
Chapter 3

'...' for thoughts

"..." for speech


Note #379 of professor Acacia's pokemon research log.

Subject of research: Magby

Gender: male

Pokedex entry: It's small, but its body temperature is over 1,100 degrees F. Embers escape its mouth and nose when it breathes.

Strong points: can control his body temperature since birth (a minority of Magbys is unable to do this since birth and has to train it, the reason is unknown...further research necessary)

Weaknesses: rock-, ground- and water-typing

Pokemon moves: Ember (every Magby can use ember since its birth), if Magby knows other moves is still unknown

Intelligence: sentient

-possibly due to the recent trauma of losing his family member, but more likely since birth -sentient baby pokemons have high potential because training exercises are easier to understand and therefore more effective and babys can build up a good foundation

Personal notes:

It has been six days since that evening, the day Magmar died and Magby went with us to our home. The day after, we held a small funeral for Magmar and buried it in our garden. We have a quite big garden, right behind our equally big house. My parents are really rich because they are famous actors, but I digress.

Magby has been really lethargic ever since we took him home, he is just sitting in front of a window and barely responding to us. We even have to force-feed him so he doesn't starve, but I have an idea how I can help Magby with his sorrow or at least motivate him to do something aside from sitting in front of the window all day.


Jasper saved the file he had just written and closed his laptop. He was sitting in his comfortable chair right in front of his desk. Sunlight streaming through the window to his left lit the entire room. On the wall to the right of the window was a huge bookshelf with lots of books on it, on all sorts of subjects, but all related to Pokémon. Jasper got up from his chair, turned and walked towards the door of his room.

Jasper has been an intelligent and curious child ever since young, he annoyed all his caretakers and personalteachers with questions about anything he found interesting. His idol had always been Professor Oak, a man who has more contributions and accolades than anybody else when it comes to the reserach of pokemon, but what or better said who really inspired him to become a pokemon professor was a, till then unknown, professor. Jasper still remembers like it was yesterday, he was 7 years old, watching TV, when a young pokemon professor from Alola, about 20 years old, confidently stood infront of the camera and showed the world his brilliance for the first time. Professor Kukui introduced the concept of categorizing the average strength of pokemon moves and changed the world of pokemon in just one day. Pokemon training and batteling was never the same again after that day and everybody remembered the name Professor Kukui from then on and Jasper wanted to be like him, to be remembered by history as one of the brightest minds ever.

After Jasper told his parents about his dream of becoming a pokemon professor, they were a bit sad that he won't become an actor like them, but still supported him, it was his dream after all. They bought him books about various subjects regarding pokemons and even had his teachers focus his education more in this direction.

His dad even told him. "We even already have a tree as our surname, you definetly won't have problems fitting in in this regard." And laughed out loud.

Due to the fact that there are 36 months in a year, children are generally quite intelligent, although still childish, and Jasper, who worked hard to learn all about Pokémon, showed this clearly. His parents still made sure that he played with other children and had a normal childhood, Jasper himself really liked this arrangement and he even formed a band with his friends Roxie and Cook. His friends, of course, knew about his dream and were amazed (and sometimes annoyed) by his knowledge and hence nicknamed him "Prof".

About 13 months ago he started his own research protocol to figure out which Pokemon to get first, but it seems like the universe made a decision without consulting him and his planning hasn't been taken into account. At least his log wasn't a waste of time as it helped him a lot in studying and he could continue it to research Magby and the rest of his pokemon team.

Before leaving his room, Jasper grabbed his tablet and searched for one of Gymleader Blaine's battles. Out of his room and down the stairs he saw Magby, a bit skinnier than when he met him a week ago, still sitting in front of the living room window, a bowl of half-eaten pokemon food lying to his right. It seamed like Magby still wasn't eating well enough, but he at least was eating something.

Jasper tried talking to Magby the last three days, he sat down next to him and talked about himself and even tried to ask Magby some questions, altough he would not have understood the answer, he wanted Magby to respond, but Magby never did. This day Jasper wanted to try something different.

He sat down next to Magby again and looked out of the window too. It was a nice day, clear, cloudless skies with the sun shining down from above.

When Jasper finished taking in the view, he started talking. "It is a beautiful day Magby, how are you feeling today?"

But Magby didn't respond.

"You know, you are just wasting your time sitting here and doing nothing." Jasper continued .

Still nothing from Magby.

"It is clear that you are sad about Magmar's death and that is ok, everyone should mourn the loss of his family member, but do you really think Magmar would have wanted you to just sit here and waste away? He wanted you to go with us so you wouldn't have to starve and that you become a strong pokemon, but you are not eating enough and are just sitting around, do you believe Magmar sacrificed himself for this?"

As Jasper gently said this Magby finally showed a reaction, an angry one.

"Magby, Mag-Ma, Magby-by!"

Magby started glowing a soft red and the air around him started warming up. Jasper reacted fast, he instantly took Magby into his arms and hugged him, whispering into his ears. "Calm down Magby, I am sorry for rallying you up like this but I needed you to finally react to me, it is okay to be sad, but you can't continue like this. Magmar wanted us to help you, so please let me help, I am here for you!"

Hearing this, Magby's glow slowly lowered in intensity and he started crying in Jaspers arms.

"Everything will be fine, Magby, don't worry."

Jasper continued to gently whisper into Magbys ears, calming him down greatly.

A while later Magby finally stopped crying but stayed in Jaspers embrace, clutching onto his shirt. After another 10 minutes Jasper opened up his embrace and let Magby go. Magby reluctantly released Jaspers shirt and sat down, focusing all of his attention on Jasper.

Magbys focus only shifted when Jasper took out his tablet and opened poketube on it, a platform for users to uplaod und display videos, and started the, beforehand searched up, video of one of Blaine's battles.

"I know your grandpa Magmar was strong, but I want you to see the pinnacle of strength when it comes to Magmars, to show you how far you can go, and even then you can go further by evolving into a Magmortar, but that is still far in the future."

As soon as Jasper finished saying this, the battle began playing, and Blaine's Magmar absolutly destroyed his opponent, it was equally amazing and scary. His opponent was a Raichu, a quite strong one, that, as soon as the battle began, started raining Thunderbolts on Magmar, but Blaine's Magmar manipulated the hot air around it to block the electric-type move without using a move itself. Then Magmar closed in and trashed the Raichu in close combat, easily winning the match.

When he saw this Magbys eyes started glowing in fascination, imaging how it would be if it were that Magmar, standing in the arena, encircled by cheering fans and destroying his enemies.

Seeing that Magby was finally coming out of his depression, Jasper wanted to strike the iron while it's hot and held out his hand.

"I know you have the talent to reach these heights Magby, but for this you have to start training and need a pokemon trainer to support you. I will soon become a trainer and still have no first pokemon, become my first pokemon and together we ascent to heights never reached before. What do you think, Magby?!

Upon hearing that, Magby promptly stood up on his little legs, took Jaspers stretched out hand and cried out with conviction."



1521 words

Hey there, here's the author, Black_Dragongod.

If you notice a mistake in grammar or logic, make sure to write it in the chapter comments!

This is my first time writing a novel so I welcome all tips to make myself a better writer.

Black_Dragongodcreators' thoughts