
Please let me go to the Throne of Heroes (full version anglaise)

"I have traveled to the Xingyue and gained the approval of the root. As long as I can die abnormally, I can ascend to the Throne of Heroes and become the Lord of the Throne of Heroes, a stronger and freer existence than the Seventh Crown." "For this reason, I began to I scolded Jin Shining face to face, challenged Zeus the Almighty in Greece, kidnapped Skadi in Northern Europe, declared Solomon to be a devil rather than a son of God in Israel, and stood in Morgan's place to death in Britain . Side..." "But why, am I still alive?" 1994, Fuyuki. A famous existence in history, the third friend of the oldest king, the first prime minister of Mesopotamia, the person favored by the Greek gods, the king of giants in northern Europe, the incarnation of the god who awakened Solomon's humanity in Israel, Ka. Prince Merlo assists... Rowe, who is young but full of vicissitudes, sat on the top of the Fuyuki Bridge, sighed, and looked in front of him: "You say, what went wrong here?" "Or, you will kill me. , let me go to the Throne of Heroes? Please!" Emiya Kiritsugu lit a cigarette and glanced at Artoria who held up the holy spear beside him, the treasure of the king unfolded by Gilgamesh, and the detective of the kingdom of shadows. The red tip of the spear that came out... The hand holding the cigarette trembled slightly. Original livre https://trxs.cc/tongren/6362.html

Supe3rman1234 · Anime und Comics
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320 Chs

Chapitre 93

Chapter 93

Author: Luozhou White Horse

They wear armor and armor, they are tall and serious, and they hold long contradictory cards, and their bodies are wrapped in strong magic.

The steps are staggered and neat, and the towering is stern.

This is an army.

An army from the underworld, Uruk, a hundred battles!

'Outside the city of Troy, the allied Greek army could not capture the towering city for a long time, and the marshal of the unified army was also distressed by it. '

'The god of the high sky appeared at this time. It was the form after the return of the sage after death. He was a man and a god. He waved his hand and brought out thousands of soldiers and horses from the void, and the swords and soldiers were formidable and standing like a forest. '

'They chanted Wansheng, chanted the god of the sky--'

'He is the God of all machines and the Lord of all armies. '

'The Battle of Troy'

"Now, am I qualified?" Rowe looked at Apollo and at the rest of the gods.

Apollo lowered his eyes and nodded heavily: "Yes."

Chapter 119 The glory of the hero is witnessed by me (there are sixteen more to continue the chapter)

Apollo's answer was yes, because Rowe was no longer just a man, he also had the identity of a god.

This kind of thing is actually quite common in Greece. The Greek gods who can walk freely in reality have the essence of gods and the body of human beings, but what surprised Apollo even more was the form of 'god' displayed by Rowe.

That is the Mechanic God of Atlantis civilization, not the high-dimensional core of the Greek gods that only exists in the form of a light.

"Cronus... So that's the case, did you directly swallow the body of the Titan God King?" Apollo took a deep breath: "Since that's the case, of course you are qualified to participate in this dispute."

At this moment, the attitude of respect has become more and more respectful.

But the God of Light was not frightened by this, but became slightly excited: "Then—you and I are enemies!"

"The victor of this war will obtain the promise of the rest of the gods, and obtain the right to speak in heaven and earth, second only to Zeus, the king of the gods, in the next thousand years."

"So, I will do everything I can to defeat you!"

After the words fell, the God of Light turned and left, leaving only the afterglow of bright light still shining on the Temple of Olympus.

I have to say that Apollo was the most normal Greek god Rowe had ever seen.

"Is it a god? I said, how can I value a mere mortal so much!?" The god of love over there was relieved, and she fluttered her long red hair: "But, even a god— -I will also make you recognize me and bow down under my skirt!"

Aphrodite, the goddess of love, also left.

She took on the shadow of Ares, the god of war. Ares, the god of war, was the most intimate lover and comrade-in-arms of the god of love. Standing with Aphrodite and participating in the Trojan War was also the responsibility of Ares. This is the reason why Mars, the god of war, left a shadow of his past here.

Shadow is irrational and self-chaotic. He will only act in accordance with his own duties and ignore Rowe.

It is Mars, the god of war, who is related to Rowe, not Ares, the god of war.

"Is the third party involved in the Trojan War fighting against a total of six main gods on both sides?" Hera smiled: "Then, I look forward to your performance, the god of all opportunities."

The figure of Hera disappeared after the day, and Vulcan took his eyes away from the direction where the God of Eros left with a sad face, and then followed.

Seems like... no melons to watch?

Hestia also thought about leaving, and the next second, the goddess of stove fire choked in place.

Because Athena suddenly approached Rowe's arms and kissed her.

Is it because my presence is too low? Will I be found if I go now? so awkward--

Hestia buried her head.

But Athena took the initiative to kiss, but it was not unexpected.

She opened her hands and shoved the whole body into Luo Wei's arms. Her delicate body was close to her dress, and her slightly tipped toes swayed along with her hips, and her slender waist was tucked down. Dangling what is generally gentle.

After kissing them, they parted immediately, the goddess of wisdom and war fluttered her long silver hair, and her ruby-like eyes stared at Luo Wei.

The goddess smiled: "Then - we are also temporary enemies, I will not be merciful, my only lover."

"I will prove to you that my current strength is definitely worthy of you."

Either capture the opponent or be captured by the opponent.

She is the master of war, and moreover, the god king who has become the master of a miniature pantheon.

Athena has always been a majestic and divine goddess.

She will not become a burden and pendant to anyone.

Even if she is willing to dedicate everything to her loved ones and become a foil, it is only because Athena is willing, and it does not mean that she can only do that.

"Wait, the one loved by wisdom and war." After leaving such a sentence, the goddess of war left the temple of Olympus.

Just like Apollo, Aphrodite, Ares, Hera, and Hephaestus who left, Athena also went to the present world.

It was obvious that in this battle, they were only the promoters and chess players behind the scenes, but at this moment, in the face of the powerful threat from Luo Wei, the gods were willing to give up their lives to the world.

So this day.

In the city of Troy, the three main gods, Apollo, the sun god, Aphrodite, the god of love and beauty, and Ares, the god of war, arrived in Troy in person.

The light of the gods shone on every soldier, general, and demigod hero who defended the city, swept away their difficulties and brought them great power.

So this day.

Among the many city-state alliances in Greece, the goddess of war wears many crowns woven from the authority of the gods, and stands on a high place. The shadow of the Vulcan, and the flames flowed with prestige.

Morale of the Greek Federation was high.

However, just when people thought that even the gods appeared in person, and there was bound to be an earth-shattering battle of gods, the Troy city-state and the Greek coalition stopped fighting at the same time.

Even the group of Uruk warriors from the underworld who were summoned by Rowe did not move.

Stationed in place, stationed in place.

Rowe is still standing in the high sky on Mount Olympus, in the Pantheon.

He knew that both Athena and Apollo were waiting for him to appear and take action.

Because of how powerful he is.

So the gods awaited.

But Rovi remained unmoved after giving the order to keep Uruk's soldiers still.

Hestia in the corner of the temple: "..."

Just before she had time to leave, the black-haired stove goddess suddenly felt that she was in an extremely embarrassing situation.

If he moved, Rowe would definitely find himself here all the time.

And the act of getting close to Athena just now seems to be invisible to outsiders.

So, Hestia found...she seemed to be unable to go.

Because Rowe also seemed to be waiting for something.

He is waiting-

The Self-Termination of 'Injustice'.


"Achilles, what are you thinking about?" It was night, in the darkness of the night, in the Greek coalition barracks, the bonfire was burning, the young man with sharp, thorn-like pale green short hair raised his head and looked at the speaker. figure.

It was a man in heavy armor. He was the commander of the Greek coalition. His real name was Agamemnon, the king of the kingdom of Mycenae, and a man with great strategy.

He crossed the place where countless Greek soldiers rested, walked to the boy with short green hair, and sat down slowly: "What are you thinking?"

"Ah—it's you!" The boy named Achilles responded, but an inexplicable and unhappy expression suddenly appeared on his face: "I'm just thinking, when will I be able to set foot on the battlefield, Just tear those guys apart!"

"Hahaha, don't worry, you will have your chance soon!" Agamemnon smiled and patted Achilles on the shoulder: "Now that both Athena and Hera have arrived, victory, no chance There is no doubt that it belongs to our Greek coalition!"

"Hmph, it doesn't matter what kind of thing!" Achilles pouted.

Knowing the character of this boy, Agamemnon didn't mind his reckless behavior. Of course, this was also because he knew that Achilles had reckless qualifications.

Achilles is the son of the demigod hero Peleus and Thetis, one of the three thousand sea goddesses who completed the adventure of the Argonaut and retired. He was born half-human and half-god. Martial arts have mastered the spear skills of the gods, and he is the fastest hero among human beings.

This kind of strength made Achilles the most important general in this Greek coalition crusade against the city-state of Troy, and the first person to take the lead.

Agamemnon took it very seriously, so he just laughed: "Rest early, the war will begin soon!"

The commander-in-chief of the coalition patted Achilles on the shoulder, and he got up and left, straddling countless bonfires and soldiers, and disappeared into the vast darkness of the barracks.

Achilles crooked his mouth and squinted his eyes.

The radiance of the goddess of war shrouded in the sky, the radiance of the Lord God that no one could look directly at, but the green-haired young hero always felt that something was wrong.

From the beginning of this war, he felt that something was wrong...

"Why do you still look worried?" Another voice sounded, and Achilles raised his head and looked at the young man in front of him, Paltlock, who was also a demigod hero with his own small hair. Ross: "Did the marshal say something to you?"

"Patroclus, what do you think... what does our war represent?" Achilles asked, but the expression on his face was no longer the rebelliousness he had when facing Agamemnon, but a thoughtful expression. .

This is the perplexity that Achilles' heart has gradually become richer after the coming of the gods, and it has become more and more rich as time goes by.

"Represents aggression," Patroclus responded rightfully.

Without the excuse that Helen was kidnapped by King Paris of Troy, the Greek coalition still started a war against Troy, but its reason for declaring war was somewhat untenable.

This is an 'unjust war' without a legitimate claim.

In the past, the Greek heroes never cared about these...

"But if it was my father's group, they would care!" Achilles suddenly said: "They will care about justice, good and evil, honor and shame, and even more the meaning of war! "

"Your father... the hero of the Argonaut, someone who has experienced the trials of sages and understood the spirit of heroism?" Patroclus was stunned for a while, and then he reacted immediately.

Those heroes do.

Because they have gone through trials, those who can come out of it are all heroes of strength and spirit.

If you really fight for the country, even if the war is humiliating, the heroes will naturally flock to it.

But this war is not.

This war is only due to the greed and jealousy of human beings, and due to the confrontation of the gods. After the war, the countries may not be able to get anything.

"Before I set off, it was predicted that I would die in this Trojan war, but I came anyway, because I would rather make my life more wonderful - but this kind of unjust war, really Is what I want wonderful!?" Achilles' face put on an uninhibited smile again: "My compatriots, should they die in this kind of dispute?"

Should it?

If it was a Greek hero who was not influenced by the sages, he would certainly not have such doubts.

But now, they have.

"You really think so too, Achilles!" A voice sounded, but this time it was not Patroclus who spoke, but someone else.

Those were the demigod heroes who supported the Greek coalition in the Trojan War.

In the darkness of the night and under the light of the fire, the surrounding soldiers carefully avoided, allowing the tall heroes to walk unimpeded.

Among them are the descendants of the heroes of the Argonaut, and there are those who have been inspired by the adventures of the Argonaut, who are familiar with the story and know what the wise sages taught the heroes of the past.

They—the same feeling as Achilles.

"The blood of our compatriots should not flow like this!" Everyone agreed.

"Then let me see, you guys, how far you can do it!" Achilles still had an uninhibited smile, he was the strongest hero on the scene, and everyone naturally put him first.

"Don't worry, we are heroes too!" The tall hero named Odysseus with scattered silver hair smiled: "We are all heroes, even if we are enemies of God, we will still take this heavy step!"

"That's right, Achilles!"

"You are not the only one who is strong!"

The heroes are on the move, and they're going to stop this war, which in the end won't benefit either country or people.

In the city of Troy, a hero has also begun to act. He is the most important general of Troy. He is the prince of Troy, Hector, a man with a short beard who is sloppy and messy all day long.

But at this moment, he also stood up. In order to stop this war, he had to let both the offensive and defensive sides give up their hostility at the same time.

At the same time lose the ability to fight.


"You, are you surrounded by me alone?" Facing the Trojan soldiers ushering in from all directions, the man with the foxtail grass closed one eye and showed a smile, an extremely mocking smile.

Under the darkness of the night, the war has not yet begun, but the 'infighting' has begun between the enemy and us