asked.

" Ah, is the name taken? Then I'll choose a new one. " I tried to compromise.

" Ah.. Nothing nothing. I was just very shocked. Well, as I told I'm the Beta, our Alpha or the Captain his code name is Solstice. I was just shocked by the coincidence. It's a nice name. Ok I'll send your new ID after you get well you'll get the new mission."

Oh. What a coincidence.

" Ok. Thank you. But I'm really curious about some things."

" Yes, tell. "

" What's your highest clearance rate and is there other regiment? "

" Ah... My highest is A... But our Alpha is SS. And on about other regiments other than us there's 2 more - Devils and Shadow but ours the best! "

"..." Ohk. He seems to be more proud of his team and Alpha than himself. " Thanks for telling me. "

He waved his hands, " It's nothing. You should know your team and be proud of it. "

Everything ended well, now it's time to rest.

" Awo" It's not over yet. I want to be your first partner.

" Hmm? " What's this now? " Ah... As you see silly bird already entered first so you can only go inside the other one. Sorry. "

I tried to convince him.

" Awooo" Nope. I won't. Break her ball and take me first then her.

" Break the ball...? Ah, but I've to take silly bird's opinion. " I looked at Swablu and told her the situation. She was really irritated and looked at Absol. Behind me Absol showed his sharp claws and the action of cutting her head with it. I saw Swablu shiver and nod hard.

" Ah.. You agree? " I confirmed.

" Tweet! Tweet! " Yes! Yes! No problem!

" Good. Thanks for understanding. But I only bought two balls. So Swablu you have to wait a little."

" No need to wait. Take this ball as a joining gift. " Moon threw a Luxury Ball and I caught it.

" Thanks. "

Absol destroyed the ball with Slash and entered the other ball after he came out and pushed the new ball to Swablu in which she went inside.

" Please advice and take care of me in the future both of you. Welcome to be my family! "

I was really happy to finally get Absol and Swablu and hugged both of them.

" It's good to see your love for pokemons. Now I'm leaving, hope to meet you again."

He said and vanished.

" Teleport? But how did he Teleport without Pokemon?"

Nurse Joy smiled, " Yes. He has a Gardevoir with Camouflage so you didn't see. I didn't know Absol was so obsessed being your first pokemon, well being the first holds a special meaning after all. "

Hmph. Absol snorted and left the room with two leaps.

Seeing this both me and Nurse Joy burst out laughing.

What a tsundere.

" Tweet! " But I was first!

" Silly bird you better don't mention that in front of him or else you don't know when you will be baked by him. "

Hearing this Swablu remembered Absol's previous threat and shivered and rushed inside my blanket to hide.

Another round of laughter went on.

My future will be very entertaining with this two fellows and I'm looking forward to those who are yet to join.