
Percy Jackson: The Black Dragon Shadow King

In the world of Percy Jackson, named after the Demigod son of Poseidon, a new player is involved in the game of gods. The Demigod son of Hecate and a Legacy of Ares, named after his grandfather the son of Ares Constatine Drake Jr. He gained the magic of his Mother and the Strength of the War God, along with his partner Vritra The Black Dragon King.

A_Real_Werewolf234 · Bücher und Literatur
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31 Chs

Leaving Home.

Over the next hour, Vritra and Constantine worked together to use the same ritual used on Constantine on Solomon. They had to be more careful as Solomon was a 'mortal' horse other than his magical pact with Constantine. 

Though, through the blood of Vritra and Constantine and their skill with magic they managed it without killing Solomon. The poor horse did suffer the pain that Constantine did and he hated it. Now he would get to be 'sick' as his body adapted to the new Dragon Heart he had. 

Just like his Master, it was also a Divine Dragon Heart thanks to the access Vritra and Constantine had to pure Divine Dragon Mana. Solomon could no longer stand so Constantine teleported him home and placed him in his barn for him to recover in peace. 

Constantine knew that a Divine Dragon Heart sucked major balls for him and he was a Demigod. Much less poor Solomon, but the Stallion was a warrior at heart. This wouldn't keep him down, and when Max learned that Constantine gave Solomon a Dragon Heart too next morning he was jealous. 

As they both stood in the barn in Solomon's custom stable where the big horse snored in his sleep, Max turned to his son. 

"So what can a Dragon Heart do?" 

"Other than increasing the concentration of magic in your blood, making you physically stronger, and granting you a much stronger heart with all the benefits, it also increases life span. Do you want one?" 

Max pondered on it. 

"If it made you two sick while you acclimate, maybe not now. In the future, I am sure I will want one when I start getting old." 

Just as they were talking Carmen came into the barn with Amelia in her arms. She joined them looking at Solomon who was snoozing away. 

"We should call a vet for him. He doesn't look good since he is always running around." 

Constantine shook his head. 

"Nah, he is fine. Just fatigued, he will get better soon." 

Solomon woke up and took a deep breath which just like Constantine hurt at first. He stood up walked over to his water and took several gulps. He then lied back down got comfy in his hay and snoozed off. 


Carmen shook her head as she turned to Constantine. 

"Owner like horse, after you get better he is suddenly sick." 

She then left leaving Max and Constantine behind. After making sure Solomon was fine, they returned to their work around the ranch. Rather than the week it took Constantine to adapt, it took Solomon four days thanks to his familiar pact. 

He already had Divine Dragon Mana in his system, he just had to get used to producing it. Once he was up on his feet, he and Constantine started to train together to fight on horseback. In secret, they trained in magic combat with Solomon learning how to run in the air like Pegaseus only minus the wings. 

The moment Solomon learned he could fly, he felt he was the best horse in the world which Constantine didn't counter. Vritra, Solomon, and Constantine over the next three weeks began to train extensively.

They were finally preparing to leave the ranch for their adventures of improvement. The ranch kept monsters away and that would stifle his potential so it was time to leave. He delved deep into the magic spells of Hecate, he reviewed the memories of Vrirta, and he began to create custom magic spells. 

Thankfully, he was allowed to not go to school as he told his Father he was doing extensive research in magic. However, 5 days before his 11th birthday, Constantine smiled sadly as he would finally leave his home. 

He loved living in Texas in the Ranch life, but it was time to leave. That morning, he placed his hand on his clothes and using magic changed their form to a heavy set of military Riot Gear enhanced with magic. 

He called out his shotgun which just like the Black Sword had mutated after spending ten years saturating in Vritra and Constantine's magics. Now, it looked like the Doom Slayers Shotgun. 

(Image here.)

Solomon outside in the pasture knew what to do and using magic placed his saddle on to be ready. In the meantime, Constantine began to pack everything he needed. As he did so, Vritra coiled around his neck like a snake. 

"So, where to first?" 

"New Jersey, Then Arizona, and then Los Angeles." 

"Ah, Medusa, Hephestus Junkyard, and the gate to the Underworld." 

"Bingo. I want to speak to my Mother and through her Persephone and Hades." 

"Won't that be dangerous?" 

"Not really, Mom can vouch for me. At least I hope." 

He walked toward the wall and he grabbed Spine Splitter before placing the strap around his front. He grabbed his Winchester Rifle and made sure to get all the ammo he had on hand for it. 

He placed that in a backpack that had a space expansion charm in it where he began to place some essentials. He didn't have many, but he did bring the dagger Ares gave him, and his regular set of hunting knives which he had upgraded with runes.

He placed them inside the lining of his legs, placed his rifle inside the backpack, and dragged all his clothes inside. As for his shotgun, he waved his hand and placed it on his front through the strap. 

"There we are." 

Once he was packed, he placed a hand on the wall of his room with a smile. He would be back someday. Before he stepped out of his room, Vritra returned to a soul state and returned to Constantine's soul. When stepped out of his room he saw Carmen walking by soon after waking up. 

"Constantine? Why are you dressed like that? Where did you get that gun?"

"Follow me and I will explain." 


As he walked out, Carmen once again took notice of the large sword on his back and the backpack. 

"Are you going hunting again and what is with the backpack?" 

"No, I am not going hunting." 

Carmen began to feel worried about something, but when Constantine stepped into the kitchen Dad saw him dressed up. 

"What is with the military gear?"

"Dad, I am leaving, for the foreseeable future." 

Max felt surprised before Constantine stepped outside of the house. He whistled out loud From the pasture with the horses, Solomon neighed as he started sprinting toward the fence before jumping it with ease. 

He then galloped over before coming to a stop near Constantine already with his saddle. Solomon was currently feeling a rush as his Divine Dragon Heart continued to thump. 

It was making him stronger and feeling a rush of power. Constantine walked up to his horse before running his hands down the horse's face. Max rushed outside as he was making sense of what he just heard. 

"Leaving? For good? What do you mean?" 

Even Carmen looked confused, but Constantine explained it in simple terms. 

"I am leaving Dad, leaving the ranch, leaving Texas. I am going on my adventure."

Hearing that made Max freeze for a moment. 


"Dad, I love you and I love this life, but I won't be able to enjoy it in safety much longer."

Max thought it was because of his son's Demigod nature. 

"But, your medallion, the wards, you're safe here. Why leave?" 

Carmen turned to Maxamillion who was making her worry. 

"Why would Constantine be in danger? Tell me right now." 

Constantine looked at his dad who seemed to sigh. Constantine walked away with Solomon to let them talk. In the meantime, he made sure all his preparations were complete. In the end, Max decided to do the right thing. 

"Carmen, there is a secret my family has kept from you. Constantine has wanted to tell you since you had Amelia, but I made him keep it secret. The truth of the matter is me, and Constantine we are Demigods. 

Well, Constantine is, I am what is known as a Legacy someone descendant from a god. My grandfather and grandmother are the children of Ares and Nike, my mother Martha is a mortal, but she was born with Clear Sight. 

She can see through the veil of magic that keeps mortals oblivious to the magical side of things." 

Carmen was a Catholic, so she didn't fully believe him. 

"You are telling me that the Greek gods are real and you are the great, great, grandson of Ares and Nike? What about Constantine?" 

 Constantine pulled himself into the saddle before Solomon walked over to Max and Carmen. 

"My Mother is Hecate, the Titaness of Magic. My Father's lover before you. That means, Amelia is 4 generations removed from Ares and Nike. Meaning, that she is the descendent of Zeus and Hera through Ares. 

My great, great parents. You may not believe me, but it matters not because I am no longer going to hide." 

Solomon feeling his intent suddenly burst into dark black flames. His hooves caught fire, and his mane and his eyes began to glow with a deep blaze. His snorts caused flames to emerge from his nostrils. 

His legs began to grow spikes, his teeth sharpened into fangs, and he grew spurs coming from his face. Max had never seen Solomon or Constantine do this, but he didn't know magic like his son did. 

(Image here)

"The Dragon Heart did this?"

"It did, I had help." 

Suddenly, Vritra emerged from his back in a visible soul start before materializing and coiling around Constantine's neck. 

"I am Vritra, The Prison Dragon King, mentor of Constantine. A pleasure." 

Seeing that both Max and Carmen looked at Constantine in a different light. Max felt proud that his son had somehow found a dragon who had been teaching him. Carmen though had her worldview turned on its head. 

"If the Greek gods are real and so is magic? Does that mean my faith is a lie? Is God real?" 

She seemed quite distressed about that, so he tried to calm her down. 

"I have no idea. Though, if I were you I would not give up hope. Dad, I love you and I am proud to be your son. Carmen, you were the perfect Mother Figure. I pulled away as I had to hide what I was, but no more. You will always be a second mother to me. 

Invite me to the wedding Kay and keep in touch."

Constantine reached into his pocket before tossing his dad a steel plate covered in runes. When Max caught it, Constantine explained what it was. 

"Put a drop of your blood on that and the magic in your blood should activate it. That way you can call me at any time. I will be able to maintain the communication at all times."

Max clenched his hands before he nodded. 

"Take care out there, son. I will go to the Underworld myself if you are killed. Vritra, was your name right? Look after my boy, the same goes for you Solomon, you big bastard." 

Solomon while still in his 'true' form walked forward and licked Max. Max touched the horse which was on fire and he didn't even feel warm. Solomon could choose who he would burn. 

With a chuckle, Constantine turned to Carmen. 

"I will tell you this Carmen. Look after my sister and look after yourself." 

Carmen nodded. 

"Be con Dios en tus viajes." 

(Go with God on your travels.)

Constantine nodded. 

"Y tu también." 

(And you too.)

With that, Constantine hit Solomon on the ribs with his legs causing the giant blazing stallion to rise on his back legs before letting off a loud bellowing neigh. Flames bellowed from his mouth before he started galloping. 

He then ran off leaving burning hoof prints before he burst into a stream of flames teleporting away. When he was gone, Max fell to his knees as tears began to stream down his face. He fell to the ground as he grabbed his face to wipe his tears away. He was proud of his son, but it hurt to see him leave. 

His son was just turning 11, but Hecate told him this happens all the time. Demigod ran away, he just hoped he did the right thing and raised his son to be strong. Carmen kneeled by his side and tried to console him, but it did not help. 


As for Constantine himself, he and Solomon after teleporting rematerialized in New Jersey, specifically in Leeds Point a specific Community in Jersey. Solomon began to walk forward as Constantine released his magical senses and he began to track Medusa. 

'For the love of God, make her look like Rider from Fate. In the name of the Father, Spirit, and Holy Ghost, Amen.'

As he was riding, he passed by a few people and they looked over, but they could not see the fire on Solomon or his mutated features. As the son of Hecate, he could control the Mist and to them, he just looked like a soldier riding a big horse. 

A very young soldier, with a large black python around his neck, Vritra was also disguised by the mist. Odd, but not unusual so other than a few stares he was not bothered. Before long, he made it to Aunty Em's Garden Gnome Emporium which was where Percy, Annabeth, and Grover would face Medusa. 

Though he got here first, so he jumped off Solomon who didn't turn down the fire. Constantine opened his hand and into it, the Black Sword appeared. He rested the sword on his right shoulder while he grabbed his shotgun ready to kill.

When he walked inside, he instantly saw a bunch of statues that were the victims of Medusa. They did not have souls as when they were petrified they died and were sent to the Underworld. 

As he walked inside, he smelled cooking food which was quite good. Vritra flicked his tongue as he also had control over snakes as he was a serpent dragon himself. He made himself known and ordered Medusa to present herself. 

"Come on out. Now." 

From out of the back, Medusa made herself known, and when he saw her his prayers were answered. She didn't look old, or ugly, but she was wearing a veil to hide the head of snakes she had. 

She also had a blindfold over her eyes, but when she saw him and Vritra she got nervous. 

"Who are you?" 

"A Demigod and a Dragon. I am Constantine, and this is my friend Vritra The Prison Dragon of Hinduism. We are here to talk to you." 

She snorted. 

"Talk? You're not here to kill me for a quest?" 

"No, because I do not serve the gods and I am sure you don't either. Poseidon and Athena wronged you both, did they not?"

Medusa began to shake with rage and fear at the mention of those two. Poseidon had forced himself on her in the temple of Athena all those years ago and Athena rather than save her cursed her to have her hair turn to snakes and turn others to stone. 

Over time, she had accepted being the monster everyone thought she was. 

"What do you want with me?" 

"Simple, come with me. I am recruiting those they cursed or scorned and making a team. I guess you can say I hate gods and I want to claim the title of God Slayer. Your abillities would be useful if you accept to join my side."

Medusa reached up and removed her veil to reveal her living hair of snakes. She removed her blindfold and looked straight at Constantine and Vritra who both were immune to her power. 

"Can you fix this?" 

Constantine looked at Medusa and how the curse placed on her worked. Athena was a spiteful bitch like most of the Greek gods. It affected her very soul like a virus or cancer and removing it would be a bitch and a half. 

However, he could get it done. 

"I see, I can do it but not here. The moment I remove that curse, Athena will know so instead, it is better to do it in a place they can't track. Until then, will you join? You will get the opportunity for vengeance, no, for justice." 

Medusa gripped her hands together before nodding. Even a chance to not be cursed like this and she would take it. More so if she could make Athena pay. 

"I will. If I have even a chance to inflict the suffering I felt on both Athena and Poseidon I will do anything ." 

With a smirk, Constantine walked toward her and extended his hand. 

"Shake on it." 

When she shook his hand, a pact of magic was formed as she agreed to become his subordinate. With that done, Constantine turned around and began to leave. 

"I will call you when I set up a safe place. Until then, stop killing people." 

"I understand." 

Once he stepped outside, he walked toward Solomon and got saddled once more. Once Solomon ran off, he teleported again this time to Arizona. He was after the Junk Yard of Hephestus as he needed more material for his forging. 

He would need weapons and armor to suit him and using Divine Metal was the only way. When he arrived in Arizona, he, Vritra, and Solomon tracked down the location of the Junk Yard where the gods especially Hephestus threw away 'defective' items. 

He made sure to use Anti Divination Magic beforehand so the gods wouldn't see what he was doing until he was home free. Once he entered, he saw endless piles of discarded items. Many were made of bronze, Celestial Bronze which he would plunder. 

He only had to deal with Talos which was simple, just kill it and take the metal it was made from. 

(I think I will add the Harry Potter universe, but the events of the HP books are about over. Harry was born in 1980, seven years before Constantine, and he went to his first year in 1991.

It is 1997 so either the events of the Deathly Hallows would be taking place, or the Second Wizarding War would be over. Regardless, I wanted to add it for the expanding universe.)