

A young child grows with the strange gate that was given to her. One world has zombies, the other has crazy monsters. Now she must find a place she can stay, but it's not as easy as she thought. Not a typical cultivation story and lots of crazy situations...

JennyS · sci-fi
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46 Chs

33. Showing the power

---This is an original book written by JennyS. Please support me by reading it at W. e. b. n. o. v. e. l. s. com. If you read it anywhere else it means it's copied without my consent. Thank you in advance :) ---

Michelle lowered her head and Alice became silent as well. "Will you abandon us?"

Anna hugged them both. "Never. I didn't abandon you when times were scary, I have no intentions abandoning you now that things get easier to handle."

The two girls hugged her tightly. "We want to see mother."

Anna Gale smiled. "Map of base."

Base map was showing people again standing in long line and waiting for the brew to be given. It looked so unappetizing that she furrowed her eyebrows.

"Gate, do I have time for one more trip?" She wanted to go to Mrs Stevenson house to call base.

*You opened two cities and gained access to your storage and reset of all four gates. Do you wish to use it?*

Anna Gale chuckled as she saw the two girls happily standing up. "Let's go first to Mrs Stevenson house. I must first warn them before they don't attack me."

Soldiers were now stressed and easy on trigger so she had no plan to be shot.

The three put nice clothes on and went up Mrs Stevenson house.

"Hello?" The officer was stunned to hear the phone as it didn't ring often.

"Hello. My name is Anna Gale. Can I speak to the general please. It's important." She recognized his voice and seemingly he recognized hers as well.

"Wait, I'll call for general." He was stunned that this child is still alive.

Not long after the general could be heard. "So you know where you are? I will ask someone to pick you up with helicopter or something."

Anna sighed. "General, there is a tiny thing I didn't tell you."

"A tiny thing?" He suddenly felt strange. Why is this child's voice suddenly creepy.

Anna Gale had no idea that her intonation suddenly changed and instead being mysterious, like she wanted, she sounded weird.

"Uhm... actually. Something happened and I have ability to pass trough space. But only trough space I already know." Anna Gale explained.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" He was stunned.

"Sir go out as I can't summon the gate inside your shelter." The gate told her that the shelter was underground so it couldn't be summoned.

"What is this ridiculous conversation?" He really had no time for child plays.

"Go out now." Her voice became cold and she hung up.

"Go out?" General was not worked that he will be attacked so he just went out.

Anna Gale calmly looked at map and saw him passing trough door and spoke. "Summon gate in mid of that open space."

Just as he came out a shiny light appeared and strange gate opened. He couldn't see trough the gate but the three children appeared there.

The older one stepped forward while holding the two twin girls by hand. "General Lewis, my name is Anna Gale and these are my sisters Michelle and Alice. I need your help to be able to help you."

The gate stayed there for a while and then started to fade away and dissapeard.

Survivors gathered around and wildly commented while the three still stood there.

"I have been given a... duty or a task. Strange duty, but nevertheless it's something I must do." Anna Gale patted girls heads while she explained. "I can go trough gate and appear somewhere else, but I must travel further and further away. Unfortunately, I can't take some other person with me except my own sisters. But we almost got attacked by zombies and I think the best situation now is for them to stay with my mother, but not with my father. If you can comply to this request, I'll open gate to one storage I found and will do my best up bring as much food as I can. Actually, I need first up learn how to use those things."

"Things?" General Lewis was not afraid of many things, but this made him have goosebumps.

"Yes, the transportation things. I don't have powers or so. Only thing I have is the possible passage to things I saw before. If you teach me how to use that transportation thing, I could bring or push food here." She pouted as she tried explaining.

His heart became steady. Just a weak child that can go trough space. He met long ago a person that could pick up things with his mind and make them float, so this ability didn't shock him as much as others.

He turned his head at the nearby forklift and waved his hand. "Quickly, someone show it to her."

She literally had this thing in the storage.

One of soldiers sat inside and she went there. "You have to be careful. This is how you start. Now... this is how you drive..."

He pointed every little thing even the precautions to the little girl that nibbled on her lips. "Ok, now it's my turn. You show me exactly how it's done.''

She sat down and slowly turned it on. It was hard, but not hard. Her brain always worked faster than normal children so she understood the principle quite fast. Even picking up and transporting she understood.

She glanced at the general Lewis. "As I'm used to this one now, I'll take it. Tell me what is greatest necessity here so I can bring it right away. By the way, gates are timed. I can open gate only on one hour. Please understand me."

He glanced at the nearest officer. "Tell her what is mostly needed."

"Food. Any kind of food." The officer asked for simple thing.

"Food. Oh, that storage is dark, are there some kind of lights I can use? I won't see what I have there." She sighed.

Two soldiers rushed to a nearby truck and brought two strong flashlights and taped them directly on top of the forklift.

Even though forklift had own lights, it's not the same.

"Gate to storage." Anna Gale spoke and drove directly. Of course, the general Lewis toughed the gate or better said he tried touching it and his hand just passed trough it like it was some hologram.

He stepped back with a solemn expression and looked at the two girls. "Not going with you sister?"

Both girls shrruged and walked straight towards the crowd. "Mother, we are here..."