
Beast (2)

I fell back, the creature on me, as I released an ear-piercing scream.

Instinctively, I squeezed my eyes shut as I covered my face with both of my arms. I heard a growl on top of me, as the breathing got closer to my face. It was a soft breathing, as though the creature was in a calm state at the moment.

I opened my eyes, seeing that waiting for something to happen wasn't going to cut it. I looked at the beast that was on top of me. It was covered in thick fur, and had a unique white color. It's eyes looked as though gold had melted into them as they sparkled in the few sprinkles of light that escaped the open door.

"What happened?" I heard the door open as the two people emerged out of the room to see what had happened for such a scream to be produced.

I laid still as the beast looked me right in the eye. It felt as though it was daring me to move. I gulped as I let out a shaky whisper. "Help me."

The two people who had stumbled upon the situation looked down at me with a blank expression on their face. It was as if they were not expecting this situation. And if we are being totally honest, no one would.

Why are they just staring! Help me already!

I begged them with my eyes that looked to be in a state of shock. My eyes sparkled in the dark as tears threatened to spill at any moment. My complexion could not have been any better. It felt as though my soul had escaped my body and was roaming around above, waiting for my body to follow.

To say the least, I was terrified of the beast that was not breaking eye contact with me. I looked up at the two people, only to see them shaking with their hands covering their mouth.

No way. Are they scared, I thought as I looked to them for help once more. If they are scared, then what am I supposed to do???

My breaths came out ragged as I tried to calm myself down. It's okay, just don't move and the beat won't attack. That's how it works, right?

At least that's what I was hoping for. Then a sound echoed through the empty hallways. It sounded like a constrained laugh.

I looked up to see the two people burst out laughing. They were laughing so much that tears slowly streamed down their reddened face. They grasped their stomach as their continuous laughter bounced off of the walls and entered my ears.

So, they weren't shaking from being terrified? How could they be laughing in this situation?

I looked at them, an angry expression on my face. Then, one of them gently picked up the beast off of my body as it whined. The sound that it produced now sounded less fierce than it did before.

"Do you know what this is?" They asked me as I looked back at them with a blank expression. "It's a puppy."

"A puppy?" I looked at the beast, which was now bathed in the light that was streaming out of the room. It's fur looked to be brushed and polished as it shined a brilliant white against the soft yellow of the light. It's eyes seemed to hold an innocent look as it looked at me with a warmth in its golden eyes.

Now that I looked at it in the light, the beast looked harmless. I suddenly turned a bright red as I realized that I was afraid of a puppy mere seconds ago. It did not help that the two continued their laughter at the sight of my realization.

A pout formed on my lips as I looked at the two whose laughter was starting to die down. How could they laugh at me for so long! I'm just a child, obviously I would be scared if something suddenly jumped at me out of nowhere!

Seeing my pout, the two stopped laughing. "Sorry, sorry," the deep-voiced man said as he put the puppy down and wiped his tears. "Are you okay? What are you doing awake so late at night?"

"I was going to the washroom," I responded, the pout never leaving my face. There was no way I was going to forgive them this easily! How could they make fun of me!

The puppy, right as it was let down, ran towards me. It once more jumped on my small body. This time, I was prepared and did not fall back.

The puppy started to lick me as it wagged its tail, showing how happy it was. I looked at the playful puppy and let go of my anger.

"Whose puppy is this anyway," I ask as I pet the puppy who leaned into my touch more.

The two stopped smiling as they looked at each other and then looked at me. "It isn't yours?" The deep-voiced man displayed confusion across his face as he looked at me.

"What? I never had a puppy. Or I don't think I did…" I trailed off as I thought of my jumbled up memories. They weren't just jumbled up, they were missing.

My lips drooped downwards as I thought of the house I was in a few weeks ago. They did so many experiments on me. I can't even remember something so simple as owning a puppy.

The puppy, sensing my sadness, started to comfort me. I looked at the puppy and started to smile. Let's forget that.

"Oh, yeah, why would you think the puppy's mine?"

"It's just that when we were taking you out of the house, the puppy never stopped following you. The only reason we found you in the first place was because of the puppy."

What? I was only found because of this puppy? Then don't I owe my life to this puppy?

I sat down on the ground as I hugged the puppy that leaned into my touch as though it had belonged there to begin with.

I looked up at the two, a serious expression displayed on my features, as I spoke, "Please tell me what happened. In detail."