
please reset the booktitle BronzeBronzeman 20231218092329 22

Shunned by society for having too many dicks, I hid away my schlongy shame. But when dungeons began to rise, flooding the earth with thick streams of monsters, humans began to awaken, and my curse became my strength. With my double dick system I get twice the stats, and twice the skills that a normal one dicked person would get. Seems like a weird way to build a system, but I'm not complaining.

BronzeBronzeman · Fantasie
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10 Chs

The One Eyed Monster

As I made my way down the street, fighting monsters, I began noticing weird tentacle monsters. Just purple blobs covered in tentacles. They were about as tall as a human, with a big eye where the chest would be, and a big gaping mouth with rows of pointed teeth where the stomach should be.

They shambled over on their thicker tentacles, using others as weapons to strike with, while several were thinner, with an eye at the tip, always looking around the body. Thankfully these monsters seemed to burn pretty well.

As I went down the street, there were more and more, a few of them even made it close to me before I could kill them. Some were just bigger and tougher, others just moved faster, With this weird unpredictable gait.

As I turned a corner, I saw it. A giant tentacle monster, nearly as tall as the buildings around it. As soon as I saw it's giant eye my balls were flying toward it's face. It closed it's eye in time but the eyelid was torn a bit from the explosions, and starting to burn. It screeched and covered it's face with it's tentacles, the other eyes opening wide then scowling.

I walked forward and peppered the writhing mass of tentacles with my fireballs. Then when I got close enough I let loose my streams, shooting my ropes of fire all over it. The balls had started a bit of burning here and there, but the streams of fire were able to cover it's entire body, or at least the front. I ran behind it, now that it'd balled itself up there was room between it and the buildings.

I started my streams again and burned the sides and back, coating everything in flame. It turned around and started flailing it's limbs, trying to hit me. It's wild flailing was easily avoidable. I don't know if it could even see me at this point.

It exposed it's huge eyelid with it's flailing, and even opened it's mouth to scream. I shot my balls into it's mouth, and when it finally shut it's mouth, I shot it's eyelid. I broke through the mostly burned away eyelid and started blasting holes into it's eye.

It finally curled up into a ball, as tightly as it could, in an effort to snuff out some of the flames, and to protect it's weak point. I walked around it, coating the outer layers in flames from my fire streams, making sure every exposed bit of it's tentacles were still burning.

Then I stopped and blasted into the same spot as precisely as I could. My two fat burning balls smashing into it over and over again, blowing holes into the mass of tentacles. Eventually I tore into it, blasting into the core of this one eyed monster, filling it with my burning loads. The monster burst into chunks, it's tentacles flying everywhere.

I finally killed it. Then I saw a book fly into the air, and I jumped up and caught it, not wanting it to get buried under the tentacles. It said Sight of the One Eyed Monster. Wow, that was really what it's called.

I absorbed the skill and read about it. Sight of the One Eyed Monster. Allows the user to read the status window of another being with one of their eyes. Emits a purple glow when used, so it's kind of obvious if you're using it.

Okay, good to know I guess.

It continues. Can only see the window of a being with the same total stats at level one. As level is increased, the user is able to see the status of stronger beings, within a certain percentage of your own total stats.

Percentage difference doubled. Uses both eyes.

I guess that's good, not sure if using both eyes matters, but okay. If it doesn't work on something when it's at a higher level, I should probably just leave anyway, or at least not piss it off.

The last bit says. Also allows the user to view the status and condition of materials and items.

I guess it's just a full on appraisal skill. That's some pretty good value. I use my one eyed monster skill, with my two eyes, and look at the bodies around me. There's all kinds of shit listed and I don't care to read it all. Not like I can do anything with it right now.

I suck up the one eyed monsters into my holes, and all of the tentacles I can find as I make my way back down the street. Hopefully these are good for something later. I might've damaged the materials by burning them and blowing them up, but those are the only skills I have right now.

Maybe if I ever get a weapon I can try just cutting things up, at least the weaker monsters. My mana's a bit low, down to about a quarter of it left. I've been going on too long without letting it regenerate. With my double dick system my stats effecting maximum mana and mana regen are doubled, then it doubles my maximum mana and mana regen, counting those as their own stats.

Seems a bit unfair to let me double dip with my double dick system,. but I'm not complaining. Still, my mana's not infinite. I find a store and go eat a bunch of stuff while I have a break at the table. I wait around until my mana's full again. I even notice that being full seems to increase mana regeneration a bit. I guess consumables factor into things.

After I'm done I suck up everything else and walk down the street, in this never ending maze of a city. I'll have to find somewhere to sleep eventually, but it's summer, the sun's still up. I might as well burn daylight and level up as much as I can. Plus I really enjoy killing things.