

Having finished downloading all of the information from the repository I had the blob delete all of the information from this repository. Once It disconnected from the repository. Reaching out opening a portal grabbing my bone base. Tightening my hand around the base of the mace I rear back and give it a few exploratory swings feeling out its weight of it. Giving a nod of my head I rear back and bring it to bear on the shelves of crystals gaining a satisfying crushing feeling as I bring the mace up and down. After I finished destroying all of the crystals behind the wall and the pieces of the broken wall. Looking it over looking for any intact crystals. Looking it over one last time I send all of the crystals into a portal that has been opened underneath all the chucks of broken crystals and broken rocks.

Once finished with that I look back to the blob on the ground before sending it back to my home dimension. Peaking at the blob on the DHD I send a question on how many of the gate systems it has gone through. After a few seconds, I frown at the amount that has been gone through. Only around fifteen percent of the total gates in this universe have been gone through. Doing some mental math I conclude one percent an hour and that is the planets with gate connections not including the planets in the immediate solar systems.

Opening a gate to my dimension to an open field where the rats are multiplying. Opening a portal to the blob with the repository downloaded into it I call it forth to me. Along with it, I call forth Titan who steps through the portal before giving them both a mission. Looking over "Alright blob; I want you to send a data packet to Titan on the different metals and where to find their work with the rats, another blob, and use the gate system to find uninhabited worlds. Once you find those worlds Titan I want you to start strip mining them..." Before I finish speaking the blob sends us both a list of metals available in this section of the galaxy along with different mining processes. In this list, Naquadah, Trinium, and Neutronium are the only ones that the ancients discovered not including refining processes to make different Isotopes of the three. It also sends me a few ideas on new creatures to streamline the refining process.

Going over the suggestions I decided to make a few different Elementals mainly a Magma elemental, and Water elementals. These should make the extraction and processing of metals with the least amount of steps. Looking over the two in front of me I send my ideas back before gaining positive results back. Reaching out I create a Magma elemental first giving it the ability to devour materials and extract the microscopic metals inside of the dirt. Thinking it over I also give it the ability to sift through the molten materials and separate them into their purest form. Along with this, it can shape them into different shapes. Once I finish I place the tiny elemental onto the ground before going over what I want the Water elemental to be able to do. After some back and forth with my creations I decided to give it the ability to spawn its water, and complete control of any liquid it has touched or created.

Once I am done with that I look over the two new creations and see that they are both around the size of a small child. Reaching down I give them both a pat on the head without feeling the heat of cold from either of them. Watching them wobble back and forth in happiness is funny to watch. "Alright, you two do you know what to do?" Gaining a fast and hard nod from the Magma elemental and a soft and shy nod from the Water elemental I give them both another pat with a smile. "Alright off you go." Sending them both through a portal to the Repository world with instructions to the blob on the DHD to find an uninhabited world for the to process.

Once they are gone I look back to Titan "wait for their call or a signal from them before you send some of your Zombies through to bring back the processed metals." Getting questions back from him "when it's done just send the materials to my workshop along with any other of the mined materials" Gaining a nod back I head back to my house to get lunch along with checking up on my current house guest.

Seeing no changes in the house guest besides healthier skin and less sickly look. Giving a nod of my head I decide to go back to forging through trial and error. Sitting at my workbench thinking over what I have been doing wrong. The first thought is that brute forcing my will upon the molten metals. Thinking this piece of information over I conclude that it is the main reason for all the failed attempts at forging. Reaching over and grabbing a brick of gold from a pile to my side I start forcing my will and a mix of Blue and Red magic onto it. Watching close as the power is forced from my hand to the soft metal I watch lines of Red and Blue start wriggling into the metal moving like worms in the earth digging deeper and deeper. Before long the metal cannot hold any more power so I cut the flow off and watch still feeling the power inside of the block.

As the mana courses through the block, I watch it interact with each other hitting the opposing mana before long they intertwine like a rope. Watching this take place a few hundred times inside the block before I can hear the block start to tighten and start to crumble in on itself. Turning from the soft metal state into a half-frozen half melted block of slag. Thinking it over it seemed that the man wanted to move in a pattern but with nowhere to go it started to force its own before running into the opposing mana. It then started to react at the extreme opposites of the two colored mana.

Looking back I think of the Elder Scrolls and different types of media that portrayed forging and crafting the ones that stick to the front of my mind are the enchanting from the Elder scrolls and the 'Spoken Enchantments' from Odin. Enchanting or Arcane Crafting in Elder scrolls is the magical augmentation of existing devices and weapons to imbue them with magical properties. Odin in the Marvel Universe only had to speak to an object to place his Enchantress onto it. Unlike the Souls used as batteries for Enchanting in Elder scrolls; Odin used his Odin Force which to the best of my knowledge is an extension of his soul that exists on a different plane of existence. In the Marvel universe, the sorcerers use different dimensions for different reasons. While the Higher beings use them as a personal home or a place to feed from eating the dimensional energies from them.

Coming out of the thoughts plaguing me I pull out a piece of paper and start writing on the pages in front of me with different ideas on how to acquire souls or to use my own. Can I bring out my soul into this dimension to keep it safe? Can I make a container for souls? Will souls be able to make enchanting easier? Will my soul make it easier? Will removing my soul make me Undead? So many questions. Thinking it over can't I just go to the Ancient dinner and start catching them all? So man different questions so much time to go through them all. But first I need some materials to work with. Going over I start bringing out more blocks of gold looking them over.

Thinking it over I decided against using any established forms of runes or enchantments. Instead, I will make my own based on intent instead of design. Instead of using an already invented form of Enchantments, I will make my own. Laughing to myself at the cluster fuck I am going to make. A line could mean anything a squiggle could mean a dozen different effects could be happening. This way I do not run into expert enchanters they will have a difficult task of 'uncovering' this new way of enchanting. Make it nightmarish to near impossible to uncover the meaning behind any of the different aspects of my enchanting process, because there is none.

Laughing to myself at the thought of confusing the 'experts' on enchanting trying to figure out why the different forms of the same line mean fifty different outcomes. Now onto when to place the different Enchantments. Place them on the metal when it is molten, during forging, or after. So many different variables need to be taken into account. No time like the present.

A/N: Hope you enjoy the chapter. Big time jump coming up kid of tired of these slow chapters so I will speed up the 'conversion' of the different worlds and galaxies Sorry for the delay had to find another job after the company was shut down recently on top of my declining health. Was thinking of taking commissions but would like some feedback on this line of thought. Hope you all have a good day thanks for reading.