
Chapter 1604-captive

The principle of the Taser gun was very simple. It shot out two electrodes connected to the wire. After the electrodes pierced the human body, the human body became part of the closed electrical circuit, and the current began to cycle. However, if one of the electrodes was shot askew or blocked by an insulator, the electrical circuit would be disconnected, and no current would pass through.

This was also the reason why the effective range of the Taser gun was only five meters. After the two electrodes were shot, they automatically separated, and the distance between them gradually increased. It was difficult to hit the same person at the same time after five meters.

Since both electrodes had to be pierced into the skin to be electrified, the Taser gun was not very effective against animals. The animal's hair was too long and dense, and the skin was too thick and hard. The electrode might not be able to penetrate the animal's skin.