
Please let me go to the Throne of Heroes (full version anglaise)

"I have traveled to the Xingyue and gained the approval of the root. As long as I can die abnormally, I can ascend to the Throne of Heroes and become the Lord of the Throne of Heroes, a stronger and freer existence than the Seventh Crown." "For this reason, I began to I scolded Jin Shining face to face, challenged Zeus the Almighty in Greece, kidnapped Skadi in Northern Europe, declared Solomon to be a devil rather than a son of God in Israel, and stood in Morgan's place to death in Britain . Side..." "But why, am I still alive?" 1994, Fuyuki. A famous existence in history, the third friend of the oldest king, the first prime minister of Mesopotamia, the person favored by the Greek gods, the king of giants in northern Europe, the incarnation of the god who awakened Solomon's humanity in Israel, Ka. Prince Merlo assists... Rowe, who is young but full of vicissitudes, sat on the top of the Fuyuki Bridge, sighed, and looked in front of him: "You say, what went wrong here?" "Or, you will kill me. , let me go to the Throne of Heroes? Please!" Emiya Kiritsugu lit a cigarette and glanced at Artoria who held up the holy spear beside him, the treasure of the king unfolded by Gilgamesh, and the detective of the kingdom of shadows. The red tip of the spear that came out... The hand holding the cigarette trembled slightly. Original livre https://trxs.cc/tongren/6362.html

Supe3rman1234 · Anime & Comics
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320 Chs

Chapitre 92

Chapter 92

Author: Luozhou White Horse

Of course, in the face of Rowe, Eros is just arrogance in words.

No one dared to underestimate those who defeated Cronus and Abyss Tartaros from the bottom of their hearts.

Even if the other party is a human - yes, she only knows that Rowe is a human.

The abyss Tartaros is not something that the Lord God can see through. Except for Athena who participated in it personally, only the three god-kings know what happened in Tartaros, knowing that Rowe devoured Cronor. Si, obtained the huge body of a machine god, able to freely switch between humans and gods.

The rest of the gods could only sense that Rowe stopped the disaster and devoured Tartarus.

And Aphrodite's hints can completely evoke the desires and desires in the hearts of any living being.

Even sages are still human, right?

The noble and elegant, young lady-like queen Hera frowned: "Aphrodite, above the temple of Olympus, put away your debauched posture."

"I am the wife of the king of the gods, the mistress of Olympus, the sage of Uruk, if you choose me, I will give you the incomparable honor of Greece!" She said solemnly.

The black-haired goddess Hestia did not speak, but quietly appeared in the corner and looked around.

Hmm...seems interesting?

She came only out of curiosity and helping her friend Athena. Who is the most beautiful goddess has nothing to do with her, and the Buddhist goddess just wants to eat melons.

At the same time, Rowe backhanded Athena's hand.

The existing close relationship made Luo Wei make such a gesture after clarifying the whole story.

Athena was stunned, her delicate face flushed slightly, but she still showed an elegant smile: "No matter what choice you make, I will respect you, my love, Rowe."


This is a sending proposition.

Luo Wei glanced around at the many goddesses, and made a decision in his heart only in an instant.

Fortunately, the most troublesome moon god Artemis did not participate... While Rowe was relieved, he saw that there was no intention of giving up in the eyes of many goddesses.

Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty who uses love and beauty as a bargaining chip.

Hera, the queen of seduction with the highest power.

In the original mythology, they also used this method to seduce Paris, the demigod boy who had obtained the right to distribute the 'Golden Apple', and gave Paris the most beautiful woman in the world, Helen, because of Aphrodite. ' which led to the famous Trojan War.

But unfortunately, the current choice is not in the hands of the demigod boy Paris, but in the hands of the sages.

"My choice is very simple." Rowe smiled slightly, then raised his other empty hand...

Aphrodite smiled confidently.

She believes that no conscious being can resist love and beauty, not even the gods.

Hera is still dignified.

She thought, the beauty of power, as one of the three kings of Uruk, Rowe should not be unaware.

Hestia was even more curious about who Rowe would choose, although she instinctively felt that Rowe should choose her friend, Athena.

Then the three goddesses saw Rowe's fingers spinning in the air... Finally, they pointed to themselves.

Athena: "?"

Hera: "?"

Aphrodite: "?"

Hestia: "?"

"You read that right." Rowe smiled: "I choose myself."

The golden apple of the original mythology refers to the most beautiful goddess.

But he is not the original.

Luo Wei is not limited by inertial thinking.

Such a result was unexpected for all goddesses, and even more unwilling for all goddesses.

Well... goddesses other than Athena.

"The person I love should be the most beautiful person in the world." The goddess of Athens showed an expression she couldn't agree with.

This is a beauty pageant, not a place for you to show your affection... Hestia holds her forehead.

"What? Are you unconvinced?" Luo Wei said very naturally: "The so-called beauty is not only the beauty of the appearance, but also the beauty of the soul. The ambition to embrace the mountains and rivers is beauty, and it is also beauty."

"The virtue of being faithful is beauty."

Aphrodite's arrogant face showed a slightly angry expression, because Rowe was undoubtedly referring to her who had an affair with most of the gods.

"It's beautiful not to be jealous."

Hera, the queen of the day, didn't show any expression, but the expression on her face was obviously moved. She was indeed very good at jealousy, towards Zeus' lovers and the goddess of everything.

"Being decadent is beauty."

The Buddhist goddess Hestia raised her hands, expressing herself as a melon eater.

So Athena raised a smile.

Luo Wei coughed softly, stopped, and said, "Of course, I know you will not be convinced."

"So, let's make a bet, how about it."

"Just betting on the proxy war between gods and gods in the world—"

"The Battle of Troy."

Chapter 118 The God of Armies

"I will be the third party involved in the Trojan War. If I can win this battle, it will be my bet."


"You should all acknowledge what I just said."

The words from the sages fell into the ears of the four goddesses at the scene, causing them to be stunned at the same time.

Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty, was disdainful: "...A mere human, thinking that with a force superior to ours, can they try to indulge in the game of the gods?"

"if not?"

Rowe shook his fist.


The Queen of Heaven, Hera, frowned deeper: "Your Excellency, are you joking?"

Hestia is watching the play.

Athena just clenched Rowe's hand tighter and expressed support.

"Not kidding," Rowe said.

From the reaction of the gods alone, he knew that what he knew was right, the Trojan War happened after all.

Although the existence of the golden apple was replaced by the key of the sky left by Rowe.

But the Trojan War was in essence a war destined to happen. It originated from the fact that Troy was located in the main traffic road of Greece. If we dig deeper into the reason, it is the confrontation between the two god camps.

Athena, the goddess of wisdom, Hera, the goddess of fire, and Hejunstos, the goddess of fire, supported many Greek city-state alliances.

And Apollo, the god of light who supports the city-state of Troy, Aphrodite, the god of love and beauty, Ares, the god of war—Mars, the god of war, has gone to the future, but he still leaves a shadow in the present, fulfilling his duty. Complete the duties of the myth.

opposition of the two parties.

Half of the twelve main gods are involved.

As for this news, Rowe already knew about it when he was in the underworld. After all, Hades, the Greek king of the underworld, often visited the underworld of Uruk and always brought some news.

The master of dead souls has always been extremely sensitive to war, because if there is a war in the world, the number of dead souls in the underworld will inevitably increase sharply - of course, Rowe initially only thought that it was the Trojan War caused by the golden apple, but he did not think of it yet. on oneself.

But it was at that time that he decided to participate in this battle that affected the Greek gods.

Returning to reality from the underworld, Rowe's goals are different from before.

He promises to help Gilgamesh solve the obstacles between heaven and earth, so that Uruk can change his face and move to Greece.

The Trojan War is the best entry point, and the best time to take the opportunity to bring Uruk back to the world.

That is, at this moment, the Temple of Olympus also seemed to have a sense.

The divine light is intertwined and reflected, and the silhouettes of the main gods appear one after another.

Needless to say, the four goddesses who were originally present were Apollo who walked out of the corona falling from the sky, Hephaestus, the god of fire, who appeared from the flames, Demeter, the goddess of harvest, and Artemis, the goddess of the moon. .. the appearance of one figure after another, representing the arrival of all the main gods except the three neutral god kings.

Luo Wei's identity is special, even if he is only human, but as a genuine 'hero' who saved Greece, he has already entered the eyes of the gods.

Only Zeus, who was powerful enough to suppress the heyday of Cronus, still paid no attention to him, and the rest of the gods paid great attention to his every move.

At this moment, the words he said more naturally attracted the gathering of the gods.

Their faces were solemn but gathered in the Temple of Olympus. At this moment, Apollo, who stood in the front of the gods, was about to speak solemnly...

"Rowe, my Rowe... Rowe..."

Gods: "?"

"No, it's not me!" Apollo's scalp was slightly numb, and he looked at the place where the voice came from in amazement.

Behind him, Artemis, the moon god, was wearing a thick long skirt woven from moonlight, staring at the sage with an insane expression. The elder-like harvest goddess Demeter stopped her, I am afraid that the goddess of the moon and hunting will rush directly.


"Still, please leave those who did not participate in the Trojan War!" Apollo held his forehead, one or two, what a god this is!

He couldn't help but want to learn from his father God to swear... No, I am the eldest son of the king of God, and I am in charge of light and art. I need to be gentle and elegant—

Apollo resumed his smile.

So after this sentence, the gods dispersed one after another, leaving only the six main gods and one person who participated in the Trojan War.

Demeter forcibly took Artemis away.

Artemis also seemed to be worried about someone, and never really rushed to hug Rowe.

"Then, it's time to talk about business!" The queen of the day Hera spoke first and said, "Your Excellency Luo Wei, I think you are indeed joking."

"It is impossible for a human being to participate in the gambling game of the gods, even if we recognize that you are the same glorious existence as the gods like me." Being able to sit firmly beside Zeus for a long time, Hera naturally has her own Should be graceful.

"It's true." Apollo said, "If your Excellency has any requirements, we will try our best to meet them, but in any case, there is a difference between God and man."

"I think, with your strength, you shouldn't be directly involved in this kind of dispute, it would be a bit of a loss to step into the world as a chess piece."

Apollo is handsome and smiling.

"Although you are only a mere human, your wisdom and strength are unique, and you should be my treasure." The god of love also fluttered his long red hair, and the delicate and pretty face looked extremely confident and proud, and the shaking ketone body Even more attractive.

Vulcan seemed to be a rather vicissitudes of life and a silent man. As the husband of the god of love, he did not speak, but his face was sad, but his attitude was quite obvious.

Hestia, who neither participated in the dispute nor had the desire to compete for the most beautiful name, brought a glass of wine from nowhere and drank it with a shake.

This grape is really strong.


At this moment, there is no need to say much about the shadow of Ares, the god of war, left by Mars, and except for Athena, who absolutely supports Rowe, the attitudes of the rest of the gods are already extremely clear.

Rowe is not a god, so he cannot participate in the gaming table as a god.

He is also not a king, a lord, and has no power of his own.

In the eyes of the gods, he is only human.

But his strength is higher than that of ordinary gods, even the main god, so he can't enter the battlefield of Troy as an ordinary hero, that is too much to destroy the balance.

"So, what if, I am also a god?" Rowe smiled: "What if, I also have my army?"

The gods looked at each other, only Athena smiled knowingly.

So at this moment, a magnificent streamer appeared from the sky.

The huge machine spirit phantom condensed in the sky.

Rowe turned his eyes to the world, where the tides of the Aegean Sea were undulating, and outside the city of Troy, among the flags fluttering, the allied forces of the Greek city-states attacking Troy were stationed here.

Some people raised their heads suddenly, some devoutly believed in the gods and bowed their heads in salutation, some people looked out of the army, and saw the sky where the sun fell, there were mist boiling, light and shadow scattered, as if the door was opened, and there were shadows. get out.