
Chapter 4

'...' for thoughts

"..." for speech


"Magby, use Ember!"

A command echoed through the otherwise silent garden. Following the instruction, a small ball of fire flew through the air and hit a lonely rock standing in the corner of the garden. The Ember hit the rock and left behind a small scorch mark, next to many other marks that must have had the same origin.

"Nice one Magby, that was the 25th hit in a row, I think we are done with your Ember-training for now, good job" Jasper applauded.

"Ma-Magby By" Jasper laughed at Magby's leap of joy as he thought of all the hard training he and Magby had put through the past two weeks and it was only going to get harder from here on out.

When he and Magby decided to start training two weeks ago, they took it easy at first, starting with a whole lot of food, stretching and light jogging to get Magby back in form. After they did that for three days they incorporated muscle building exercises like stemming weights and coordination exercises, to learn multitasking, like drawing circles and triangles simultaneously into their training regime. Jasper also took part in all of this, showing Magby that they work together as a team and to get himself fit to prepare for his pokémon journey in a few years.

After the first week of training the two began Magbys move training with just conjuring Embers and dissipating them right after, schooling Magbys control of the fire element outside of his body: because of his inborn talent it wasn't necessary to train the control of Magbys inner-fire power, at least when it comes to fire. After mastering the summoning of Ember shortly Magby started his target practice with the rock and that all took the whole second week.

Now that Magby mastered the use of Ember he could go over to the next training program, using his inner-fire to do attacks. Jasper already selected two moves that Magby should be able to learn in nearly instantly and master them in a short time. Fire Punch and Smokescreen.

After that, Flame Wheel and Lava Plume should be next, which Jasper was very excited about. "Hey Magby, let's both continue to do our best and strive to become an unstoppable duo!"

"Mag-Mag-Ma Magby!"

"Jasper, Magby, please come in it's lunchtime, and don't forget to wash your hands before you sit down at the table!"

With that, Gina interrupted Magby and Jasper who were dreaming about the future. Both human and Pokémon boys ran into the house shortly after.


Note #815 of professor Acacia's pokemon research log.

Subject of research: Magby

Personal notes:

In the past half year of training Magby has made exceptional progress, especially when it comes to the learning and mastering of moves and his combat basics. He mastered the use of Fire Punch and Smokescreen easily, it came to him almost naturally. Flame Wheel and Lava Plume were harder to learn, but Magby still managed to get down both, though he hasn't mastered them yet.

With the help of dad's Electabuzz Magby learned how to use Low Kick also quite fast, just not not as easily as the fire moves.

But Thunder Punch was his first real challenge when it came to moves, but he managed to overcome it eventually.

The reason why it was so hard for Magby to learn Thunder Punch was explained by one of Professor Kukui's research a few years ago.

When Professor Oak began his research on pokemons he found out that in each pokemons genes you could see hints of what it would become when it evolves. That helped immensely to differentiate which pokemons can evolve and which have just one base form, some pokemons are known to have the potential to evolve, their evolution-trigger just hasn't been found yet, like some special evolution stone, a special environment or even something outlandish like friendship.

Professor Kukui studied these genes further and found out that a pokemon has pokemon moves 'written' into their genetic makeup, moves that they find easy to learn and master. Some of these moves don't even have their typing and that an evolution would alter these genetically engraved moves. He called this category of moves the 'Genetic Movepool'.

Next, the professors investigated whether pokémon moves could be artificially grafted into a pokémon's genes because a pokémon can be taught moves that aren't in their genetic movepool by other pokémon, and the answer he found was that it's actually possible, but not every pokemon could have every move grafted 'into them' they have to be compatible with them at some level. Professor Kukui called this group of moves the 'Acquired Movepool'.

When Kukui published this research he got together with other professor, among others Professor Oak, and built a machine to graft an artificially created move onto pokemons, a disk that has to be slotted into a new version of the pokeball.

That is how Technical Machines or TMs came about.

Back to the topic of Magby.

After Magby began learning close combat moves I asked my parents to hire a martial arts instructor for Magby and me, so Magby would know how to best use his moves and I would know how to defend myself if I got into a situation where I needed it.


"Jasper, have you packed all your things?" Gina called from downstairs.

Jasper, who just stopped writing in his log closed his laptop and up it in the box before him. After that he brought the box into the hallway outside his room and placed it with the other boxes already there. "I just finished mum, now I just need Magby's help to get them downstairs.

If you looked into his room then, you would see that there is nothing there, just bare walls.

About 3 weeks ago, Jasper's parents informed him that they were no longer taking acting roles, that it just wasn't the same after such a long time and that they didn't want to stay in this city anymore where just everything revolves around Pokewood. They would relocate to his father's hometown, Nimbasa City.

After his call, small footsteps could be heard running up the stairs. When Magby got to the top of the stairs, the two started carrying the boxes down the stairs while they talked.

"Are you done with your training, Magby?" "Magby-by," Magby replied, knowing that Jasper could finally understand him.

Yes, you heard that right, after almost 19 months of living and training together on a daily basis, Jasper finally understood a different version of Pokespeech alongside Elactabuzzs and Roselias.

Jasper had always wondered why there weren't any instructions for such a thing, through research he found that Pokespeech only worked if you forged a bond with a Pokemon, it worked through the power of friendship so to speak.

Jasper was proud to say that Magby's training over the past 18 months has been really effective. Magby looked very different at that moment than before. From his height of 0.6m, which is slightly below the average height of 0.7m due to his age, he grew to almost 1m through systematic training with Jasper. Magby also bulked up a bit and looked pretty muscular for his size. If you made a Magby attractiveness index Magby would be right at the top, a solid 10/10!

That's one of the perks young Trainer Pokemon can have, unfortunately very few Trainers have had their Pokemon since birth and their base growth is already set or they're like Ash and have no idea what they're even doing.

After bringing down Jaspers stuff, his mother called both Magby and him outside to say goodbye to his friends who had just arrived. She said to leave filling the car to his father, who shot his wife and son a hurt look that practically screamed, "Why me?!", but after Gina gave her husband a look, he quickly shut up, he didn't want to argue with her and because he just had to load the carry-on baggage filled with their essentials. The rest would be shipped over by a moving company.

When Jasper said goodbye to Roxie, Cook and his other friends, they promised to keep in touch and to visit and fight next time they met because they would probably all have their youngster license by then.

Finished saying his farewells, Jasper, his parents, and Magby got in the car, Elactabuzz and Roselia stayed in their pokeballs, and together they headed to the harbor.

At the port, the family of three and a Pokémon met "the Captain", Roxie's father, who would ferry them to Castelia City.

A few hours later, Magby and Jasper stood aboard the ferry and stared at the massive behemoth of an ever-expanding city on the horizon.

Jasper had seen images of the city on the pokeweb before, but nothing compared to seeing this city in person. It seemed like some people founded this town on the coast and other people with too much money kept trying to one-upping each other by constructing a building that was a little taller than the one before it, making the whole town look like a castle that kept getting taller and taller, hence the name.

As they docked at the pier and said goodbye to Captain, Joshua called a cab with the aim of being one of the hotels in Castelia City.

After a good night's sleep, the Acacias boarded a train bound for the Nimbasa City train station and began the final leg of their journey.


1577 words

Hey there, here's the author, Black_Dragongod.

If you notice a mistake in the grammar or logic, make sure to write it in the chapter comments!

This is my first time writing a novel so I welcome all tips to make myself a better writer.

Black_Dragongodcreators' thoughts