
please reset the booktitle Min_Rin 20231218092329 17

I'm deleting my book and going to write it again from the start

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11 Chs

Getting Memories Back

At home when Wallace looks at Locket he realized that he gave up too early. He decided to not give up and find a way. He could feel his emotions for Sharon in other lives. But he wasn't able to feel those emotions for her . Maybe it was because he became misfortune for her in his previous life .

He was still in those thoughts. His mom knocked at the door. "Yes" said Wallace

Wallace mom " You have got an email. Who's mail is this".

Wallace quickly got up and received it. To avoid mom watching mail he put it on table. " it's my friend who lives there, he transferred school recently, he must have wanted to tell me how he is doing ".

Wallace mom " ahhh I see, I was wondering why would someone from there send you email ".

Wallace tried to change the subject " Are you done with work "?

Wallace mom " Not yet, but will be done soon ".

Wallace " don't stay up too late, Go to sleep early ".

Wallace mom putting her hands around his face " My sweet son , that's so caring of you . You too Go to bed on time ".

Wallace nodes his head " mmmm".

Wallace locked the door after his mom left. He opened the email. It was from shaman as he expected. There were some talisman in it . The way of use was writing on the letter. He have to put these talisman under his bed and above his bed on the roof. He puts the talisman as instructed and gone to sleep. He was uneasy about it but he tried to to overcome his fear. He closed his eyes and go to sleep.

At night in the sleep Wallace dream about his first life time as it was happening to him right now. He was breathing shakily , He sits up in fear. He put his hands on neck, his neck was wet with the sweat. He tried to calm down and drink a little water. He writes down what he saw in the dream. From that on Wallace would dream about it every night but it was more like a torture. Going through the same pain again and again. It brings back all his fears and emotions. But rather than love for Sharon there is more sadness in these emotions. And the fact that he is about to lose her again. He started regretting over time . Like how comes he was just focused on himself. How comes he wasn't even looking out for a way out of it. Over the days disappear and sadness engulfed him slowly. Now Harlow can see an adult in him. Looking back at his lives he come to realize that Sharon never fall in love with him. She only needed him. He thinks what if same thing happens this time too . Maybe that's why I can't Save her. He goes to Shaman to ask about it.

Shaman " Your fates don't get entangled. Both of your lives are headed separate ways. Do you know recognize what are the difficulties in your way? You can't save her not only because her fate is cursed, but also because both of your fates are not connected. You are just effected by her bad luck, but she isn't able to receive the good energy from you. You have to make your fates cross paths. She have to be connected with you to escape the dark energy. "

This is another obstacle in Wallace way . He have to make Harlow fall in love with him but how exactly he can do that if she doesn't feel such an emotions for him.

He asked Harlow friends about her ideal type. He asked Harlow mom about whatever she liked. Wallace notes all those things. He keep observing Van personality. He tried to imitate Van in the mirror. After some days he asked Harlow to go out with him again. Harlow was waiting for Wallace outside the house. Wallace came out of the Gate . His hairstyles and Clothe style changed. He imitated Van hairstyle . He tried to look more manly. He was so awkward .

Harlow " you had short hairs , Is that is wig "?

Wallace " huhhh, it's my own hairs. I'm gonna grow my hairs ".

Harlow " liar. Did your hair grow in just one night ".

Wallace pretend to clear his throat.

Harlow " let's go , Driver uncle is waiting for us". She turned and smiled a little. Although Wallace have imitated Van but he is looking good in long hairs . Moreover last time Wallace even confessed to her . She found it cute that Wallace tried that look to impress her.

They are sitting in the car and Car is running on the road in a stable speed.

Harlow " where are we going? Is that is so far away"?

Wallace " yes and that's why we will stay there for one day "?

Harlow " what? Why ? You have not told me about that ".

Wallace " don't worry we are not alone, Van will be coming with his boyfriend too".

Harlow " I am not worried. It's just I have not informed my parents".

Wallace " I already informed your mom ".

Harlow " oh I see . But where are we going"?

Wallace " we are visiting a 300 years old tree . There are other historical places too ".

Harlow " From when you were interested in history ".

Wallace " Why can't I have interest in history aren't you talking too much. Go to sleep it's still so far away ".