
please reset the booktitle JakaGKJ14 20231218092329 46

JakaGKJ14 · Fantasie
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2 Chs

New beginnings

"Such beautiful eyes"The doctor couldn't help but marvel at the astonishing white eyes of the child while handing him to his mother.

"This child is blind," the doctor said with a sad look on his face.

"Then his name will be Cecillius,The one with no sight," His mother said with tears rolling down her eyes.

Four years later, His mother took him for a magic test.

"Mum, I'm scared, "Little Cecillius told his mother and she took his hand and said

"Don't be it is not gonna hurt" and the man placed his hand on the magic testing gem.

"Well, ma'am this kid has no talent in magic whatsoever, "The man said while letting go of Cecillius.

"What, you must be joking, check it again" With anger in her voice. He took his hand again and it showed the same thing.

"It's still the same but he can be tested for some"The man was saying before he was cut off.

"No," She said angrily and stormed off with Cecillius.

"Mom, What happened?"Cecillius asked while being dragged by his mother.

"Shut up, you bastard" His mother shouted back at him but tears couldn't come out of his eyes since birth whether it was an injury he never cried.

Later that night,

"What"Rine Cecillius's father screamed after hearing the result of the magic test.

"You are kidding right," He said while looking at her and laughing.

"Tell me you are kidding"He grabbed her by the shoulder

"Don't get cocky" She said while pushing him off and her eyes flickered with flames.

"Thank God, The kids aren't around," she said while dusting her cloth.

"So, What are we going to do about that bastard, I know he is not my son," He said while looking at her from the corner of his eye.

"Don't look at me like that, you know I didn't cheat she said staring at him with anger.

"How then did we give birth to that worthless trash," He said while sitting and his hands on his head.

"I have an idea," She said while putting on his hands and a huge grin appeared on her face.

"What!?"His face lit up when he heard what she said

"We sell him to a slave house when he is like 12 or 13," She said with a sinister smile and a huge grin appeared on his face and he grabs and kisses her.

"I love your mind and the kids aren't around"He smirked while saying that and carrying her into the room.

Eight years later, "Ceci, wake up" His father woke him up with excitement in his voice.

"What's going on," Cecillius said while rubbing his eyes.

"Ceci, your life is gonna change from today," His father said with a devilish glint in his eyes but Cecillius couldn't see it. He was excited for one today was his birthday and he thought his suffering for seven years or so was about to end.

Cecillius and his parents left the house early and after walking for about thirty minutes his father stopped and handed him to his mother.

"I'll be back with your surprise," His father said with a huge grin on his face and he walked into a huge auction house. Inside the auction house, Cecillius's father met with a handsome man

"You are quite handsome for a slave trader I expected a cruel-faced man not someone with an innocent face," Rine told the slave trader

"I get that a lot and it helps bring in the ladies who love buying sex workers for their pleasures, "The man said while laughing looking at Cecillius's father

"Then you are going to love what I have for you"He ordered for his wife to bring in Cecillius.

"Oh oh, With those eyes he would be our main feature for our next auction and I will send you a million credits "When Cecillius heard he finally understood what was going on because his hearing was better than an average human but he knew he couldn't do anything so he pretended like he didn't hear. He was handed to the man and the last thing he heard before being knocked out.

"Happy birthday, You fucking bastard, "His parents said in unison while laughing.