Blinking my eyes, looking around the master bedroom I reach my hand to my face. Rubbing my eyes for a few seconds I finally notice something is off... 'SKIN' I screamed mentally. Looking down at my hand and arms. I look down at my perfectly sculpted hands. My eyes followed down my forearm, and back up to my biceps. I instinctively flex my and watch the bulky corded muscles tighten and coil up not unlike a python ready to strike.
Standing up and looking down at my nude form I giggle like a lunatic as I pump my fist in the air. "Blue magic aka you do not get anything I don't want you to have. That was the key to my human form." I smile to myself as I walk into the bathroom and decide that I need to pamper myself today. Thinking back to the last week. Between waking up fighting the tumor, and creating life. Intelligent life at that. Focusing inside of myself I can feel my magic steadily increasing day by day. Thinking about how much it will take to travel Planes of existence I come across questions. 'Will I decide where I go?' or 'Is it random?'.
Thinking over the multiverse theory as I step into the shower. Lathering up my body again I close my eyes as the scalding hot water hits me on the top of my head. Closing my eyes as a small shiver works its way up my spine. Focusing on the warmth enveloping me from head to toe. 'Every variant of every world should exist out there. Wonder if I will run into a Warhammer 40k mixed with Pokémon? Now that would be fucked.' Shaking the thoughts out of my head releasing a grim chuckle. I still have to deal with the random shower thoughts here and there. 'Are birthday presents just rewards for not dying?'. Chuckling at what I perceive as my crumbling sanity. 'Women's longer life span is canceled out by the long wait time for the bath rooms'. Turning off the water and stepping out I am struck with a last horrifying thought. 'There are people out in the universe that don't know pizza exists.' I contemplate. Lightly slapping the side of my head I let a shuddered breath out.
Toweling off I look into the foggy mirror and lightly wipe it off. The first stand-out future that stands out to me is the Lowing eyes. Heterochromia I think the condition is called. Focusing back into my eyes I see one of them change from bright green to red. The other eye is changing from solid black to blue. Back and forth, again and again. Reaching inside of me I lightly pull on green mana. Watching my eyes closely they stopped changing colors and glow a dull green. Switching through all the mana types available and watching my eyes follow suit.
Closing my eyes and releasing the mana back inside of me. Opening them back up I look at the rest of my face. My hair is dark as the night sky at 3 a.m. Running my right and through my hair, it feels like silk reaching halfway down the back of my head. Setting my sharp jaw running my hand down it carefully to not cut my fingers on the sharp jaw. Bringing my hands away from my face down to my large beard that reached down to my chest. Running my hands through it as if in deep thought.
After finishing drying off I decide to head to the back porch. Sitting in a rocking chair that was not there yesterday. Looking around for the sunning chair and noticing it was not there anymore. Putting it into the back of my mind I sit down and look inside of me feeling out the mana available. Noticed the green mana is many times bigger than the black, and blue mana available. Keeping an eye on all of the mana I watch the Blue mana catching up with the Red mana which is the second-highest amount.
Thinking back over being cloned I can't help but want to protect myself from that outcome in the future. Opening my eyes I stand up and stretch and listen to the popping in my spine. Heading into my house I look around and follow the slight pull from the house. Walking to a room with the name 'Work Shop' on the door. Entering the door I look around the warehouse-sized workspace. To the left of the door, I see a decent-sized work desk that looks to be made of Oak a nice sturdy material. To the right of the desk, I see an Oak dresser with 'Metals' printed on a bronze plate at the top dresser looking over the dresser I look at the dozens upon dozens of drawers with empty name plates on the top. On the opposite side of the desk is a replica of the left side. The same besides the name 'Stones' on the plate.
Taking my eyes away from the desk I look around and in the middle of the room, I see a coal Smelter. Walking closer I can see a shovel sitting on the side of the Igloo-shaped dome. The small part jutting out I can see a medium size raw ore tray that tapered off at a point. Below the point is a tray with dozens of ingot-shaped wedges. Looking to the right of the smelter I can see several places for coal. Looking closer I can see the same bronze nameplate 'Bituminous Coal'. Thinking back to my limited amount of smithing knowledge from the show forged in fire. Bituminous coal is a soft, black fossil fuel and is the preferred forging coal of most blacksmiths. It has a low sulfur content. This is important because sulfur lowers the quality of the coke, rendering brittle any steel item it comes in contact with.
Looking around I can see an anvil, a vice, hammers, and tongs of varying sizes. Looking closer I can see several different types of forges arrayed in a long across from the Oak desk. 'Need to get some lessons in the future.' I hummed looking around once more before leaving and closing the door behind me. Calling upon the blue mana inside of me I change back into my were-lion form.
With but a thought I open a portal back to where I released my titan. With a flash of silver, I exited the portal I look around the rocky shore and let out a chest-shaking rumble. Feeling out with my magic I can sense the forests, and mountains all to the north my bond with them seems to be spreading slowly with each passing moment I can feel them covering almost three fourth of the state heading into Canada. I can also sense my magic spreading out to the oceans from the bay outward all flowing back into my home dimension. Nodding my head in approval.
Distracted from my thoughts I spot a trail of zombies. Different from the Reanimated with their torn flesh and weak bodies. The zombies of my creation are covered from head to toe in a macabre suit for 'armor' instead of the shining metal they are covered in bone and dripping in pitch-black goo that sizzles as it falls to the ground. Peering closer I see the ones rummaging and carrying items are not covered in goo but are just pure white bone. I watch them walking and milling around rummaging through the buildings carrying a wide variety of goods. From books of varying sizes to a small squad of zombies carrying a tan-colored Humvee with an M2 Browning sitting on the top with spent shells falling to the pavement giving a small chime and clatter as they hit the wet morning pavement.
Following the Undead procession, I spy the end of the road so to speak. Looking at the cleared docks with different piles of material placed everywhere neatly stacked. stopping at a smaller pile I start picking around the pile of old VHS tapes. Reminiscing about different movies I have watched and will probably watch again. Placing back the VHS tapes carefully. I turn my eyes to a commotion toward the end of the docks I spy a group of forty to fifty zombies holding a chain with cans attached to the end dragging them. Behind the zombies, I spy a steady stream of Reanimated following along. I continue watching them and decide to follow along a good distance away. Climbing on top of several discarded and empty shipping containers. Following along the stream of Reanimated with my eyes I see the end of the tunnel so to speak.
Spying the familiar shape of my titan I watch as the steady stream of Reanimated closes in on his location entering his area of effect ability withering to nothing, but bones that clatter to the ground as the muscle and tendons become nothing but fuel for my creation. Peering closer at my titan I spy him getting bigger every time he absorbs the Undead. He is nothing if not efficient. It also gives me a show of his intelligence and pragmatic attitude.
Walking back to the piles of goods I find a cookbook section and decide to try a few methods of moving them. Noting the inefficient moving ability of the zombies. They are good for moving and clearing buildings but precision is not their forte. As I thought it over I feel a caress in the back of my mind knowing that it is my home giving me a suggestion. Deciding to give it the benefit of the doubt I walk over to the useless cookbooks and open a portal beneath them. When the sold ground is gone I watch them all fall into the portal once they are all gone I enter the portal into a new room. A library to be precise. Instead of landing on a pile of books as I expected I spot in the corner of the room a filled section of the library labeled 'Cook books.
Opening another portal I smile and start walking down the rows and rows of goods opening portal after portal underneath them. Besides that to occupy my day I also watch as my titan grows from twenty feet yesterday to nearly thirty feet in height. On top of that, he makes an untold number of zombies I stopped caring after a few thousand of them. After a few weeks of repeating the same over and over again, we cleared out Anchorage of everything useful. I chuckled looking at one of the only two piles of items one of a witch is kitchen sinks that zombies brought. Thinking back over the ordeal it may have been the same zombie raiding the sinks.
Looking at the other a small mountain of Xenomorph corpses inside of a bubble of mana that sucks out the acidic blood of the Xenomorphs and places it into mana-infused containers to hold them. 'Going back to my hoarding days of Skyrim.' Waste not want not as they always say. I muse as I open portals beneath the Xenomorphs and a separate one for the army of the dead to enter. Standing beside me is the form of my titan which as of now stands at a staggering fifty feet tall. Sending him through first I send out a call to my Moose-man. A few thundering crashes echo off of the silent city as I spy him jumping from building to building. As he reaches me I motion to the portal which he enters without complaint.
Looking over the city for the last time today I enter my home in great need of a shower and rest.
A/n: sorry for not chapter yesterday was helping my sister move all day. I will try to make a second today depending on how it goes. Hope you enjoy the chapter. thank you for reading.
AA/N: Another one bites the dust let me know if you find any spelling or grammar mistakes, please