
Pay 2 Play System

In a world filled with magic, Mason lives in a village on the border of the continent. In this particular village, there isn't a single mage. *Ding* [Pay 2 Play Sytem initiated] Mason gets a system that will make him rich, and give him the power to curse anyone he wants! One day, a kid walked up to Mason. "Do you want to eat together?" To that, Mason only had 1 answer. "Nah, I don't need to eat food. I'm already on my path to become the God of Magic." ================================================ I don't own the cover image, feel free to ask me to take it down if needed. Try to read the first couple of chapters i guarantee you it becomes better haha.

McStank · Fantasie
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40 Chs

Greenwood Village

"Mason, did you fight with the other village kids again?"

"Sorry mommy, they were saying bad things about you, and I didn't like that."

Elena looked at her son with a slight blush on her face because of how cute her 4 year old son was.

"Mommy is fine, she can handle herself. Hitting children will only give mommy more trouble than staying quiet so try to stay friendly, alright?"


Elena looked at the tiny Mason with a hint of confusion

'Do kids normally understand this type of subject'

But she decided it wasn't important and didn't say anything.


10 Years later

"Wash the vegetables properly Mason!"

"Yes mom, I've been doing that since the first time you told me to."

'This kid' Elena thought

"Alright, I need you to go buy potatoes for me since I'm busy right now."

"Fine, I was in need of some fresh air either way."

Thus starts this novels first quest. [Getting potatoes]

Even though Mason didn't know why, he has been reading up on some novels and sees himself using the terms in real life more often than usual.

On the way to the market of Greenwood Village, he bumps into a boy named Richard, though Mason forgot his name, and just calls the guy 'Fatty'.

"Urgh, watch where you're going man!" Said the fat kid.

After Fatty looked behind him and saw who he bumped into, the look on his face turned into one of disdain.

"It's you, didn't your mom teach you to watch where you were going?"

"Fatty, I didn't have time to listen to my own mom because I was too busy in your grandmas bedroom."

The fatty looked at Mason with a weird look on his face.

'What a weirdo' he thought.

"You know your status in the village right? Among the kids, nobody wants to be befriended with you. My status is way higher since my dad is a Mage, that gives me 20% more chance to become one myself already. You have 0 talent so good luck."

Mason was the one to look at the fatty with a weird face now.

'That isn't how it works at all, since his father has little talent too. Meh, who cares.'

Mason continued walking toward the market, and when it finally came into sight. He already saw old man Mark selling his tasty potatoes.

"Yo, old man. Give me some of your best potatoes please."

"Oh, look who it is. The oh so famous troublemaker in the village."

Even though the old man said that, he still put some potatoes into a plastic bag and gave it to Mason.

"That'll be 5 copper coins please."

"5 Copper coins! Old man, since when do you swindle kids for some extra money?" said Mason

"Shut up kid! Even you know that the village isn't in it's best state right now, and I'm already giving you a discount."

Since Mason know that was true, he didn't bother anymore and paid up.

'Mmm, life sure isn't easy in a remote village.'

On the way back home, Mason looked through the village with a rough population of 1000 people.

'I heard the beasts outside the village have been getting restless lately, it's best I stand on guard or I'll die before i know it with my weak-ass body.'

Back at home, the used to be cute kid looked at his mom. She who has raised him alone for 14 years already. Elena was quite beautiful, so much that she was voted as most beautiful in the village. And it's in the genes because Mason himself wasn't an ugly duckling either. He had silver hair, with beautiful blue eyes. He is about 5'7, which is above average for a 14 year old too. The ladies in the village didn't like him, but they couldn't deny that he was good as eye candy.

After saying hello to his mother, he went to the living room and turned on the TV.

"After a big fight between 2 high-level Mages, they left a whole mountain range in ruins. What a spectacular sight to behold ladies and gentlemen."

'They think they're so cool, but all they do is wreak havoc, the dumbasses' Mason thought

Even though he said that, everybody on the planet has thought about having the powers of a Mage. It's only natural, who wouldn't want to fly through the air or shoot fireballs out of the palms of their hand.

Mason in particular likes fantasizing about having powers, he had a weak body after all.

After turning the TV off, he went outside again. He felt like sitting inside all day was a waste so he went on a walk.

'If I ever awaken as a Mage, the first thing I'm doing is buying a house somewhere in a big city so my mom has less trouble.'

*rustle* *rustle*

Hearing the weirdly loud rustling in the bushes, Masons adventurous spirit awoke.

'Well I've got to check that out don't I'

But suddenly, a 4 meter tall bear jumped towards him.

'Fuck, why did I have to jinx myself earlier'

Yooo, I'm not really expecting anything because of my trashy writing skills. But make sure to leave feedback anyways, I'm always open to learn!

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