
Meeting Callum

Hi I'm Callum Jones. I'm also known as Cj on my planet. I live on planet 1 and I'm also the number 1 player in my galaxy system. My biggest competitor is a girl from planet 2 she is barely behind me in points and she is the number 2 player in our galaxy system. Her username is CJ.max which is pretty close to mine which is Cj.mac. We play against each other almost every day. She is planning on getting in to a school here on planet 1 but she doesn't know how.

On most planets in our galaxy system video games are banned because people think they will give juvenile ideas to teenagers. Me and the girl from planet 2 believe we can stop the government or at least change the rules. I need to find out that girl's name so I can stop calling her by her username. I believe that if we try hard enough we can change the rules.