
Perverted Healer

Zach got transferred to another world with the power of Healing. How would he survive in this cruel world with just healing abilities? Read and find out. ..... R18, action, drama, romance, adventure, harem .... No NTR, No Yuri

king_2528 · Fantasie
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2 Chs

Capture Lock

The two horses moved through the red forest as the sun started settling down in the distance, soon enough the blue sky also turned sanguine, the same as the forest and the general murmur in the forest died down, and everything turned eerie silent as if a demon has appeared in the forest and scared every living being from there.

"Casia, I think we should set our camp, we only have an hour before the sun sets."

Suddenly Xanis said and stopped his horse in the way, he looked at his sister with hopeful eyes and Zach could tell that the boy was afraid of his sister.

Zach himself was sitting on the back of Casia's horse with his hands and legs tied down by a thick rope that made him not move even slightly, and now even his mouth was stuffed and because of that he can't even speak or ask a question.

Through their conversations, he figured out some things about this world.

The guys in front of him were Goblins and they found his body in the cave and picked him up from there. He also found out that they were from a Goblin Village called Green Mist Village and it was very far away from their current position, from what he has heard they would need at least ten days to reach the place.

He also saw another strange thing, it was that both of these goblins could use magic, although he only saw it once in action, it still sent chills down his spine and broke his hope of escaping, he saw the small goblin create an ethereal arrow out of nowhere and hunt a pink coloured rabbit to eat.

And he knew that Casia was even stronger than Xanis, so Zach could only imagine how powerful she must be. He discovered another strange thing, the internal injuries that he suffered because of Xanis's kick were already healed and he felt better, also he wasn't hungry or thirsty at all, it was as if he didn't need food or water anymore.

'This must be the reason why I healed from that Drill Mouse's injury.' Zach thought and gulped his saliva. 'I have to hide my ability.'

He decided to hide his ability as this was a strange world where different magical abilities existed and he could be the target of some strange people in this unknown world, he didn't want to become an experiment subject, tortured for his powers eternally, he would prefer death over such life.

Casia listened to Xanis and then looked at her surroundings, seeing the setting sun and the eerie environment she sighed and nodded.

"Ok, we can make our camp here."

She said and jumped from her horse, she then also picked up Zach from the horse and threw his body on the ground, making him roll in the dirt for a few seconds then coming near him she swiped her finger and a yellow light moved out of it cutting the ropes surrounding Zach.

Xanis also jumped down from his horse and strode towards Zach with a sadistic smile on his face. "Sister, let me enjoy him for few hours after that we can sell him, I am sure the village chief wouldn't mind a few scratches on him." He said and licked his small lips with his big red tongue.

Cassia looked at Zach for a few seconds, contemplating something and in just a few seconds she turned her head around and looked at his brother. "Ok, but only for an hour and make sure that he isn't hurt too much or the Village chief would be angry."

She nodded and then pointed her finger at Zach again and another yellow beam moved out of her finger that circulated around Zach's neck and materialised into a metallic collar.

"I have bonded him with Capture Lock, so don't take him more than ten meters away from me or he would start to suffocate and die in ten seconds."

Xanis looked at the metallic collar and then at his sister, a wide smile formed on his green and ugly face, he nodded and bowed in front of Casia, "Thanks sister, I will make sure to keep that in mind." He said and then started moving towards Zach.

Zach looked at Xanis and a cold shiver went down his spine, he could only guess what kind of torture he would be put through under the hands of the small goblin. He looked at Casia again in terror and found out that his body was restricted and it was hard to move for him.

'It must be because of the collar.'

He wanted to escape this situation, however, he didn't know how he could run away under a monster like Casia, heck even Xanis was more powerful than him if he just tried to move even an inch then he was sure that he would get beaten up harder then he would be now.

However, suddenly he felt a strange energy in his body that moved and circulated around his neck just where the collar was.

'Is this the energy that healed me from the Drill Mouse and Xanis's kick?'

He felt like he could control the energy in his body and move it wherever he wants, he also felt the restrictions in his body lifting and he felt lighter than before, it was as if a mountain has gotten off his shoulder. However, he still didn't dare to move because Casia was in front of him and if she knew about it then she will find many different ways to torture him.

Soon enough the goblin came in front of him with a smile on his face, after that he raised his small hands and punched Zach in the face. Zach on the other hand instinctively raised his hand in front of his face and accidentally caught the incoming punch and just as he touched the goblin he felt something strange, however before he could understand it, his body flew backwards sliding on the ground.

"Agh..." He grunted in pain as he felt the bones of his hands breaking. He then saw Xanis moving towards him again like a god of death his eyes flashing green with a wide grin on his face.

"Xanis!" Suddenly a sharp voice came and before the small goblin could understand anything his body flew into the distance and hit a tree, he coughed out red blood from his mouth and three claw marks appeared on his chest.

Zach looked at the scene and was even more terrified than before, the thing that hit Xanis so hard wasn't his sister but a monster, it was an eight feet tall humanoid monster covered with glossy black scales, it had long thin legs and long thin hands, and at the end of its hands were three huge claws, its face was fox-like with glowing red eyes.

The monster turned its head from Xanis to Zach, and then it looked at Casia.

Cassia on the other hand looked at her brother with a worried expression on her face, and then slowly but surely anger bellowed in her body. Her body started glowing yellow and even her previously black hair turned yellow with her green eyes.

A giant sword materialised in her hands and she pointed it at the monster. "You fucker! How dare you touch my brother!!!" She yelled and then her figure disappeared from the original spot and before Zach could see where she had gone he found out that the body of the back monster had already split into two from the middle, and green gooey blood spurted out everywhere, some drops even landing on Zach's face.

'She is a monster.'

Zach gulped his saliva, any small hope he had already disappeared and only helplessness filled his brain, 'How am I supposed to escape from this monstrous girl?' Tears almost fell down his eyes as he looked at Casia materializing again in front of her unconscious brother.

She picked Xanis' small body up and came in the middle again in front of Zach, she chanted some strange words and yellow light shot out from her body covering twenty meters of surroundings, it created a dome-like shield.

"Xanis, wake up..." She hit his brother a few times however there was no response from the small goblin, Zach could see three claw marks on the Goblin's chest and could see a black aura surrounding the marks, 'Is it poison?' A thought moved through his brain, however, he wasn't sure if it was really poison.

Zach then remembered the previous event when the goblin almost punched him in the face, at that time he raised his hands and touched Xanis and just as he did so, he found out that he could feel the internal structure of Xanis and all the minor injuries and diseases he had.

'Could I heal those injuries with my energy?' Zach wanted to test his theory, however, he didn't dare to do it on Xanis because of two reasons, the first one being that he hated the small demon and the second one being that he didn't want to reveal more than necessary stuff about himself in front of Casia.

His gaze focused again on the brother and sister and he could see tears dripping out of Casia's eyes as she tried to wake her brother up, however, there was no response from Xanis, his body just shook uncontrollably as if he was in great pain and Zach could even spot black marks appearing on Xanis' chest.

Casia suddenly twirled her finger and out of nowhere a glass vial with red liquid materialised in her hand, opening the small cork she poured the whole vial into Xanis' mouth.

Zach focused his eyes on them and found out that after giving Xanis the liquid, his body stopped shaking and even the black spots started reducing their size. However, the wounds on his chest still didn't heal.