

Zach opened his eyes and found himself in a strange environment, he has never seen this place, his head was feeling buzzy, as if he had woken up after a long weekend night drinking, his eyes were shaky and he looked around the dimly lit place that barely had any source of light.

"Where am I?"

Zach looked around the place in confusion, he was in some kind of cave, with minimal lighting, the only light source was some strange mushroom that glowed with yellow light, and even they were rarely spread. He could also spot the damp stone walls covered with dirt and a strange earthy aroma was covering the whole place.

"I was chilling in my bedroom watching a movie and fell asleep and now I am in this strange place, is this some kind of prank TV show?"

He has seen many strange pranks in his previous worlds and many big-budget TV shows can afford this kind of prank, he never thought that he would be part of such a scheme.

"I never signed up for this! I will sue those fuckers asses!"

Anger move through his body as he thought about the possibility of getting into a prank show. He has never given consent to be part of such a prank, and he knows his rights, he can easily sue them.

He looked around for some cameras but found none, all, he could see was the long sprawling darkness extending into the cave, he could also spot some sparkles in the cave, and he could guess that those were the glowing mushrooms.

"They have hidden the cameras pretty well."

He moved towards one of the glowing mushrooms, he has never seen or heard about these kinds of mushrooms before, It had a large and thin stem with a big cap and because of the heavy cap the mushroom arched down slightly, the gills of the mushroom were the one that was glowing with a warm yellow light.

"It's a nice prop."

Zach moved his hand to touch the mushroom, he has never heard of this kind of species and thought that it was a prop created by the prank TV team, however just as he touched the mushroom he found out quickly that it was not a prop but a real thing.

Because just as he touched the thing, it shook and released some spores that sent a bad smell to his nose, he felt the back of his nasal cavity burning as if someone had poured acid in it, and even his throat started burning after a moment.

"What the fuck!"

Zach moved back in hasty steps and accidentally stumbled over a hard rock and fell on his butt, a sharp pain moved through his rear side and a tingle went up his spine. He felt like he lost his virginity to a rock.

"What the hell is this place." He quickly moved his body to ease his pain and turned around to look at the thing that almost pierced his backside.

"What the fuck is this?!"

His jaw dropped as he slid back in terror, in front of him was a small mouse-like organism with two tails and a head like a drill machine, the mouse was completely back in colour, except for its eyes which were a deep shade of green, that glowed slightly without the need of any light source.

The mouse looked at Zach and then tilted its head a few times, it was as if the mouse had seen a human for the first time in life. However, the curiosity of the Drill mouse lasted only for three seconds after that a sharp noise reverberated in the empty cave, it was the noise of a drill spinning at a rapid pace.

This sent shivers down Zach's spine, by now he was sure that he wasn't on the earth and it wasn't a prank at all, or maybe it was a prank from god. Gulping his saliva Zach quickly sprang up from the ground to run away from the menacing-looking creature, he was scared of it with his life.

"Bro, I am sorry, I sat on you, please leave me alone!"

He turned around and his steps hastened, he ran with all he got in his body, however, it was all in vain, just as he took a few steps he felt a sharp pain in his back and then he felt something piercing his back and coming out of his chest.

His eyes widened as blood spurted out of his mouth, he saw the small Drill mouse coming out of his chest and then running off in the distance making a strange noise, it was as if the mouse was mocking Zach for being so weak.

Soon enough it wasn't just his mouth that was bleeding, but even the cavity on his chest started sprouting out the blood at a rapid pace, his legs turned weak and his head started feeling buzzy, a cold sensation ran through his body and he could taste the metallic mixture of blood in his mouth.

'What the fuck! Am I going to die just like this?'

This was his last thought before darkness engulfed his mind and he stopped feeling anything, the pain in his chest disappeared and even the taste of blood in his mouth, he couldn't feel it anymore, the only thing that remained was a cold feeling that enveloped his entire being, even the thoughts in his mind started dimming down, he felt hollow and alone.


After a few hours, he suddenly opened his eyes and felt a strange suffocation in his chest, he looked around and found out that his body was tied down by a rope and he was currently on the back of a horse-like creature, he was in the middle of a forest with big trees that had red leaves, the whole forest was in a red hue.

"Where am I? And what happened to my chest?"

He looked down at his chest and found out that the hole in his chest was already healed, no blood dripped out of it. There was only a hole in his blue tee shirt and some blood on the tee shirt gave evidence that he wasn't dreaming before and the mouse drilled his body.

"He woke up..." Suddenly a rough and deep voice resounded in his ears that woke him up from his stupor.

Zach moved his gaze and looked at the source of the voice, in front of him was another horse-like creature and over it sat a small green-coloured goblin, he had a creepy smile on his face and as he looked at Zach with a threatening gaze. He was wearing a brown shirt and brown shorts, he also had a bow behind his back.

The horse-like creature that he was sitting on was at least three meters tall and was dark purple, his whole body was covered by scales and the tail didn't have any hairs but it was a solid scaly tail with a sharp needle end. The horse also had two long horns on its head like a bull and even its teeth were sharp like a pirana fish.

'What the fuck is this place?'

Zach gulped his saliva as a cold tremor ran down his spine, he was a college student in his previous life and he never thought that one day he would wake up in such a god-forsaken world. With such strange creatures surrounding him.

He moved his body rapidly to get out of his restraints, however, he failed and in the end, fell on the dirt path face first. Blood dripped down his nose as he ate some dirt and coughed it out as quickly.

"Hahaha... Look at this stupid guy!" The goblin said and jumped down from the big horse, the goblin was only three feet tall and moved towards Zach with big strides, he had a big smile on his face as he stood in front of him and looked at him with disdain.

"You think you can escape from us? Pathetic human scum!"

The Goblin raised his small foot and kicked Zach in the face. Zach felt his stomach churning with his kick, he never imagined that such a small creature could kick so hard. Soon enough blood moved out of his mouth and he coughed out loudly, and a searing pain coursed through his veins.

"ahh. Fuck!" he cursed out aloud.

"Xanis, don't hurt him, he is useful..."

Suddenly a sweet voice entered Zach's ears and he opened his eyes, he saw another goblin, however this time the goblin was tall and a female, she was at least six feet tall with a muscular body structure. She was wearing brown leather tube top and a miniskirt that showed off her big muscular thighs and left very little for imagination.

Her big bosoms bounced with her every step as she moved, when she noticed Zach's gaze on her body, a look of disgust appeared on her face, and with a snort, she picked him up and threw his body on the horse again.

"Come on sis, we can have some fun with him before we hand him over to the chief." The goblin rolled his eyes back and looked at his sister.

"No, we could sell his body and earn some money." The goblin girl refused and sat on the horse again. "Now don't make me wait, we are getting late."

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