
Phantom in My Hero Academia

A boy wakes up as person in a dangerous world. How will he live up to his quirky life?

Ashtin_Pratt · Anime und Comics
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13 Chs


Walking into the classroom i couldnt help getting excited, its field trip day and that means we're suiting up today.

"Mornin' Momo, you excited for the field trip?"

"Morning Danny, i must say my excitement is peaked. I heard we're getting a few other heroes to assist the class. I wonder which ones?"

"Well seeing as we had a battle trial not too long ago its either a publicity class or a rescue class. So probably either heroes like Uwabami, Midnight, Gang Orca, or 13."

"Very receptive of you, guess we'll find out if you're right?" - Momo

"Oh and what do i get if i win?" Danny says with a sly smile.

"Hmm how about any one thing im physically able to do."

"Physically able huh?"

"No wait, dont mis-"

"QUIET" Aizawa shouted entering the classroom "I hope everyone brought their permission slips, because we're going to an on-site facilities a few kms away."


"Your mother emailed me last night knowing you would, so youre fine."

"OUI ¤¤¤"


So we all get our costume cases and head to the locker rooms to get changed. Since i dont need to i immediately go out to the buses to see Nemuri in her hero outfit.

"Oh Nemuri? What are you doing here?" Danny asked.

"How could i not volunteer for this with my cute nephew. I bugged Nezu until he gave me the okay this morning."

"Well its gonna be great seeing you outside of English class."

We chatted back and forth for a bit when all of my classmates finally exit the gymnasium.

I excuse myself from Midnight sensei and stand in front of the bus doors. "Alright class listen up. Iida, Momo, you guys are in the back with me. Everyone else line up in pairs. Whoever you pair with now is who you pair with on the way back. If you wanna switch seats after the pairs you gotta convince Aizawa sensei. Now line up."

The students scramble to make pairs and lineup as Iida and Momo makes their way towards me.

"That was very humbling Danny. The way you had take seating arrangements seriously. Even going as far as having Aizawa who's favorite word is no, ingenius!" Iida rambled on as Momo and I just smiled and let him go.

The students paired up quickly as choose their seats in the bus. Aizawa and Midnight sit in the very front as the three of us sit in the back. We take off and head over to our destination.

Along the way one of the girls pick up a topic.

"Who do you think the strongest in the class is?" - Mina asked

Toru quickly said "Strongest girl i would have to say is Momo, her quirk is too versatile."

"What about the strongest guy then?" Aoyama inquired in a dazzling way.

Asui made her way into the conversation and said "If we're talking top of the guys in class it's Bakugou, Todoroki, and Fenton right?"

"Yea those guys are monstrous" Kirishima said

"You'd be up there if your quirk didnt turn you brain dead" Jiro teased him causing him to anime cry.

I sat in the back smugly smiling hearing them speak about my greatness. Ow. Geez Momo you dont have to hit me so hard.

We eventually arrive at the place and all exit the bus getting into two lines.

"Welcome to the Unforeseen Simulation Joint. We call it USJ for short. This is a rescue facility used to simulate different environments that you most commonly encounter rescues. Mountains, forest fires, avalanches, sea accidents, earthquakes and much much more. Today we'll do preliminary encounters in each environment to let you all familiarize yourselves. We'll be coming here throughout the year so you get good rescue opportunities. Now let me introduce our guest teacher Pro hero Thirteen."

Thirteen walks out of the building and i just turn and give a cheeky grin to Momo. She pouts at me and pinches my arm but i lean over and whisper in her ear, "Anything physically possible right?"

Her face turns as red as her costume and i can't help but chuckle. Thirteen finishes her introduction and turns to head into the building. I unhook my goggles from my belt and put them on my face.

My goggles are connected to an a.i. system that automatically scans and records building layouts and has a mapping function. Flight is great but it sucks when you get lost.

We all head into the building where 13 shows us where to check in and how to use our student I.D. to access this place.

After all the formalities are in we walk into the building as 13 starts her tour. The first zone was a simple neighborhood, she explained different home related disasters we might encounter.

It was at the second zone, the mountain zone, where something happened. My goggles turned off. I took them off and tried restarting them, seeing me play with my goggles Momo walked over and asked "Everything okay?"

"My goggles turned off? Hold on a second," i walk ahead to Nemuri and tap on her shoulder "Hey Uh Midnight sensei, is this a technology dead zone?"

"No? We allow technology since this is a student rescue area? Why?"

"My goggles shut off? And the batteries are fine so i was wondering ~" i was interrupted by my breathe becoming chilly blue and escaping my body causing a chill to shiver down my spine.

Apparently Nemuri noticed it immediately and being friends with my mom she knew exactly what it was.


Everyone's head immediately flipped on us as Aizawa and 13 hurriedly came back to the group. My breathe goes wild and keeps escaping in small bursts. I tense up sense ive only encountered something like this when u fought Plasmius and i almost died that time.

"Midnight this is bad," i say and Aizawa put on his goggles. All of a sudden a purple mist started filling the area around us and the already tense atmosphere became even worse.

The mist started condensing into a purple shimmer floating off the ground as people started walking through. 10...18....26....49 thugs and villains standing in front of us. Thats when my breath went silent. A purple mist person, a guy with hands all over his body creepily, and a giant purple.....thing, stepped out of the portal before it closed.

I didnt hesitate to throw a barrier around us as the students started taking shaky battle stances. I look back at them and just shake my head. These kids have never seen real combat. Poor things.

I dont hesitate to yell, "Midnight. Permission to act." I have an American hero license, but due to my age and it being Japan i need an active Pro Hero's permission to use it.

She doesn't take her eyes off the villains and speaks "Permission granted. Dont worry ill take care of the paperwork."

The guy with hands says something about All Might supposed to have been here and how they brought their secret weapon. Idiot villains always telling their plans.

The mist guy tried penetrating my ecto barrier but he's not strong enough to do so. "Eraserhead! purple head is the teleporter! Midnight, 13 canon fodder. Ill restrain big bad and purple."

The heroes coordinate like trained professionals and go to action right away.

Now its just me and that thing.