The Muddy Dark Waters Pt 1
Hello Author-kun here! So I was tasked by the special police force to give some safety quotes to my dear readers!
First safety tip! { Don't eat yellow snow }
Second Safety tip! {To Avoid aunties legendary flip flop 360 no scope death shot, always say you like their cooking!}
Final safety tip of the day! {Fuck politics, and you will live longer! You can interpret that; however, you wish, you sly dog!}
As always "" Talking
'' Thinking
( ヽ(≧□≦)ノ ) Awesome Pic!
Billy woke up with a grunt and a stretch. He opened his eyes to a dark room. "Where the fuck am I?" Then he remembered everything. "Fucking Gollum," he swore with a tired sigh.
Billy tried to stand up, but he almost fell, "Fuck I used too much chakra" He looked around his room and only saw darkness. 'What the actual fuck is going on, I mean, I know shinobi and stuff, but the other kids are what, seven years old.'
Billy stood still for a moment; something in his memories was screaming at him. 'I need to meditate on this' He sat on the ground and closed his eyes; his breathing became slower and slower with every moment that passed.
The memories he knew were coming back to him. 'Somethings are not adding up,' he thought, then he reached with his hands to his chin, stroking it. 'Why would they do this to some untrained children?'
Suddenly a memory from John came to light; with a strong vengeance, it came to him, a gray-haired shinobi with one eye. 'A shinobi always looks underneath the underneath.'
Billy's eyes widened, and he stood up and started pacing around the room. "Holy shit, I have to tell Nawaki!" he moved towards the hole he made and screamed to Nawaki. "Oi Nawaki, can you hear me?!"
No sound came to him, he tried again and again, but Nawaki did not respond. He peeked into the hole and saw Nawaki's door untouched since they had closed it.
He backed away from the hole and looked around the room, only to see darkness. "Fuckers, at least put some lights in the room; I can't see shit" he paced around the darkness like a caged animal. 'Ok, Billy, the first thing you need is something to light this place up.'
He knelt and opened his bag. "Useless, not needed, Kunai's, a candy bar," then he touched something cheap, 'No fucking way.' He reached into his bag and brought his Kunai cleaning kit 5000.
Billy raised it up, "I think you could be of use" He opened the kit and found three rags, sharpening stones, and two cup-sized oils.
He held the oil cups and turned them around. "I can't believe I am going to do a MacGyver" Billy moved towards the hole in the door; there is some light that passed through. Then he brought his Kunai. "Ok, slowly, just like the camping trips my Grandpa used to bring me too… well, they were more like nuclear fallout training."
When Billy started cutting with the Kunai, he remembered his Grandfather. "Now, boy, I didn't fight in NAM, so you can tell your Granny to open her own canned apple slices!"
A small Billy sat on the ground, almost crying. "But Grandpa, the cans were too hard to open! And we didn't have a can opener."
His Grandfather smiled and took a puff from his cigar. "So?" he exhaled the smoke and bent down. "you think I would have cried and told the Sarg," then he ruffled Billy's hair. "This is why we have knives," he showed Billy his knife, "Now Gimmy, this here can, and I am going to show you how to open them up" For some time, he showed Billy how it worked.
A child, Billy, smiled when he opened his first can. "I did it, Granpa! I did it"
His Grandfather smiled, "Now that's a good kid" Suddenly, Billy saw a bear walking nearby, minding its own business.
"Grandpa! Look, a bear!" he pointed at the bear (who turned and looked at them).
His Grandfather fumed at the mouth, and he started shaking. "FUCKING COMMIES! I DIDN'T FIGHT IN NAM, SO YOU CAN JUST FUCKING SHOW UP!"
A child, Billy, was enjoying the entertainment while eating some apple slices while his Grandfather was holding the bear in a chokehold.
Billy looked down at the perfectly opened oil cup. "Grandpa, I fucking miss you; I bet you are choke-holding some bears in heaven," he laughed, and retrieved one of the rags, then he made a makeshift candle.
He set it down and brought his Kunai to the door while the candle was on the floor. "All right, one swift motion and I will get some sparks" in a swift motion, he made some sparks that flew toward the candle, but he failed the first time. "Ok again, but get closer this time.
Billy tried to light the candle for five minutes, and just as he was about to give up, the candle started to light up. "Fuck yeah! Who's the mother fucking survivor… I AM BITCH!"
He picked up the candle and stood up. "All right, let's see what is in the room" Billy saw an almost empty room; there was no bed, but he did see a small metal table that was attached to the floor, a drainpipe with small, lined holes, and there was no bathroom.
Billy started massaging his forehead. "Ok, a prison has better commendation than this," he sighed and sat down with the candle in front of him, 'I need to contact Nawaki, but how?'
Billy started thinking; then it dawned on him. "Dude, CUP PHONES!" he moved towards the hole, 'Ok, I see that slit that other shinobi used before to peek at me; I can use it.'
Billy sat down and gathered his ingredients. "Ok, I have Kunai, oil cups, and shinobi wires! I can work with this" Billy brought his Kunai and started heating it up, then he moved to the drain and started bending the Kunai to a hook shape.
He tides the end of the Kunai with wires, then he brings the cans and opens them up. "All right now, I just need to attach the two wires together, and boom, communication."
Billy tied everything together, and he moved to the door. "Ok easy, dose it now" Billy extended his hand out and remembered where the slit was, then he launched his Kunai, and he heard it fall to the floor. "Dammit! I knew I should have practiced with Kunai more, ok one more time."
Billy tried several times until he felt the Kunai being attached; he peeked into the hole and smiled. "alright now, pull it carefully and slowly" he pulled with one hand and gathered the wires at the same time.
When the slit was fully opened, he peeked from the hole and shouted. "Nawaki! Can you hear me" Billy waited and tried again, but this time he heard a replay, but it was muffled and hard to understand.
He reached for the cups and launched one at the opening. "Fucking hell, why am I so bad at aiming!" he tried again, but this time the cup passed and fell to the ground.
He felt the wires getting tighter.
Nawaki has been awake for ten hours, by his calculations. "This is stupid; you could have just told us that you were going to test our patience, no need for the whole show back there."
He sighed, he could have found a way out, but he had no bags because he had sent everything with his clothes. He tried messing with the drainpipe, table, and the weird metal pipe he found.
But after hours, of trying he settled to simply wait. For hours he sat still, but he grew bored and tried inspecting the door. "Hmm," he banged on the door, as before, but no sound reverberated back. "I can't believe they soundproofed the door."
He sat back again in the corner, but he heard this weird ting sound every now and then. 'Oh great, sound torture too?" then he saw a small slit of light in the door opening, finally something!
Nawaki heard a muffled voice reaching him, he could not make it out, but he tried replaying. Then he saw something being slipped from the opening.
He searched for it in the darkness until he found it. "Is this a can?" he touched it some more. "Hmm, the can is oily, and is that Nataso tree oil?" he smelled the oil, "Yeah, it is, but it was skimmed off, I would say 30% Nataso oil, 40% used cooking oil, based on the fried food smell, 30% unknown ingredients" he stood still for a moment. "Who skims of Nataso oil? It is the cheapest oil out there?"
Nawaki pulled the can back, but then he noticed a metal wire. "Wire? What is going on?" he pulled it back some more, then he felt someone pulling the wire; he panicked and held on to his can, then he heard a voice.
The voice was muffled, but it was clear enough. "Yo, can I get a… (boneless Pizza) with two liters of coke."
Silence is all that Nawaki could give… "But… Pizza has no bones in it, and what is coke?"
The cup spoke again. "Ayy Nawaki, it's me, Billy. I was messing with you."
Nawaki looked at the cup, amazed. "Billy! Oh my God, finally I heard someone," he smiled, "So how did you get this to me? My door was locked tight. Did you open the door or something?"
"Nah, I punched a hole through it…."
Nawaki smiled. "Oh, my God! That is awesome! Can you do it again and open the lock?!"
"Nah, I used up almost all of my chakra fighting those freaks."
Nawaki's smile turned upside down. "Man, that is underwhelming."
"Don't worry, Nawaki, I figured something out. I was thinking, and I realized this is clearly a test of some sort."
Nawaki grew a curious look. "How is this a test?"
"Well, think about it for a moment; there are a thousand rooms in this building, right?"
Nawaki nodded, "Yeah, and?"
"And you said it yourself, out of the thousand, only 50% graduate the first year, and you forgot that in the class we were in, we did not even have a thousand kids."
Nawaki scratched his head. "And your point is?" then he heard a sigh from the other line.
"Man, Nawaki, for a smart kid, you sure are an idiot sometimes. There is a saying I heard from a shinobi 'A shinobi always looks underneath the underneath,' so do you honestly think all this a coincidence? I think not."
Nawaki slowly realized something. "Holy shit… I think you are right!"
"No shit, dingus. Now I am going to look for something to get us out of this room; you do the same."
Nawaki's smile stretched to the point he could feel his mouth hurting; then he started tapping everything in the room, checking the sounds between each stone. Finally, after some time, he heard a different sound from the rest. "Billy, I think I found something."
"What did you find?"
"Do you have a table in there?"
"Yeah, tried to mess with it, but it is bolted to the ground."
"All right, I have the same table; check the stone wall under the table, the third block, to be exact." He heard some shuffling.
"Huh, the stone feels different, you know; I am going to punch it."
"No, Billy, don't; what if it was trapped!" Nawaki screamed, "You idiot think before you act!" he heard something getting smashed.
"No, I forgot to coat my hand with Chakra!"
Nawaki pinched his nose. "Did you find something at least?"
"Yeah… Fuck, my hand is burning up." He heard Billy shake and blow on his hand. "I smashed the fake wall and found a button in there; there is a drawing of a child on top of the button."
Nawaki nodded and coated his fist with chakra, and smashed the block, he found a button also, but he could not see the drawing. "Billy, I think we have the same button; I will push it first and see what happens."
Nawaki looked around the room to reassure himself; then he clicked the button. "Nothing happened, Billy."
"I am going to push mine… Same."
Nawaki started to contemplate. "I think there are more pieces to this puzzle than we thought; let's try to search for more."
He and Billy tapped every place they could, and after a while, they found four more buttons, each with a drawing.
The first one was the child, the second one was the old man, the third one was a rich merchant, the fourth one was a drawing of a leaf, and finally, a drawing of fire.
Nawaki and Billy started pushing them at random, but nothing happened. Nawaki began thinking about how to activate whatever the button held. 'There is clearly a message that we must follow, but what is the message?'
Nawaki began to think more clearly now. "Billy, I think I found the answer."
"Really?! Are you sure there are no more buttons to be found?"
Nawaki walked towards the drawing of the child. "He who is vulnerable shall hide," and he pressed it. "Yup, I think I figured it out; it is a puzzle based on values and how to act. This is clearly a question on who we must save first as shinobi."
Nawaki walked to the drawing of the old man. "He who has earned respect must be respected," and he pressed the button. "Clearly, we must save the child first, then the old population."
"Alright, Nawaki, going to do that now."
Nawaki walked to the third button, "the leaf clearly the village and who lives in it." He pressed the button; then he heard some gears shifting. "The next one is the leaf, which means the general population and your fellow shinobi."
"Man, that sounds cheesy; what are you trying to be a poet or something?
Nawaki bristled. "What that got to do with anything? As a matter of fact, I am interested in poetry!" he moved to the fourth drawing. 'Fire for the shadow of it that protects us all; we must have its back.' He sighed. 'I am doing poetry… No, Billy is an idiot. He clearly does not understand the deep meanings of life!'
"The next one is the fire button," he sighed and moved to the final button, the rich adult.
"What no more life values to give." He laughed. "Man, But I was so getting into this Zen-like understanding of the world, from your poetry."
Nawaki inhaled, trying not to get angry, then he heard his voice again. Billy changed his voice to an old man. "Ahhh, to understand life, one must first understand their eyes, for how can we see when we cannot see life itself with our eyes… ohhh I am old and wise! Look at me. I am old Nawaki."
"FUCK YOU, BILLY! YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND SHIT!" Nawaki shouted while pressing the final button.
Suddenly he heard more gears shifting, then the ground opened, and he saw darkness.
The cup he was holding started speaking. "Come on, Nawaki, don't be angry I was just messing with you… Nawaki… Hello?... Man, stop acting like a bitch."
In the other room, Billy sighed and pressed the button. Then he yelped, and the hole swallowed him.
(Inajin Yamanaka's POV)
Inajin yawned and walked back to the control room; he had a cup of tea in his hand. He turned his head to the security cameras; he saw kids doing various stuff; some were meditating, some were moving around looking for ways to get out, some were sleeping, and very few of them already gave up.
He yawned again and took a sip; then, he saw another clan member watching the tapes. "Anything new, Yamajin?" he sat down while resting his feet on a table in the control room.
Inajin looked around and saw various clan members watching and grading the children on how they are handling it. He took another sip, 'It was going to be harsher, but thankfully the Hokage denied Danzo' he inhaled some of the sweet tea's aroma, 'That crazy bastard wanted us to give them a year of training and send them out to the field.'
He heard his cousin talking. "No, Inajin, nothing new, except on level nine," Inajin raised his eyebrows, 'What happened at level nine?'
"What is going on?" he stood up and walked to the cameras.
"Oh, nothing much, the kid you talked about, you know, the one with the mask, woke up. And you did tell me to tell you, so… here he is," Yamajin pointed at a screen showing the masked boy.
Inajin watched as the boy walked around. "Yamajin, I want you to focus on this kid, I don't know why, but I feel like I saw him before."
Yamajin sighed. "Man, you are only interested in him because he beat the two Genin disguised as tortured victims."
Inajin sat on a chair that was near the screen. "Yamajin, my gut tells me I saw this kid before, and he had this… I do not know how to describe it, but it was… new."
His cousin turned to him and looked perplexed. "New? Just because he is clanless does not mean that he is any special, so what if his parents helped him with unlocking chakra? All the clans do it early."
Inajin was about to replay, but he noticed the screen again. "look, he is doing something!" Inajin watched as Billy fixed an oil can to a candle; he turned his head to his cousin, giving him a smug look. "Told you, that is something new."
Yamajin sighed and watched Billy explore the room. "So, what do you think about your kid? This is his first year, and I think he is on screen three hundred something sleeping right now."
Inajin smiled. "Don't worry, Inoichi will pass; he is a Yamanaka" he smiled and kept his focus on Billy. Then he remembered. "What about your kid Yamajin? Are you as confident as I am?"
Then he pointed at his kid's screen, she wore a white dress, and currently, she was sitting and trying to find a way out. "I believe in her… I just wish she wore her school clothes, you know, she forgot them again… I am going to have to talk to my wife again."
Inajin noticed another screen. "We got another jumping bunny; should we take him out?" on the screen, there is a Uchiha kid going bananas.
Yamajin opened a folder and started flipping through the papers while muttering, "U. U. U. Oh there we go, Uchiha Izuku… the kid got claustrophobia because his brother closed the lights in the bathroom when he was five… Yeah, we can keep him there for ten more hours; if he can't overcome the phobia, then we remove him from the program."
Inajin sighed. 'They could have just brought him to our clinic before the test' then he turned his head to his cousin. "Did they bring him to our clinic before the test?"
Yamajin Nodded. "Yup, he attended one session, but his father came and took him from us because," then he quoted with his fingers. "No Uchiha ever came to the Yamanaka's because we are a strong clan."
Inajin laughed, then he started slapping the chair. "For real, he said that!?" Yamajin nodded. "Bitch half of his clan receive regular appointments from us."
He exhaled the last of his breath in satisfaction. "Man, what a tool." He noticed Billy's camera again. "Hold on… what is he doing with that kunai… and the cans?"
Yamajin looked at the screen and leaned in. "Want me to zoom in?"
Inajin nodded. "Yup, put it on the main screen; I want everyone to watch." His cousin looked at him. "What… nothing is going on right now; we didn't even give them the tools and the hints on how to get out. Might as well give the guys something to watch."
He turned around and shouted. "Hey, everyone, check this kid out; he is doing something."
The main screen changed to Billy's, who was in the process of shouting through the hole.
One of the observers noticed something. "Hey, isn't that the kid… who beat up Morimoto-san and Uno-Chan?"
Everyone turned their head to said individuals. "That is bullshit! He caught us off guard, and we were not allowed to use chakra!" almost everyone started laughing.
One kunoichi looked back at the screen and asked. "What is he doing? With that kunai and string?"
Suddenly Billy threw it, but he clearly missed, and he pulled the wire back. Noticing this, Inajin told someone to split the screen into the hallway.
They saw Billy's arm attempting to throw the kunai at the other door. "Yamajin, open the other door's cam."
The screen changed into a three-way, one for Billy, one for the hallway, and finally, one for Nawaki.
They all watched when the kunai clicked with the slit of the door. "Now what?" one guy asked, then they saw him pull a can attached to a wire.
Billy threw the can, and he failed, but he tried again, and it landed. Inajin quickly understood what was going on; he saw Nawaki talking into the can. Then another shinobi asked. "I am confused about what did he do?"
A kunoichi nodded in understanding. "I think he used sound vibrations to communicate with the other kid.'
Inajin looked at his cousin. "Tell us who this kid is?"
Yamajin looked at the files and found it, but it was covered with black tapes. "I don't think I have the authority to open it."
Inajin looked at the file, and his eyes widened. 'Black tapes? Who is this kid?' he sighed, then he looked at his cousin again. "Open it. As a clan head, I may order it to be opened, and I know that the important stuff will be either blocked or somewhere else."
Yamajin nodded and opened the files. "Billy… no last name on record, survived the Kumo attack a year ago.
Current residence blocked. Parents blocked. Genealogical records are unavailable, Clan affiliation Blocked. Psych evaluation Blocked. Sexual preferences are unknown. Favorite food blocked. Schedule blocked. Affiliation Konoha. Medical…" Inajin stopped him at the end and signed for him to read the last note. "
"Note by Hiruzen Sarutobi the Hokage 'S secret', punishable by death if no clearance."
Stillness was all around him; he could feel the nerves of everyone. Inajin walked to the back of the room and closed the only exit. Then he looked at everyone's faces. 'They will hate me for doing this, but I am trying to protect them.'
He channeled some high amount of killing intent and spoke in a low voice. "No word of what you heard, saw, or remembered today will leave this room. If you do, then I will find you, and I will make you beg for death."
He finished what he said and took a sip of tea. "All right… back to work." He gave them a gentle smile while holding the teacup with his pinky extended out.
After everything that happened, the control room took some time until they returned to their pace; so far, nothing had happened until they saw Nawaki opening a button.
Yamajin got the attention of Inajin. "Something is happening… I don't think you will like this."
Inajin, curious, walked to the screen, and he saw that they had found the hidden puzzle. "Don't worry, first they have to find the other ones, then they have to figure out how to do them in order, and they do not even have one word of the poem."
He smirked inwardly. 'I spent months making this specific test for the clan kids; the clans think they can pass without a test. Please, I would rather die than let anyone become a shinobi without getting tested' He took a nice long sip of his fourth tea.
Yamajin screamed at him. "they found all the puzzle pieces!"
Inajin spitted his (tea on a nearby kunoichi). "What the actual fuck! WE DIDN'T GIVE THEM THE BLACK LIGHT YET!"
He started pacing around. Then he saw a wet kunoichi. "You bring me more TEA!" The kunoichi, scared and wet, quickly bowed and ran to the kitchen. "This can't be happening all the months I spent without my wife… All the times I had to skip my breakfast tea… AND A BUNCH OF UNWASHED BRATS BEAT MY PUZZLES!..." he turned and looked at his cousin. "Please tell me we gave them any hints? What about that idiot we sent to give them their keys? Did he squeal?" his cousin shakes his head.
Inajin sighed and sat on the couch; he could feel his blood pressure rising; he turned his head to a nearby shinobi. "You. Get me some vanilla wafers!"
(Four teacups later!)
He sighed, and finally, he began enjoying his 8th tea to calm his nerves. Thankfully, they did not figure out how to open the puzzle. He took a nice long sip from his hot tea. 'man would it be funny if they figured out how to open the puzzle while I am drinking, but this is not a cartoon world, so I can safely drink this nice hot tea in peace' he swallowed the hot tea, enjoying how it gave him warmth, then he exhaled with satisfaction and perfection.
"They figured out how to finish the puzzle."
He could feel his body freeze; he could feel the very ground stand still, then he heard someone. "Inajin-senpai, I found some vanilla wafers, but I had to go out and buy them!"
Inajin stood up, and with intense fury, he (threw his hot tea at his Kouhai), covering him with tea and broken shards of his cup.
The blond shinobi calmly dusted himself in a manner that fits for a noble; then, he nodded at his cousin while stepping over his Kouhai, who kept on bleeding and wiggling around from the heat. He stopped by the door and turned around. "Please wait for a second. I am going to murder some children," he gave them an attractive (smile) and slowly closed the door.
Yamajin slowly raised his hand. "I bet two thousand that he won't kill them."
The bleeding shinobi, still burning on the ground, raised his stuttering voice. "I'm in, that man is a demon."
(Billy's POV!)
He felt the ground opening, and he tried to jump to a safe location, but the ground betrayed him; he felt his back hitting something, then he saw that he was in a tunnel, this tunnel pulled him down, and he could not resist.
For minutes Billy slides down this tunnel, and finally, he sees an end to this tunnel. He prepared himself, and at the last moment, he placed his feet on the ground; smoke came from his boots, slowing him. And finally, when he saw the end, he stopped himself.
Billy's feet dangled from the tunnel, and he looked down at brownish waters with a really bad smell. He looked up and saw a high ceiling with big lights shining down on the area.
He spotted several different pipes all connecting to this huge arena, he hopped down from the pipe, and he could feel the sludgy water invade his boots.
Billy walked around aimlessly in this huge space; then he heard a shout.
"Billy, is that you!?" He turned his head to find Nawaki walking alone.
He moved towards him. "Nawaki! Good to see you finally!" Billy looked at Nawaki's clothes, and they were soaked with muddy waters.
"You finally made it!" he ran towards Billy dodging the junk people thrown into the sewers. "Oh man, that was so cool; what you did with the cups and everything."
Billy was about to respond; then he remembered something. "Fuck my stuff!" he ran back towards the pipe he came in, and when he reached it, he saw his duffle bag in the shit waters, his main bag still inside of the pipe.
Picking up his duffle bag, then reached inside the pipe and fished out his main one. "Fuck I thought I lost them…" he breathed in relief.
He heard Nawaki approaching. "You got your stuff?" Billy nodded, "Good now, we need to figure out a way to get out of here."
Billy reached into his main clean bag and fished out a candy bar; then, he handed it to Nawaki. "Here, I bet you didn't eat anything."
"Oh, thank you so much! I was starving!" he took the candy bar and looked at it. "yuck… three samurai, that is the worst one!" Nawaki looked disappointingly at the bar.
Billy reached with his fist and slammed it into Nawaki's head. "Don't disrespect the samurai! It's the best one! Better than that shit brand Chakra way!"
Nawaki slowly raised his head, and he looked at Billy with eyes that had (passion) in them. "Oi. Oi Billy, don't disrespect Chakra way!"
Billy smirked. "What… can't handle the truth… Chakra way's only way of getting money is by tricking naive kids like you. What too shocked to replay? Don't worry; you are not the first who thought that if they ate Chakra way, they would gain more Chakra!"
Nawaki reached for Billy's turtleneck, and Billy grabbed Nawaki's shirt; they both pulled each other closer and said at the same time. (""WANNA FIGHT!?"")
Their eyes looked at each other, none wanted to flinch at first, but then they heard someone. "Hai. Hai. Hai children, you are both strong; why don't you stop the fighting now."
Billy turned his head and looked at a blond man with blue eyes, and he had an easy smile. "And who are you?"
The man walked towards them, "My name is Inajin Yamanaka."
Nawaki quickly disengaged and gave Inajin a small bow, but Billy raised his eyebrows and snapped his fingers, then he pointed at Inajin. "I remember you! You were that freak who questioned me a year ago, in the onsen,"
Billy nodded at himself. "Yup… That fat guy, what was his name again." Billy started clicking his fingers in the air, trying to remember, then he shrugged. "Eh, something with a Choz or Chazo."
Nawaki's jaw dropped. "You fucking Idiot! You just insulted two clan heads in less than ten seconds!"
Billy's eye widened, and he pointed at the Yamanaka. "This freak is a clan head!"
Nawaki's hand reached for the back of Billy's head, and he pulled him down. "I am deeply sorry, Yamanaka-Sama! My friend just hit his head while sliding down the pipe… you understand, right?"
Inajin's smile turned more feral, "Oh, don't worry, it was no harm done… I just came here to congratulate you, on your fine performance, with the first test."
He reached into his bag and pulled out a clipboard. "So, let's see here, Billy has earned, for bypassing ALL THE DAMNED ISOLATION MEASURES, I PUT IN PLACE!" his voice turned sweet again. "You get the first place, and Nawaki for FIGURING OUT MY PUZZLE THAT I SPENT WEEKS ON, WHILE SKIPPING MEALS TO FINISH! … You get the second place."
Billy started trembling, 'What the fuck is wrong with this guy! First the onsen, now this' He stuttered a bit. "Th. Thanks?"
Inajin smiled and started writing on his clipboard. "Now, since you passed SO EARLY! You guys need to wait for three days until the first clue is given. Sorry!"
Nawaki nodded. "Yamanaka-sama, is there someplace we could wait at or sleep in?"
Inajin smiled. "I am so glad that you asked this question, Nawaki! Why, of course, we prepared a place for you to sleep at!"
He pointed at one pipe. "You could wait in this pipe… or how about that one? It looks less wet… ooh, look at that one, I bet you could bring your pet in there!"
Billy sighed. "We get it… we sleep in pipes; what about the food or water?"
Inajin gave Billy his mocking puppy eyes. "Oh, thank you, young man… that reminds me." He started writing and talking. "So, for three days, maybe two more, it is going to be three meals per day, plus two snacks between meals, a healthy amount of iced cold water, with orange juice on the side." Then he turned his head towards them. "Do you want something else besides orange juice?"
Billy nodded. "If you got any, berry juice I would take it."
Inajin smiled. "I have the finest berry juice, and it will be delivered to you!" he sighed in satisfaction. "Now I think this is everything, let me explain how the test will work… when every student comes here at the day five mark, something will happen, and in order to pass, you all need to escape from the sewers!"
Nawaki smiled. "Easy! I bet we could make another record!"
Inajin cleared his throat. "Now, if that is everything you need… Oh, would you look at that! It seems I made a spelling error while I was writing… Now let me fix this really quick."
He started writing on his clipboard again. Then he made an obvious slipping motion. "Oh no! it seems I slipped, and I made your order wrong! … Silly me, thankfully I still have my pen to write with… oh no! my pen is out of ink! Sorry guys, you will need to live with, hmm."
He made an obvious motion of looking at the board. "Two meals for three to five days, and sorry guys, but it seems there are only six liters of water for the both of you… so have fun! And don't forget to ration your food! Tehe!"
Inajin laughed and walked away. Billy looked at the retreating man, then he pointed at him and looked at Nawaki. "See, I told you he was weird! AND WHY IS EVERYONE TEHEING!?"
Nawaki sighed in defeat. "Just… Shut up, Billy."
Ellloo! Author-Samahada here! I hope you enjoyed today's chapter, and remember reader-kuns!
Always wash your hands before eating!
See ya :)