
Meeting the rest of the Team

So you've met Caylen and Callum now It's time for you to meet the rest of the team.

Next is Gizzy. Username: Gizmo360 She is the resident hacker. She is bi-sexual. She is 3rd in rank and she is also Caylen's best friend. They both live on the planet 2. Then there is Tyler. Username: TymeFlys He is the endless eating machine and best knife thrower in the game. He is 5th ranked. He is also Callum's best friend on planet 1. Finally the twins, Bella and Booker. Usernames: BellasBetter and BooksGone They are the best at tracking anything. They have connections everywhere. You would think it is because they are into some dangerous criminal type junk. No it's because every guy Bella meets falls for her. Booker has gotten into 43 fights in the past 5 days because someone attempted to touch his sister. Bella is a lesbian, and has a crush on Gizzy, while Booker is straight but super supportive. Bella is ranked 4th right under gizmo but the do constantly flip back and forth between who has 3rd and 4th. They constantly stay 3-5 points behind each other. Booker is in 6th place and is only there to help his sister.

If you don't like LGBTQ+ then I suggest you leave, run for the hills and never come back. :)

Chaotic_Wafflecreators' thoughts