
Phantom in My Hero Academia

A boy wakes up as person in a dangerous world. How will he live up to his quirky life?

Ashtin_Pratt · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Vs Nomu

Launching myself off towards the purple creature i cant help but tense up. My entire body is shivering, like this thing is unnatural. I wind back my fist as i meet the creature in the middle. It was fast, like extremely fast. I could barely keep up with it, but what i wasnt expecting.


When our fists collided it created a mini shockwave before pushing me back and eventually the creature broke the stand off and increased it's strength. Next thing i knew i was sent flying backwards. skidding past my classmates and into a few boulders.

"""DANNY!""" a few shrill voices yelled out. I shook my head and forced myself up ignoring the spinning surroundings. What the hell is that thing made of? Its like my punch did nothing?

"PHANTOM STAY ALERT!" Nemuri yelled. Hearing her shout I snap back to reality just in time to see the mass of muscle right on top of me about to bring down his fist. I instinctively turn intangible and prepare to counterattack when a decent sized explosion hits the creature from the back.

The world paused as the creature recognized itself being attacked. It slowly turned around to find Bakugo holding out his grenade launcher with a devilish grin on his face as he says "Dont forget im here too you extra."

"BAKUGO BACK AWAY! NOW!" If he heard my words he didnt show it, but instead he rushed the creature charging up another blast, but by then it was too late. The creature released a gut churning screech as it recognized the new player.

Ignoring me the creature lunged at Bakugo at a speed leaving me astonished. I lept forward and form a chain out of my energy and throw it over the target as i slam my heels into the ground to slow it down. It drags me a few meters but i manage to stop it as Bakugou exploded right in its face. >_>

The smoke cleared as the creature grabbed my chain and swung me into a nearby boulder. "Oughhh, that hurts like a brick" I elaborate not even caring that I was just mysteriously censored. "BAKUGO FOR THE LAST TIME, BACK AWAY SO I CAN FOCUS."

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU SAYING EXTRA. IM GONNA BE NUMBER 1 AND THIS THING IS THE PERFECT STEPPING STONE." I grit my teeth as i ponder how to get bakugo back into the teachers encirclement.

"Nomu" the weird hand guy yelled attracting the attention of the creature, "Im getting bored. Stop playing around and finish those damn brats."

Immediately the difficulty level shot up from hard to insane as the now announced Nomu tensed its muscles. I got a bad feeling as I saw it look in Bakugo's direction. Every core in my body yelled to move as it tensed its thigh muscles ready to pounce.

I turn intangible and flew at top speeds right through the Nomu as it jumped off the ground. It was a race to the explosive idiot and i couldnt afford to lose. I hit on my reserve boosters and rushed right into Bakugo.

I exit my intangibility as i grab his collar barely pushing him out of the Nomu's range. It's hand swipes down as i do a mini turn and charge up power in my left arm before launching an ecto blast right into its stomach sending it flying. I feel extremely dizzy as i turn to Bakugo ensuring his safety.

Turning my head i see him looking with a mix of terror and anger. I understand though a near death experience can do that to you. But looking back i can see all my classmates have a similar look on their face.

"Bakugo, are you all good?"

I keep my eyes on him as i scan my peripherals for any sign of Nomu movement. I can see most of the cannon fodder has been dealt with and only a few troublesome quirks remain. To be expected with four pro heros including me on the scene.

"Y-y-you're arm....." Bakugo finally choked out. I glance down at my right arm. Starting from my shoulder down my entire arm was missing. I didnt feel it due to my ecto body, but its going to hurt like hell if i humanize. My energy reserves are working overtime to start the regrowth process but im neither calm enough nor do i have enough in the tank to force it.

I was getting ready to say something when i heard the rubble around me shatter as i turn to see the Nomu right in front of me. I gulp as i take an instinctive step back covering Bakugo with my left arm.

"SERO GRAB BAKUGO, NOW!" It took a few seconds for everyone to remember just what kind of situation we're in, but it doesn't disappoint when a piece of tape came flying grabbing the shocked teen. The nomu takes another step and i can feel the strain setting in as i keep myself up. If the situation was better then i would definitely rest a bit but my stamina is seriously lacking.

I look around trying to figure the situation out. Midoriya is strong enough to take this thing on for a bit, but he can't control his quirk. No one else in this class had the fire power. Bakugo and Todoroki came close, but the explosions did nothing and i dont think Todoroki's ice is thick enough to hold him for long.

Aizawa is still held up with keeping the warper in check, while 13 and Nemuri are both breathing heavily. The amount of cannon fodder really wasnt anything light.

"HAHAHA HEROES. LOOK AT YOU ALL STRUGGLE. ILL HAVE YOU KNOW THAT NOMU WAS MADE TO KILL ALL MIGHT. NOW LOOK AT YOU SURROUNDED, OUTNUMBERED, OUTGUNNED, AND JUST OUT OF OPTIONS" the creepy hand guy spoke out. More fodder started walking out of the shadows, and from over the hills. Im guessing they finally came in from the other areas knowing all the action was here.

I cant help but clench my teeth thinking. They've got us cornered as we sit in a tight group with our backs to the cliff. Im side to side with Nemuri as she smiles wryly "That arm of yours. Dani's not going to let you off the hook for weeks."

"Ha, wait until i tell her you authorized me." I say back in a joking mood. Nemuri is one of the people who knows as long as i rest my ecto energy I'll regenerate no problems. My classmates though were all really tense as they started gearing up to charge. Some of the frailer ones already threw up seeing me dismembered, while others clenched their fists knowing I'm like this protecting them.

"Midnight, 13, Eraserhead. Im going to use a big move. Keep everyone behind me. Jiro cover your ears" I say taking a step forward.

"Hahaha little hero. Go ahead hit it with your best shot. Nomu finish them."

The Nomu charged in front of Tomura i think he was called, blocking Aizawa's line of slight temporarily. The misty guy took the second to warp over to the hand guy's side as i stepped forward.

"stay A-" i started taking a deep breathe exciting the last of my ecto energy and even using what bit of frost i had control over "WAAYYYYYYYYYYY."

I unleashed my ghostly wail, sending supercharged soundwaves throughout USJ knocking out the cannon fodder immediately. The mist guy warps the other guy away out of range as the Nomu keeps slowly crawling forward. I watch as it skin repeatedly peel off and regenerate and as its bones crack and cave in on themselves before fixing again.

The process repeats itself over and over as i start straining my vocal chords trying to keep the whail going. I already destroyed one part of the wall as my wail starts sounding outside. We struggle back and forth as my eyes start to dip. My stamina is dropping lile crazy.

Nomu wasn't unscatched as his regeneration struggled to keep up with me. The pros utilized the opening to regroup around my classmates as the Nomu finally could mo longer bear the impact of my wail and flew back into an artificial cliff with a steel interior.

My eyes drop as my transformation fails. I turn back into my human body and immediately pass out from the pain of a missing arm and the huge amounts of blood loss.

I feel my body start to slump forward towards the ground before im suddenly caught by a pair of arms. My body was caught and supported by Momo wearing a pair of high tech ear plugs.

My wail is powerful, probably the most lethal attack i have. But the drawbacks are exponential right now. I cant maintain it for long periods of time without shredding my vocal chords.

So here i am no energy in my body to keep up my transformation. Blood dripping from my lips, a missing arm, barely standing as the area is covered in complete destruction, uckily Momo is still holding on to me.

Hand guy and Purple Mist man decided to run away but the area was still solemn. Nemuri ran up to me startled that i wasn't ghostified anymore and proceeded to do basic first aid. The rest of 1A was solemn. This was the first major experience most of them had with villains and it ended with one of us being maimed and broken.

As Nemuri was frantically suppressing my wounds and Aizawa and 13 started arresting the downed criminals everyone heard a voice yelling 'FEAR NOT FOR I AM HERE!'