
Plenty of Fish in the Sea

'Jack D. Handsome' didn't become a pirate for heroics or the sake of adventure. As a fine specimen of a man, even if he did say so himself, he just wants to beat people up, show off and get girls. And what better way to accomplish that than joining a certain an up-and-coming pirate crew—the Straw Hat pirates?

f0Ri5 · Anime und Comics
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22 Chs

Chapter 12

"It's getting pretty cold with all this wind…"

Sanji turned to Luffy, looking at him incredulously.

"Why the hell are you wearing sandals in this weather? Just looking at them is making me feel cold!"

Jack chuckled, shaking his head. He was wrapped up from head to toe, his long hair waving in the wind. Nami was on his back, her arms slung around his neck and tied to his waist.

"As the saying goes, 'those who are willing to tolerate suffering, will have to tolerate more suffering'."

Sanji glanced at him, annoyed.

"Who says that? And by the way, why are you the one carrying Nami-san?!"

"Obviously I'm the one carrying her because I'm the strongest. You two just watch my back."



Jack snorted.

"Don't forget. If it wasn't for me, we wouldn't even have found this island in the first place-…"

"That's completely irrelevant. You're just trying to distract from your ulterior motives, you bastard! And after your incompetence got us into this situation in the first place!"

Jack glanced at Sanji over his shoulder.

"…like I said, I'm sorry. You're not wrong, but in the future, you better remember what you just said. If you want me to be more mindful, you should do the same. You guys would already be worm-food if it wasn't for me."

There was a moment's silence before Luffy laughed, seemingly unconcerned.

"That's fine, isn't it? You helped us because you're our friend. We'll do the same."

Jack shook his head.

"I'm sorry captain, but that's a very naïve way of looking at things. Anybody who lags behind is simply weighing everyone else down. That's fine, as long as they hang back and don't get into dangerous situations, but…"

The rest went unsaid.

"But what?"

"Sigh, he means you cause too much trouble. I hate to say it, but he's not wrong."

"Eh? You too, Sanji?"

Jack looked at Luffy.

"The longer I'm with you guys, the more I feel you won't get serious until someone dies…"

His gaze was suddenly far-off, directed toward the distant towering mountains.

"…and it may not be avoidable. As long as they live, people will die. But at least that won't happen today."

Effortlessly keeping up with Jack's pace, Sanji moved his cigarette to the other side of his mouth.

"What's with you anyway? If there's something you know, you should just say it outright."

Running across the snow, Jack's gaze flicked toward him and Luffy.

"I guess I was just considering a rumor I heard recently. About a quarrel between members of the Whitebeard pirates."

Sanji looked at him weirdly.

"What does that have to do with anything-…"

Before he could finish his sentence, a group of hulking figures appeared in the distance. They were like a cross between rabbits and bears, their white fur stained with old blood. At the three's approach, they growled viciously.

Jack grunted.

"Looks like our chat will have to wait for later. You guys take care of them. I'll go on ahead."

Suddenly speeding up, he stepped between the monstrous rabbits, effortlessly dodging their frenzied attacks.

"Hehe, I might be out of practice, but such bloodthirsty intent makes you easy to predict."

His words hanging in the air, he emerged on the other side, shooting toward the drum-shaped mountain. Luffy and Sanji were left behind, their expressions frustrated from being unable to avoid the Lapans.


With Nami still safely strapped to his back, Jack climbed the Drum-mountain barehanded. Despite the jagged, ice-cold rock, he remained entirely unharmed, his fingers digging burrowing into crevices like drill-bits. His Busoshoku could still use some work, but at his level, this much was child's play.

While scaling the mountain, he recalled his efforts at mastering Haki. Initially, he'd some difficulty with it, but after getting into the right mindset, his progress had accelerated ridiculously. He considered teaching the Straw Hats. If he recalled, they didn't figure it out themselves anyway.

Though, even saying that, Zoro and Luffy's talent was still better than his. Unlike them, he couldn't hear 'the voice of all things'—an extension of Kenbunshoku. And it wasn't for a lack of trying. Observation had been the first thing he attempted.

He didn't know whether he actually was somewhat gifted or if it was just that easy, but after training with a blindfold and plugging his ears, he could sense the 'flow' in living things. He just needed to sense the same energy inside himself, and the door to Busoshoku was opened, only having to learn how to manipulate it. He wondered if the 'D.' in his name somehow contributed to that. It was annoying. He'd like to credit his own efforts instead of just being naturally talented...

He considered it for a moment before shaking his head inwardly. Being too talented wasn't a worry he had. Not only was he incapable of sensing 'flow' in inanimate objects, he'd shown no signs of manifesting Haoshoku. He suspected the problem was his opponents. Until now, they were too weak, mostly because he'd avoided getting in over his head. Though, from now on, he hoped to encounter more challenges.

Thinking this and that, he eventually made it to the top of Drum-mountain. Pulling himself over the edge and looking down, he didn't spot hide-nor-hair of Luffy and Sanji.

Patting himself off, he flexed his muscles, stretching his back and arms. Mountain-climbing was actually an insane workout. He dared say not many people were as fit as he was, but he was almost certainly going to be sore tomorrow. He didn't see either of the doctors around. Well, he'd head to the castle in the meantime.

Putting his arms under Nami's legs, he headed for the weathered, old building. She'd been unconscious for the entire trip, but he could tell she was exhausted. Despite being tied down, she'd hung from his shoulders the entire multiple kilometers-high climb.


Breathing hard, two figures arrived at the base of Drum-mountain. They were a little bloodied, but otherwise none the worse for wear.

"Damn, if it isn't one thing, then it's another. I can't believe that Wapol and his goons suddenly showed up!"

Lifting his hat, Luffy scratched his head, straining to look at the mountain.

"Well, the avalanche took care of him. But I'm looking and I can't see Jack."

"That bastard probably already reached the top."

"What? So fast?"

Sanji shook his head, readying to climb.

"He's not normal. Don't you already know that?"

Luffy smiled, following Sanji's lead.

"Yeah. He's strong! But not stronger than me."

The two started scaling the mountain. It wasn't long before they were breathing hard, the constant running and fighting having taken their toll.

Glancing to the side, Sanji noted Luffy's expression. Despite their situation—the challenge ahead of them, and Nami's poor condition—his captain hadn't stopped grinning.

Sanji couldn't help recalling Jack's words. He had to admit, Luffy really was a kid. He was never serious, even when it was absolutely called for.

An admonishment hovered on the tip of Sanji's tongue, but in the end, he simply grunted. Jack was already doing a lot of lecturing, and it clearly wasn't working. There was no sense in him doing the same.

"That bastard… He better not be getting handsy with Nami-san…"


Exploring the castle and finding it empty, Jack laid Nami in an empty room. He was a bit early, so there was nothing to do but wait.

Moving the narrow, single-bed's blanket, he carefully tucked Nami underneath. He'd lifted her shirt to check the bite-mark, and it wasn't looking good. Blue-ish veins spread from the spot like a spiderweb, entirely covering her abdomen.

Probably noticing the changing environment, Nami awoke drowsily.

"What's happening…?"

"Don't worry about it. Just go back to sleep. The doctor will be here soon."

Jack petted her hair, enjoying the silky feeling. He rather liked it short. Somehow, it just suited Nami's personality.

Turning over with difficulty, she looked at his face. Her eyes were hazy.

"Okay. I guess you're… a little handsome…"

Right after dropping that strange statement, she went back to sleep, like a switch turning on and off.

Jack just sat there for a moment before chuckling. It was probably the fever talking, so he doubted she'd remember it. Though, he hoped she did. Teasing her about it would be fun.

Retreating to a chair in the corner of the room, he took a seat. He was a bit tired, so he decided to close his eyes for a while. Being a light sleeper, he knew he'd wake up when someone arrived.


"…hey. Hey! Wake up, young man! What do you think you're doing, sleeping in someone else's house? This isn't a place to go on honeymoon with your little wifey!"

Groggily opening his eyes, Jack came face-to-face with an elderly woman, dressed in jeans and a crop-top. Grinning amusedly at him, she threw back her head, chugging a bottle of liquor.

Already starting to get stiff from the climb, it took some effort to straighten himself in his seat. Glancing at Nami, he saw her breathing was more even.

"Hello, doctor Kureha. Thanks for taking a look at my friend."

The woman laughed.

"Kekeke~… So you know about me. But I don't recognize you, young man. I'm guessing neither you nor your friends are from Drum-island."

"'Friends'…? Ah, those two must've made it up the mountain. I almost didn't think they would."

The doctor raised an eyebrow.

"I admit, I was surprised. It's been a long time since anyone dared climbing that mountain. Those louts are currently resting. Both are in bad shape."

She scanned Jack from top to bottom, a strange look on her face.

"I thought their robustness was already nonsensical, but if that's the case, then I have no idea what to say about you."

Jack grinned, stretching his arms above his head.

"What can I say? I'm a fine specimen, if I do say so myself-…"

"Jack, be quiet! I'm trying to rest."

The sudden outburst came from a bundled-up figure on the nearby bed.

Jack smiled lopsidedly.

"In any case, thank you again doctor. She's a little prickly, but, well…"

He briefly glanced at Nami. One of her eyes was exposed, glaring at him dangerously.

"…never mind. For the time being, I'll rest somewhere else. We can talk about compensation once the captain wakes up."

Getting up from his chair, he made to leave, but the doctor followed him.

"I've done all I can. That mouthy brat just needs to recuperate. There's no sense in me hanging around here."

Chatting amicably, they made their way out of the room, closing the door behind them. When they were outside, Dr. Kureha gave Jack a mischievous look.

"It's not my business, but up here, I often find myself deprived of interesting gossip. I can't help but wonder—what's your relationship with that girl?"

Strolling down the hallway, Jack shook his head.

"Well, I don't mind answering because we don't have any particular relationship. We're just members of the same crew."

Dr. Kureha laughed mysteriously.

"Is that so? Seeing her brattyness, I was just curious. While you were asleep, she had an entirely different attitude-… Oh, but here we are. Your friends are inside. Go check up on them. If you're tired, feel free to use one of the beds."

Thumping Jack on the back, she headed in a different direction.

"I'm a busy woman. I can't be looking after you kids all day."

Watching her leave, he gave a casual wave. He was about to turn and enter the room when he spotted a small figure at the hallway's opposite end. Staring intently at him, it leaned against wall. It's attempt at hiding itself was entirely botched, having gone at it from the wrong angle.

Jack maintained eye-contact before shaking his head. He wasn't good at the 'power of friendship' stuff. Better to leave the human-reindeer-doctor to Luffy.


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