
planned marriage

NOTE:WSA 2022 ENTRY. Evie had always dreamt of becoming a hip hop musician, she left her parents to Newyork City to achieve her dreams. She is close to achieving that dream when her parents calls her to come home urgently. Upon her arrival, she is being told that she is to get married to a billionaire; Ezekiel who happens to be a cold, arrogant and rude man. He is even rumoured to be a gay Would she still achieve her dreams in a loveless marriage? How would she cope with her rude husband? Her husband was no ordinary mortal, he is rumoured to be the devil’s son, what if that is true? What mystery awaits her in this loveless marriage of hers? And how would she able to conquer all tribulations? Can she survive in his world? Authors: GlobalGift. Mirashines Follow me on Instagram@Giftednovels for more video clips and characters pictures Editor: KunleTaiwo COVER DISCLAIMER: cover is not mine

GlobalGift · Fantasie
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75 Chs

Chapter 69

Ezekiel did not know how he got home, he just found himself in his room, thinking deeply about his wife; Evelynn.

Why does matters concerning Evie affect him this much? This was not what he thought would happen when he agreed to marry her.

After a long time alone in the room, he headed for the kitchen to prepare something for himself.

No one was in the kitchen when he arrived. He put on the apron and started cooking.

He was too engrossed in his cooking that he did not know when Evie entered the kitchen.

Evie was shocked to see her husband in the kitchen cooking, she had wanted to take some juice from the fridge but never expected to see Ezekiel cooking.

She noticed that he did not know that she was in the kitchen so she decided to leave. She didn't have energy to start talking with him, only his face causes her havoc.

She turned to leave but a string grip on her arm stopped her from leaving.

"What the…" Evie trailed off seeing how close their faces were. She tried to struggle free from his tight grip but it only tightened.

Taking a deep breath in, she opened her mouth to talk but Ezekiel beat her to it.

"I am cooking, do you mind joining me?" Ezekiel asked.

Evie stared at him with a blank expression, her husband actually wanted her to join him.

"No thank you," Evie rejected the offer and turned to leave.

"Is it about Gracie?" He asked, making halt in her tracks. She slowly turned to look at him with widened eyes.

"So?" She asked, trying to sound firm but her voice betrayed her by cracking.

"I am deeply sorry, it is just that… I don't know what to… in fact, everything that happened so far, I am deeply sorry," Ezekiel apologized not knowing how to explain things to Evie.

Evie folded her arms and stared at him, "I am not holding grudges against you but why do you always like making me feel worthless and useless?" Evie asked with a broken voice.

"When have I ever made you feel worthless Evie?" Ezekiel asked.

"First of all, I would prefer if you call me my formal name; Evelynn, you are not so close to me to call me by my nickname," Evie told him and an emotion flashed in Ezekiel's eyes.


But then it was gone in a blink of an eye. "I am a pawn in your plan and when you are done with me, you dump me," Evie reminded him, his words.

Ezekiel shut his eyes closed and shoved his hands through his hair. He then opened his eyes and gazed at Evie.

"You don't have an excuse now because I am really a pawn in your plan," Evie said and stepped closer to him.

"I just hope that you are not the villain in the story," Evie said.

"Evie, sorry Evelynn," Ezekiel paused as he corrected himself.

"I was angry, that is why I said all those things, I…" Ezekiel stopped not knowing what to say.

"Of course you were angry, have you also forgotten that angry people tend to say the truth always," Evie countered his words.

"Can we please forget this? Let behave like this never happened?" Ezekiel asked in a pleading manner.

"Sorry, but memories will never be forgotten. Damn you Ezekiel!" She cursed as she left the kitchen.

Ezekiel was left all alone in the kitchen again, his life was a mess and he needed to sort things out.

His phone which was on the kitchen slab rang. Looking at the caller ID, he found out that his secretary was calling him but he ignored the call. He hasn't been in office for a few days now and he knew his presence really mattered.

He put off the gas cooker, and went to his room. He put on a white t~shirt and a pair of black pants. He combed his hair roughly and left the room.

He entered his car and drove to the company.

"Good afternoon sir," Benson, his secretary, greeted but he did not acknowledge his greetings.

"Sir, we had an important guest that came to see you," Benson added, trying to keep up with his boss' steps.

"Who?" Ezekiel asked as he pushed his office door open.

"Richard Tan," Benson replied and all smiles on Ezekiel's face vanished.

"Usher him in," Ezekiel ordered as he sat on the swivel chair in his office. Benson nodded his head and left.

In a jiffy, he was back with Richard. "You may leave now, Benson," Ezekiel ordered and Benson left, leaving just Richard and Ezekiel in the extremely large office.

"Why are you here?" Ezekiel asked with a straight face.

"You know why I am here," Richard replied, taking a seat since Ezekiel did not ask him to.

"Why are you manipulating my daughter?" Richard yelled.

"I supposed to be asking you why you are manipulating such an innocent girl?" Ezekiel asked calmly which irked Richard.

"I want the companies to merge!" Richard fired.

"Your daughter doesn't want it, then so be it," Ezekiel stated so calmly.

"I want it, I am her father and I know what is best for her," Richard continued yelling.

"You are so shameless, Richard. You did not attend the burial of your late wife and all you think of is to merge the companies," Ezekiel said but this time around his voice was a little bit louder than usual.

"Point of correction, ex-wife. She has nothing to do with me," Richard added.

"But she is the mother of your daughter," Ezekiel added.

"Listen here Ezekiel, I only got my daughter married to you just to merge the companies, that is all," Richard thundered.

"It is quite a pity that a lovely soul like Evelynn has a greedy asshole as a father, you don't even deserve the earth's oxygen," Ezekiel told him.

"Don't tempt me Ezekiel!" Richard snapped at him.

"I am only respecting you because you are my lovely wife's father, that is all, if not…" Ezekiel intentionally trailed off.

"If not what? What can you do, Ezekiel? Our companies are going to merge else I would cause havoc and chaos," Richard threatened.

"And you think I am afraid of havoc. I am havoc itself. Let this game begin and may the best player win," Ezekiel said with a mischievous smirk on his face.

"Yeah, may the best player win," Richard accepted the challenge as he got up to his feet and adjusted his blazer.

"I would give you two days to back down else, whatever happens is going to be terrible," Richard warned him in a low voice.

Ezekiel smirked at him, "as I said earlier, I am havoc itself. I should be the one warning you Richard. You are playing with fire and trust me, you would only get burnt," Ezekiel warned him, causing Richard to laugh loudly.

"You are laughing. Why do the rumors call me the devil's son if I am not actually one?" Ezekiel asked, causing Richard to stop laughing.

"As you said, it is just a rumor," Richard retorted.

"Remember that there is no smoke without a fire," Ezekiel told him and his face paled at once.

"I am not afraid of the devil's son when I am actually the devil himself," Richard chuckled at the end of his statement.

"With that being said, I would take me leave," Richard said and strode away.

Ezekiel tapped his fingers on his table, his face had a smirk on it. Richard had started a game he couldn't complete.

He picked up his phone and dialed a number.


"Hello, Ezekiel, why the sudden call?" Sonia asked.

"Richard has begun the challenge, it is game on."

A/N: author is sad because she hasn't been seeing comments lately, drop a comment if you like this chapter. Merci