

Now that you've met the team. Let's explain the situation. There are 9 planets that people are allowed to be on.

Planet 1 is all the high class snobs and the government. Planet 1 is free to do pretty much anything. They don't have to pay the expensive taxes. They are allowed to play or watch whatever they want. They eat whatever they want when ever they want. The houses are colossal. They stick to bright colors like neon and pastel. Like someone probably has tangerine colored hair. They have the most exquisite foods and clothing.

Planet 2-3 are the middle class. If you live on planet 2 or 3 you have a decent job, you don't pay too many taxes. They have decent control. They have a few rules. One of these rules is the ban on video games. They have bland black, white and grey spectrum clothing. The stick to neutral colors as much as possible. There hair is ordinary natural brown, blonde, and red. Everything is rather ordinary.

Planet 4-5 is the lower class. They are only allowed to eat what they farm. They only wear browns and dirty clothing. They pay for most of the taxes. Their jobs are terrible. They have bad pay. They do most of the work while the capital has fun.

Planet 6 is the prison and all the slaves. The prison is massive and has over 200,000 cells in it. The slaves can only eat 1/4 of what they make. The rest is sent to the capital. They only wear enough clothing to cover private areas and some times they have no clothing. They pay no taxes but aren't paid either.

Planets 7-8 are the second and third prettiest planets in the system. These planets are used for vacations. These planets can only be visited by people on planet 1. These planets are for the rich and beautiful.

The final planet is planet 9. This planet used to be livable. You may know this planet. This planet used to be named Earth. There is no life left on this planet. Only scientist who are wearing well spacesuits. This planet has become toxic to all living creatures. The capital is paying certain scientists to find out what caused the end of this once beautiful planet.