
Poetic Destiny: A Love Story for The Digital Age.

In the digital realm, where emotions are lost in cyberspace, a young soul, Davis, pours his heart onto the pages of a poetry diary. As he transforms his deepest feelings into ink, he unwittingly crafts a map to his own destiny. But beware, dear reader, this is no ordinary poetry collection. It's a portal to a world where love, loss, and self-discovery await. As Davis's words come alive, you'll be drawn into a vortex of passion, creativity, and the quest for human connection in a world dominated by technology. But what secrets lie hidden beneath the surface of his poetry? What mysteries will unfold as the diary's pages turn?

Davis_Kofigyamfi · Urban
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8 Chs

"Letter to A Dove"

CHAPTER 1 .. ___ "Letter to A Dove.""

" My night is barren that no joyful cry can enter,

The stars of the dawn begins to darken,it does not see the eyelids of the morning.

Because she shut the doors of her heart leading to the womb of love towards me.

Why brought me out of my womb _ (world of singularity) And allow me to expire .

At least I would have slept and been at rest.

Even the slave is free from the master ,yet you capture this "Ark " and handed it over to foreign nations of insecurity and tortures of emotions .

You brought me out of the Lilies of the valley,brought me to the coast of Lilyland,yet you left me in dispaire.

Who will deliver me from the thorns and thistles of love and catapult me to its frictionless surface.

Nomatter whatever Gods may it be .

Was I not a hidden stillborn child ,as an infant who never sees the light?

The chronicles of love is Broad, yet hardly do you express it.

Your love for me is hidden behind the lash of your tongue and your lips hardly profess it.

Yet you sacrifice your time and patience for me.

You are committed to me than expressing it.

Your love for me is dimensionless ,hence can't point out it direction. Whether towards me or away from me .

Or has your mono- atomic being attracted another free moving atom In your new environment?

Hope not'! , then

Why not be honest and pour yourself out? Well', you know better.

Probably ,you've found yourself in the wilderness of confusion and in effect you discipline me with scorpions .

Hope the motion of my words portrays the depth of my affection towards you.

With your love ,even I the poor have hope and injustice shuts her mouth.

Yet you makes my yokes heavier and lighter simultaneously. I know it sounds crazy to love and trust completely someone you've not met before.but love knows no boundary.

I know the trust you found in me is crushed like the moth in the case of Dorothy.

Between. Morning and evening ,it beaten to pieces within you then perish.without anyone regarding.

I must tell you the truth to which I failed. It touches you and you became dismay.

You know my actions wasn't out of intent, and wasn't even real.but how can I disclosed it?

Even though I know, I have to plow the iniquity and reap the trouble I sow.

But can't afford the luxury of losing you,and you know I can stake my life on it.

Is not the fear of God your confidence?.....and the integrity of your ways your hope?

Why then disrobe me of the innocent of my innocence?

But who am I to enquire from you all this queries?

I am a diamond in the rough ,yet to be polished .just as you are. Not yet perfect but with no defections.""

Davis watery eyes were fixed unwavering on the diary as he almostly finished translating his heart felt emotions to its ink equivalent. Caught up helplessly in the emotional web as if fallen prey to the glycemic coaster effect.

At this very moment he does not need to read about love from any great novelist in order to know about love .he is right there in the realms of love .the emotions of love has turned him into a philosopher of love overnight.

Love is unlike a religion and you do not need any book to know its nature and personality. when you are right there in the realms of love ,love will be right there to teach you.it indeed has no form but manifests itself like a living word and flows through the hearts of men like living waters as in the case of Davis.

He began to question the nature of love ." Is love not beauty personified ,whose beauty is of understanding ,unconditional and without doubts?..he thought to himself.

Moment later his phone beeped signaling the arrival of a new message.

He stretched out his hand , picked the phone ,flipped the screen page to view it content only to be hit with the unexpected, Which reads"" infact let be friends."".

Out of the blue he imagine if words can emerge from a vacuum.his ears recieves a whisper of it as he read it out with his lips .amid thoughts from visions of the night, when deep sleep falls on men.dread came upon him and trembling which made all his bones shake.but a man as to imbibe as a man. A spirit glide past his face which made the flesh of his hair stood up and still.the intensity of the message produce mountain of goosebumps which reflected on his flesh.

A form was before his eyes ,there was silent. Time travelled and sleep took him away.


Poetic Destiny: A Love Story for the Digital Age.

It is June 11 ,2015 .The day started as it always did. Its a beautiful morning ,the crowing of roosters echoed throughout a the

little town _ tema new town . A suburb of Tema .

"Cocorocooo...cocorocooooo.."signaling the beginning of a new day. Davis woke up with a start.the swiftness of his movements was the only sharp motion of his fingers, flickering over the surface of his Samsung galaxy note 3.his fingers swings ,steadily ,unharmed like the noiseless pendulum.

Davis sat alone in his dimly lit bedroom, the glow of his phone screen the only source of light. His fingers hovered over the keyboard, hesitant, as he stared at the online poetry forum he had stumbled upon. The words on the screen seemed to beckon him, a siren's call that he found impossible to resist.

Drawn in by the raw emotion and lyrical prowess of the young writer known only as Lily with a virtual profile picture of Willow Smith, Davis felt a stirring within his soul. Her verses painted vivid pictures, each line a brushstroke of vulnerability and insight that resonated with the depths of his own brooding nature. He had never encountered poetry that so effortlessly mirrored the melancholic undertones that consumed his thoughts.

Cautiously, Davis began to type, his fingers trembling slightly as he composed a tentative message. "Your words...they're unlike anything I've ever read. The way you capture the complexities of the human experience, the way you give voice to the unspoken - it's breathtaking."

He paused, his brow furrowed in contemplation, before adding, "I'm Davis. It's a pleasure to meet you."

and the faint glimmer of hope. This chance encounter, this connection forged through the boundless realm of the internet, had the potential to change the course of his life forever.

As the minutes ticked by, Davis found himself captivated by Lily's every word, her response unfolding on the screen like a delicate dance. Her curiosity and compassion shone through, and he sensed a kindred spirit in her - someone who could truly appreciate the depth of his own poetic musings.