
Cobar Kai

After summiting the Mountain I decided to experiment with connecting to the land. I tried a few different ways to the land with body fluid, 'So taking a dump on the land is a no-go, Urinating is also a no-go. Planting my fur is a definite not.' Humming in a low tone I look over and spit into the hole I carved out with my claws waiting for something to happen. Swearing in the back of my mind I channel a light amount of green mana and focus on the roots down the mountain growing and devouring my leftover DNA. Not knowing if I am in a world where I can be cloned.

'If I am cloned there is a great chance that the clone will not have the Planeswalker spark though. Still not wanting to risk it I watch the roots break through the rocky ground. Letting out a rumbling sigh I cut my wrist and watch with detached interest as my wounds close up and heal before my eyes count down. 'So I heal from a flesh wound in less than a second good to know.' Closing my eyes and getting my mind ready for the influx of information on Red Mages if it is anything like Green Mages I will have to steel myself to not go berserk again.

The feeling of a battering ram smashing into the back of my head is not pleasant, but the rush of information is less impact full. It makes me think back to all the Red Rush decks I have played against him in agree meant with the description. Red Mages are simple they live by emotion they are what gives one life. They also make me think they are the more human of the two colors I have so far. Emotion is what makes one cry, what makes one laugh, what makes one hate, and what makes one loves. You only need to look at one's emotions that is what makes one's wishes in life. Red seeks out new feelings, and new experiences, and is the personification of passion and chaos. Giving into impulses; Want something take it, want an object take it, by any means.

Reds are also interacting with other beings and experiences are their passion. Love is not hard for reds to come by, but it is also the main reason for their downfall leading them into madness. At this point, Red does not care how much they are hurt as long as the enemy is hurt for their transgressions. Red's do not hesitate. They do not believe in pauses, breaks, lulls, or stopping. Red is a strong impulsive, emotional, but also tolerant person; one of the only ways to make a Red's Buttons press is to take freedom and choice away from other beings. Red can be boiled down to two phrases; "What do I get out of it, and Why should I listen to anyone else."

After the influx of information, I can feel the mana judging me and feeling out to me. Feeling out the Green mana I can see it going through my memories of the fight and the little vibrations of the air and rock around me with what I can only judge as happiness.

After a few moments, I still connect to myself and my dimension. Opening my eyes I feel the Red and Green mana beneath my skin mingling but not mixing waiting to be used. 'Fuck they are feeding off each other's impulses making me want to go out and do something profoundly stupid.' I can't help but sigh to myself thinking over a way to counteract it. Having a Light bulb moment I look around and see the sun I see that it is going a gentle ark from my left to right. Looking the into the distance I can see more mountains. Further in the direction that I can see south quite far. In my line of sight, I can only see the harsh rise and drops of Mountains. Taking a deep breath 'At least there is plenty of Mana I can tap into.


After a few days of running up and down mountains through forests collecting Mana of both types. I also figured out that no rivers do not equal Blue mana. Finding a Road I almost kiss the pavement, before realizing that I may or may not be shot on sight. Not stopping to think it over I decide 'fuck it and head southbound o the road running at a brisk pace not running into anybody.

Reaching what I can describe as a run-down town that is seemingly abandoned. Reading the sign I chuckle at why it looks abandoned 'Chase, Alaska POP:19'. 'Dam and here I was wondering if I would meet someone. Heading into the 'town hall' which is a late eighty's model single-wide trailer that has been overgrown with dark brown spots covering the walls and busted down the door. Entering the trailer I scan the whole room and spy nothing standing out to me. After a few moments of listening and hearing nothing, I reach down and grab a hand full of the few scattered brochures and old newspapers.

Reaching down I see a few rafting, hunting, and guided tours dated July 4, 2010. Reading the headline 'RIOT'S ACROSS THE USA.' further down it says 'National guard getting called in.' They describe it as an act against the current president, but further down it talks about a virus spreading like Wildfire reading further down I can see that a few corporations working together to find a cure. Taking a deep breath I read over the corporation's names again 'Umbrella, Wayland Industries, and a United States Air-force branch called Deep space communications division'? I sigh out loud hoping I am wrong cause if not this world is already bent over the table cheeks spread.

Looking at the newer paper August 26, 2010 'END IS HERE' reading the report describes how god gave up on the people of the world and how the dead walk. Monsters taking people that are never said again, and a message to head to Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado. Lists of states that are blacklisted. Looking around at the amount of dust on the counters I would happen to guess that it has been at least a few months since anyone living has been here.

'I am not dealing with this shit right now. Opening a portal I head into my home dimension. Taking a shower should clear up what I am going to do tomorrow. While in the shower I grumble as I have to wash and rinse my fur several times over just to get the grime out of it. Stepping out of the shower I shake off sending water everywhere knowing the house will clean it up. I open the door and I walk out onto the porch. Finding a nice sunning chair I lay on my back closing my eyes. I let out a sigh not knowing how to feel right now. A doomed world, a doomed Universe, it is perfect to practice my larger spells; what a shit hole though zombies, chest busters, Goa'uld, Predators, and the worst of all Politics.

------(POV CHANGE)------

Samantha Carter

Looking around at all of the grim faced coworkers on SG1; Jack O'Neill the usually witty man silent as a grave a permanent downward turned lips on his face, Teal'c his face could usually be carved from stone now turned into a frown, Daniel Jackson unshaven and greasy hair has been combing through our archives looking for a mention of the newest threat, Janet Foster who is probably the most expressive of the group now beady eyed from all of the coworkers she had to put down in the early days. I can't help, and think of how quick everything went to hell two months we had a security breach thanks to Maybourne we figured out that it was NID decided to go off world on one last time at the behest of Umbrella, and Wayland Corporations and decided bringing back with them what Jack likes to call a spiders from hell's egg was a good idea.

"Report Carter" I look over at the hangered General George Hammond. I cannot help but grimace none of us get more than a few hours of sleep any more between the 'Crawly things' as jack calls them and the reanimated. I take a deep breath "Well General the spikes of energy we recorded from our remaining satellites detected a continual spike of energy at Twenty-two Hundred coming form between the Ray Mountain and the White Mountain ranges of Alaska. Looking over the reports as of Zero Six Hundred this morning the time between pulses of is getting closer to each other, but they don not line of in a coherent frame of time." Taking a deep breath "Sir free to speak?" He stared at me a few moments and takes a breath and does a low nod. "Granted"

"Sir, we do not know what the spikes of energy's are, but the closest we can guess is Zero Point Energy. At least that is a best guess we can make." I have to hide a grimace from forming on my face. Looking back at the last few months the early day's those days where the worst. The whole top brass of the United stats Government decided that it would be best if they took a 'tour' of an uninhabited world with their families and direct security. After arriving there they did something to disconnect to he gate system. A few days later we figured out why when the dead started rising. they abandoned us the world to die.'

"....er, Carter" Coming back to the present I fight down the feeling of rage over what the top brass did. Looking back at the room I rub my eyes "Sorry General" he nodded his head slightly and pulls out a Manila folder and pulls out a grainy black and white photo. Placing it on the table for all to see. On the photo I can make out a Furry? Looking back up I hear Jack speak up "Well General I am not one to kink shame, but desperate times" he says with a small quirk of his lips. Hammond does not rise to the bait just stares back at him pulling out the last photo and placing it on the table.

We all just stare at it for a few moments. Teal'c is the first to speak "A Chappa'ai?" raising is brow into his hairline. Daniel looks over the photo "is it wearing the suits like Ra's Jaffa?" He grabs the photo and look closer, "No it looks real but the only way that..." He trails off looking off lost in though. "What we have is someone or something that can create Gates with an unknown technology and he or she.." Janet puts in her two sense "Male definitely make judging by the size of his genitalia, anywhere from seven to nine feet tall comparing him to the door frame. Closer inspection of him and the way he is holding himself I would say confused like he does not know where he is heading." She rattles off for a moment before remembering who she cut of she coughed into her hand "Sorry General."

General Hammond Lets out a sigh while rubbing his eyes. "It is alright a unprecedented event has happened a little leeway is acceptable." He said while looking them each in the eyes while nodded his head. Daniel decided to cut in "Well looking over the Image the only thought that pops out to me is Maaths the ancient Egyptian god of war; the name translates to 'he who is true beside her'. So is there a Goa'uld named Maaths?" he asked looking over at Teal'c. Teal'c closes his eyes for a few seconds before opening them "None that comes to mind. Nor and Goa'uld that have a form like this one." He motioned toward the picture.

General Hammond looked ups over "Get some rest we will reconvene with hopefully better information at eighteen hundred." He motioned us toward his door with his hand before taking a deep breath and rubbing the side of his head. Looking at my team mates we all nodded and left. As we enter the all we all hear "Well we can say we did almost everything if we go furry hunting" we all give a small chuckle. "Get some rest while we can." I call out behind me heading my quarters.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Save your power stones they don't count for books until after 15k words. Some criticism is welcome as long as it is constructive in helping me making this as best as I can. I don't have a Beta Reader so I usually write then skim it before posting it. Thanks for reading.

AA/N: So another one down keep me informed of any mistakes thank you