
Perfect System in Marvel

A young man who died and spent most of his life sick received the chance to be reborn and wished for his dream system. He hopes to find new lives and be able to help some people, along the way he will be able to make friends, enemies and loves. Note 1: The idea of this series for me was never really as much as publishing. It's what I think is a perfect system within Marvel, mixing systems from different Webtons and things I've read and watched. It was also much more initially, a playful projection of what I would find interesting to want/have from the system. And then I ended up deciding to publish, more for fun and much less for actual construction and growth. Note 2 : It's BL for anyone who has difficulty with this concept, don't read it. I'm a new writer and I'm auditioning. I write as a hobby and over time since I'm busy with college and work. Thank you all. SORRY BUT THIS SERIES IS GOING TO A PAUSE AND WILL BE RECREATED IN A NEW FORM. MAYBE I RETURN WITH THAT ONE LATTER IN THE FUTURE!!

GreatDaoofspace · Anime und Comics
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43 Chs

Going to the Challenge location

The next day we left by plane to the location, of course I didn't go with them, but I said there was another way to go, I didn't intend to go with them to avoid revealing my face even if I trust Danny I can't trust the other two... especially with Collen, despite no longer feeling her intentions when she woke up and we talked, I felt something incongruous and I learned a lot to trust my intuition, which is influenced by so many skills and lineages.

I was in front of a more isolated area of the city, I've never been to the city where the challenge was scheduled so I'll have to go there another way.

Wearing my disguise outfit I took a deep breath and touched the Omnitrix.

I slowly turned my omnitrix and found the Alien I wanted and tapped the clock.

Soon my DNA was modified and my body began to transform, I had brown scales, sharp nails, two wings and a jetpack on my back and an elongated beak like a dinosaur, of course, all of this happened in less than a second.


And transformed I flew in the air above and moved above the speed of Sound, of course military radars and other organizations may have noticed the movement, but I don't plan to give much notice.



In a few minutes I arrived close to the location and stopped at a building and without having time to stop, I clicked the clock again.

My body and DNA were changed and sharper claws emerged and my body became spectral.


I remained invisible and moved under the walls in a hidden manner, avoiding attracting attention and losing anyone who was trying to follow my previous movements.

It didn't take long and I arrived close to the place, which was a large warehouse.

I transformed into human form by clicking the clock.

And I twirled my hand casually, releasing some scarlet bees, at the same time I sent a message on my phone to Danny…he didn't respond of course.

"It's probably still on the plane…"

I whispered quietly and began to observe the environment with the bees…



A few hours later I was calmly reading a book while drinking tea after applying a magical barrier that made my surroundings silent and disguised.

And I looked ahead and saw that the place was starting to get busy…

"Well…Danny said it's coming and they seem to have a good information network…"

I narrowed my eyes, there were some individuals in the room with guns and others with axes and swords and what caught my attention the most was an elderly Asian woman who was called Madam Gu. She seemed well trained and even seemed to have felt a bit of the movement of my bees for a moment.

Of course this made me frown a little but I didn't worry too much.

I also made small moves during this time, but specifically I released Sirius and the Slimes from the shadows to secretly damage some of their Ito weapons and beat up some...after all, from what I found out, the so-called Hand is a large organization and is an organization linked to crime. and to the underworld then bad methods and non-compliance can naturally happen.

When I received a message that Danny was already arriving, I activated In and Zetsu and moved silently but quickly outside, I also turned the wand slightly and dismantled the barrier.


Flying with the power of the wind I saw them getting out of a taxi, the 3 of them seemed slightly tense.

I slowly descended in front of them.

"Hello everyone ready?"

Claire was scared and spoke while she touched her chest as if to calm down.

"I'm already tense and you want to attack me"

I just smiled and didn't say anything and we started walking and when we got a little in front two individuals appeared, one carrying what looked like a submachine gun and the other carrying an ax on his waist, it was possible to see.

The one with the ax bowed and spoke first.

"Mister Iron Fist and guests, please follow Madam Gao is waitting to the combat challenge."

We nodded and continued. I had already secretly sent them a message informing them about what I found and identified here Here's what to do if things get tense or dangerous.

As we continued moving we entered what looked like a large warehouse and in the middle was the lady identified as Madam Gao with a few individuals behind her.

She looked at us and spoke focusing on Danny.

"Kunlun's heir and protector. He who defeated the Dragon and inherited its power, it is an honor to meet again."

She spoke slowly and with wisdom and apparent respect, but the contempt, despite being hidden, was still possible to feel.

"I respond to the challenge according to the rules of Kunlun, and act as one of the champions." Danny stated

"What and who will be the others?"

Madam Gao asked and looked at the rest, she especially frowned as she felt strange and cautious when she looked at me.

I moved first and responded.

"I will be one"

And Colleen responded next to our surprise, it wasn't necessary 3...of course her injuries from using my Djinn equipment were completely healed, but it was still risky and unnecessary.

"And me another"

Danny also seemed worried...however they seemed to have talked previously as he didn't speak.

Madam Gao nodded and asked.

"I know Miss Collen and who else would it be? so disguised as that?"

Behind the mask, I smiled and spoke lightly.

"You can call me Guardian."

She furrowed her eyebrows and replied.

"Guardian? I wonder whose guardian you act as, a guardian and a protector...what an interesting time, so meet your challengers."