
Peak Of Power

In a world full of cultivators and magical beast,, one has to survive through fighting. Huxton is the only son of the clan head of the Leon family, but was considered a trash because the techniques for the element base he awakened does not exist, so he only has to learn martial art and help out in the family business. fortunately he found a castle with the cultivation techniques of his two elements, so now he has to cultivate to become the most powerful existence In the world. join him as he adventure and fight to pursue the peak of power

Stilejimmy · Fantasie
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46 Chs

Heaven Treat Me Unfair

In a small city call green hold in the state of Greenville of the cloud sky country.

The Leo clan is one of the over Lord of the green hold city, they rule half of the city while the Leon clan rule the other half.

The Leo clan is a prosperous clan, rich, strong elite, they are know for their weapon business which accumulated them enough wealth.

On the other hand the Leon clan, the Leon clan is also an over Lord of the city too. They have been on bad terms with the Leo clan, a fight for power. The two clans has always stood against.

Today is a wonderful day in the Leon clan, one of the head clans in the prefectural city of green hold. Today every member of the clan are eager and excited, why?

Because today is the day the young master of the clan would awaken his element base.

It is not actually an occasion to be celebrated but, this is a different one because the only son of the clan head Huxton would awaken his element base .

Huxton is the only son of the clan head who is a fire element cultivator

And also a business man.

The Leon clan is know for its magical beast core business which gave them the wealth they had today.

They are the second richest clan in green hold city, know for its magical beast core business. So it's fair to say they are rich.

Millar, Huxtons father sat on the leader seat, on his left hand sat his wife Katrina. The elders sat in a row of seven seven and the clans member stood in the hall, all waiting for the good news. Millar sat expectantly waiting for his son to come out of the cultivation room to tell them the element he awakened.

Inside a remote room sat a boy about eight years old in a blue robe , fair skin, handsome, and a black hair. He sat cross leg in a meditating position, eye closed and meditating. In a few breath a white and a blue light was radiating from his body .

Within a second, he opened his eyes lighting flashed through it, he got up in excitement and shouted

" Yeah , I did "

He ran outside and saw every body gathered, he knew they where all waiting for his to come out.

When they saw him come out , they where all excited, his father and mother ran to him and embrace him. His father ask "what element did you awaken? Ok give me your hand.

Huxton stretch his hand to his father,

His father took his hand and passed his spirit sense into his sons body and moved it down to his dantain and saw lighting and metal on two different sides.

He was surprised but Immediately his surprised was covered with disappointment, his wife saw the disappointment in his face and asked

"What's wrong? Say something what's the problem". But he kept quiet without say anything.

The elders came up to them with curiousness and asked

"Clan Lord, what's element did young master awaken?

Millar finally said with bitterness " he awakened the rare lighting and metal element"

Katrina now understood why Millar had a disappointed look , she also was disappointed. The elders were also disappointed.

Huxton who wore an excited look on his face finally understood something was wrong and ask his father

" Father what's wrong with the element I awakened?"

Milla release a sigh but didn't answer his question, and instructed one of the elders to dismiss the clan members.

"Huxton follow me inside" he said before turning around and walked inside the inner hall.

Huxton didn't hesitate and followed his father inside including Katrina and the elders.

They got in the inner hall and sat in the meeting hall.

"You can't be a cultivator" Millar said with bitterness

Huxton was surprised before replying

" Why?"

"Because the element you awoken are two rare elements, to be honest with it has never existed in our clan and our city before, so the cultivation techniques for it does not exist in our clan or our city so there is no way you can cultivate" Millar replied.

" But father can't you do something to help me?" Huxton asked in a sad tune.

" There is nothing I can do because the two techniques does not exist" Millar replied

Katrina wore a sad expression and tried to console her child

"Son don't feel too sad, that is not the end of the road, by the way you can also learn Martial arts and help with our family business"

" But mom I want to be a cultivator, just because you said it does not exist, does it really mean it does not really exist" Huxton said in a sad tune

" Shut up Huxton!, your mother is correct you can also become a Martial arts student and help in our business, as from tomorrow you would be learning the family business, now go back to your room" Millar shouted in anger.

" Dad that's not fair" Huxton said in a crying tune before leaving the hall

Huxton went back to his room and started crying bitterly and shouted at the top of his voice

" Why is everything so unfair!? Heaven why do you treat me unfair!?"

He cried for a while before falling a sleep.

The next morning Huxton woke up but refused leaving his room for breakfast, when he woke up, the maid outside came in, bow and said.

" young master, the clan Lord and mistress are waiting for you in the meeting hall"

" tell them I don't want to meet them , I am staying in my room today"

" don't be impulsive Huxton, get out of your room now and meet me in the meeting hall immediately, do not argue" immediately a loud voice came from outside, it was Millar.

"...ok dad I will be with you. shortly" Huxton let out a sigh and replied.

"don't make me wait for you, follow me now"

Millar said coldly.

Huxton got up from his bed and followed his father to the family meeting hall. He got there and saw his mother and the elders seated around the big family table , it look like they where having a meeting before.

"Sit down Huxton, and don't say anything"Millar said

Huxton took a seat and sat down.

the meeting began .