
Pink Moon’s Retribution

The adopted but cherished, Alysa is chased by the undaunted passion of the Alpha, Jeremy. Alysa plays out her courage in handling her family twist and secrets. Jeremy remains the abusive and egotistical Alpha. He lays out risks and stakes to get Alysa as his own—including his loved ones. Alysa remains on hooks with her twisted fate after meeting Max. After losing her beloved Foster Mother, will she be able to save herself from Jeremy? How will the secrets come out as bonds and trusts are broken? No one could be trusted or loyal, mistakes are created by the minute. Who is the father of Alysa's Child? Will she survive the haunt with her unborn child?

Octoverse · Fantasie
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122 Chs

Chapter ninety seven

I wanted to know who the anonymous person was. I suspected Alysa a lot. I wanted to know if it was her or that was me, being played. Regardless, I knew it was Jeremy who killed my daughter. I didn't know which decision to take. I was confused. I didn't know if I should go to the Chambers or pack's house. I didn't know if I should go and look at the body. I wondered if it was still there because I received the message.


I didn't know how to explain everything I was feeling. The fear, the pain and everything I caused myself. I just felt like I made it. I don't know how to explain everything I am feeling. I knew one thing, I was going to talk to Jeremy.


I started replying to the anonymous text:


Hey, I would like to know you are. I know you don't want to see me or show me your face. I just want to find the solutions to all my problems and I know you are the only one that would help me out.