

Meet Billy Bubba Bill, a heavyweight champion in our world, but he died while stealing a banana. See how Billy gets reincarnated, see how he learns to adapt to the shinobi world, and who knows, you might like it. I posted this story on other sites NO HAREM Alternative universe! 104 K words as of chapter 17

Highlord1337 · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Magical Orphanage? I THINK NOT!

Hello! Author-Kun here! Back to you with another chapter for the day lads! Now we stop dicking around, lads; now we get into the heavy shit as always I hope you enjoy!

Talking ""

Thinking ""

Cool pick you have to see! ( Pick here!) Not right now but in the story dummy TEHE!


Billy took in a deep breath and exhaled; in front of him the academy gate and the academy district, 'This is it, my first step into becoming a child soldier' Just when he was about to step inside, a freight train bumped into him knocking him to the side.

Billy balanced himself and tried to look at who bumped into him, only to see a girl in a white dress running into the academy. He straightens himself out and walks in again, only to get bumped again, but this time Billy falls to the ground. "Fucking hell, what is wrong with you people?!"

He hears a gasp behind him is a spandex-wearing kid. "You said a bad word!"

Billy looks at the kid; then slowly, he remembers where he saw that thing. "Oh fuck, it's you," he sighed.

Maito Dai gasps again. "You said it again! And what do you mean it's me!" Dai stands up and takes an aggressive stance.

Billy stands up and dusts himself. "Don't worry about it, kid."

Dai looks frustrated. "What do you mean, kid? You are the same age as me!" Billy looks at him and shrugs, then he moves towards the entrance, and guess what happens again?

Billy is on the floor again while Dai is laughing at him. Billy laid there for a second, trying to remember if he offended Karma today.

Dai stops laughing. "So, are you two going to stand up?" he scratches his head.

Billy keeps looking at the clouds. "I am waiting for another one to show up" four other people pass by running, and Billy could hear Dai falling over. "Welp, I think it's safe now," Billy raises from the ground. "What the fuck is going on today? I mean, I understand one hell two, but three…" he looks at a dust cloud in the distance; the cloud is getting closer, then he notices that they are all children running towards the academy "Guys… I recommend we run!"

Dai, still on the ground, rubs his head. "What are you talking about."

Billy points at the cloud and screams, "STAMPEDE!" and Billy runs in.

Dai takes on a confused look and turns his head. "STAMPEDE!" he screams and tries to move, but then he notices the knocked-out kid. "Let me help you" Dai rushes in and takes hold of the kid, and pulls him to safety next to the entrance.

Billy notices Dai breathing hard in shock. "Welcome to hell, kid… good luck!" Billy looks at the kid that Dai saved 'Holy shit is that Nawaki Senju?" Billy looks carefully at the kid 'Light brown hair, blush on his cheeks, and the neckless. It is him… I ain't dealing with this shit' Billy turns his back on Dai and puts his hands in his pocket, and walks away.

Billy pulls a simple paper from his pocket and starts reading, 'Welcome yada, yada, yada, you have been accepted bla bla bla; building 100 at seven AM' Billy looks up at the first building he sees 'Building 1' then he looks at the others around it "Fuck this place is big as fuck"

After walking for a while, he saw building 100 in the distance. "Finally, they should have installed a convenient store or a rest stop at least," Billy noticed some kids messing around outside of the building; he saw a kid with black hair talking to another kid; Billy walked up to the kid and asked, "Hey kid, when will the event start?" The black-haired boy simply looked at him and hned.

Billy looks down at the kid 'fuck, it's true, it's one of those Uchiha thingies' Billy slowly lowers himself and looks at the Uchiha kid in the eyes, then he puts his hand on top of his head, then he cleared his throat and spoke in a low voice "I am going to say this one last time, so you better listen carefully kid, or I am going to break every bone in your miserable body, while I let your whole clan watch… When… the fuck… will… the… event… starts?" The boy started to sweat under Billy's gaze; his friend's jaw dropped, and looks between him and the boy.

The boy started stuttering, "I… I don't know! Please don't hurt me!"

Billy sighed and rubbed the kid's head. "Take it, easy, kid, just don't be an asshole later" Billy moved away from the stunned Uchiha 'Man, I feel like an asshole, but hey, I am a grown-ass man, and I don't have time to deal with these kids" He started whistling while trying to find a spot to lean on.

After walking for a while, he found a spot near a tree 'this looks like a great place to lean on' Billy walked towards the tree, and he leaned on it, then he started whistling a song called 'country road.'

He noticed that some of the kids were noticing him; he looked at them, then he noticed that he was the only one without a group; he saw kids with white eyes, kids with dogs, and kids with glasses buzzing in the corner. But in the end, Billy really didn't give a damn about a bunch of kids whispering; suddenly, he hears a voice call out to him, "Hey there! Want to be friends?!"

Billy turns his head and looks at the voice owner. 'It's that Nawaki kid; why is he smiling like that?'

Suddenly Nawaki starts talking, "Oh man, this place is so awesome; did you see the Inuzuka kids with their dogs? Oh boy, I can't wait to train and become strong like my sister. Did you see the Uchiha kids? They are all trying to be cool, I asked one of them to be my friend, and they said 'Hn' He said 'Hn' to me! I can't wait when we learn how to do jutsu; it gonna be soooo awesome; I am going to be like, heyah 'fire shadow flames lava of hell! And they will be like nawww!"

After hearing his rambling for less than ten seconds, Billy quickly put his finger on the boy's mouth. "Take it easy… breathe" Nawaki slowly takes a deep breath. "All right, now I want you to chill a little bit and talk slowly."

Nawaki started buzzing; his eyes started darting around, then he opened his mouth "OHMANTHATWASSOCOOLYOUWERELIKEHAYAND…." Billy puts his finger in again, and he shakes his head.

He looks up again. 'Jesus Christ, this kid is still shaking' Nawaki's face started to turn purple. 'Fuck is he holding his breath? "Breathe and talk slowly; what is your name?"

Nawaki takes a deep breath. "OH MY GOD, I ALMOST DIED!" He takes another breath, "My name is Nawaki! Nice to meet you!" he extends his hand.

Billy reaches out with his leathered gloves. "My name is Billy" then Billy asks him, "So what is going on? I thought we were going to start at seven?"

Nawaki smiles. "They didn't tell you?" Billy shakes his head. "Oh, I just saw how you were all covered up and thought you were from the Aburame clan, then I thought it was weird how you were not buzzing, and you were alone, but then a great idea hit me; why don't I make friends!" Billy stopped him again with a sigh.

"Please stay focused; why are we not starting?" Nawaki took another breath.

"Why don't I show you? Come on!" Nawaki ran towards building 99.

Billy pinched his nose "you could have just told me…" he walked towards the running boy, and after a while, he found him peeking over the fence. "So, what is going on?"

Nawaki turned his head and smiled. "Come look!"

Billy approached cautiously and stood next to Nawaki. He looked between the gaps in the fence, then he saw them; children, more than he could count. Some were crying for their mothers, others were stuck in the mud, some were hanging by rope or stuck in an obstacle course, and others who finished the path were smiling and congratulating each other. "Why did they start before us?"

Nawaki smiled. "Well, those guys," he pointed at the children, "do not belong to a clan, and everyone knows that if the clan deemed you lacking, they wouldn't send you to the academy, then you have the whole chakra business." He smiled and moved away from the fence. "So the academy test the non-clan members, and if they pass, they are good."

Billy looked at the obstacle course and found it lacking. "Really?" he turned and looked at Nawaki. "This course looks bad" he looked at it again. "It is like a playground course; anyone could have finished it."

Nawaki smile beamed some more "Well, you have to account for the whole shipping business, then you have to calculate how much they wish to be a shinobi, and then."

Billy stopped him for a moment. "Wait… wait, hold on," Billy massaged his forehead "What shipping business?"

Nawaki's smile disappeared. "Oh… you don't know?"

"Of course, I don't know; why the hell do you think I've been asking questions!"

"Well, that changes everything" Nawaki puts his fist on his chin. "How to explain this to you… all right, we have exactly a hundred and one buildings in the academy, right?" Billy nodded. "Well, for each building, there are a thousand recruits, so that is one hundred thousand kids running around the place" He looked at Billy expectantly.

Billy looked puzzled, then it dawned on him, "So you are telling me that there is an industry that recruits thousands of kids every year, and they ship them to Konoha, for training… to be shinobi… every year."

Nawaki smiles. "Yup, what did you expect, that there is this magical and mystical orphanage that can supply an army? A competent army at least?" he clicked his tongue "get real, Billy, Konoha is not a country… we are an army base" He looks saddened for a moment, but his frown changes instantly. "So these kids get recruited from families that have too many mouths to feed, orphanages that have too many children to care for, slums, prostitute houses, and" he stops for a moment, and he gets a sour taste in his mouth. "Slavers, stealing from other country's orphanages, and the list goes on."

Billy gulped. "Then what?"

Nawaki gives a creepy smile. "Then they are shipped in these dark carriages to Konoha."

Billy looks at the children crying for their mothers in a testing area. "What happens to the ones who fail?"

Nawaki's smile changes again to a more genuine one. "These are the lucky ones; they are shipped across fire country to live simple lives, they will be fed, they will be taught, and they will live normally. almost always, the one hundred thousand kids get cut in half today, which leaves the academy with fifty thousand kids to teach."

He turns and walks towards building one hundred. "Then next year, the fifty thousand will be cut by seventy percent, which would leave the academy with 35,000 kids to teach; those kids who fail are given a choice, live a normal life, or become a normal samurai in the army."

Nawaki starts picking his ears. "After this stage, there is no normal life program; it's either the army or the shinobi program" He looks at his fingers, calculating the odds. "So that leaves us with a really low number of graduates."

They finally reached building one hundred, and they went near the tree. "The year after that one, most would have unlocked their chakra, but the dropping rate would be lower, so it's either thirty percent or forty percent, and that would leave us with 12,250 thousand recruits, depending on the drop rate, of course."

He leans on the tree. "Those who fail can go to the army, but this time they won't become a common foot soldier; they will become a true samurai" he takes in a deep breath while Billy leans on a wall nearby "and finally, we have the shinobi years, this time if you fail a year, you won't go to the army, you will be assigned to the genin corps, the year after that one, if you fail you will go to the geinin corps, but there is a big chance of a promotion to a chunin."

"The final year will be the same, but there is a small change," he leaned in and showed how small with his fingers. "If you failed the final year, you might get a promotion to be a Jonin, but you will never be allowed to become the Hokage."

He leans back and closes his eyes. "Do you wish to know my dream, Billy?"

Billy shrugged, "sure, why the hell not."

A gust of wind blows against them, and Nawaki inhales the fresh air " The Hokage's life span depends on the Hokage, and the circumstances against them, so let us say that a Hokage reins for ten years, there will be one million recruits in his lifetime, and out of all these recruits only three thousand, and three hundred fifty will ever have the chance of becoming a Hokage"

He opens his eyes and looks at his hands; then he starts clicking them and touching them with his thumbs; his eyes darts around his fingers; then he smiles and looks at Billy. "So in percentage, my true chance of ever becoming the Hokage is zero point zero, two percent" His eyes widened, and he gave Billy a Cheshire cat smile. "That is my dream Billy, to become the Hokage."

Billy's eyes widened. 'Holy shit, this kid is smart; he is what, seven years old?' but Billy's eyes deflate a little, and he looks at Nawaki with sad eyes. "You forgot one thing, Nawaki."

Nawaki's smile deflates, and he gives a puzzled look. "You did not calculate the rate of death or survival, so your numbers are flawed."

Nawaki's smile returned with full force. "This dream that I have… Just became more fun!"

Billy shocked, looked at Nawaki with a new light; he no longer saw him as the child who died in John's memories; what he saw was a creature that would do anything to accomplish his dreams 'In John's memories, they always talked about how, Nawaki was like Naruto… so if Naruto had some brains would he have smiled like Nawaki today? And if the plot did not demand it, would Nawaki achieve his dream?'

Billy closed his eyes. "You are one of the few who scares me, Nawaki…." Billy opened his eyes and looked at him. "The first thing you asked me was 'want to be friends,' and I would like to answer your question."

Nawaki grew a curious look. "And what is your answer?"

"Yes, Nawaki, I would like to be friends" Nawaki smiled and began screaming about how cool they were together and what they will do after the opening.


For an hour, Nawaki and Billy talked about their favorite foods, hobbies, and TV shows they liked. "No, you don't understand Nawaki, Black turtle moan's side characters are important; yeah, I understand that the main character is good and all, but most people just forget that the side characters are people too, and they always hide something, so who to say if Akira did not steal the envelope?"

Billy suddenly stops and looks at the gathering clan kids. "Hey, Nawaki, they are moving."

Nawaki turns his head. "Hmm… want to check it out?"

Billy shrugs his shoulders "sure" They both move from their spot, and when they reached the main building, they saw a Genin handing out folders.

The Genin looks around, and he spots Nawaki and smiles, then he runs straight towards Nawaki. "Senju-Sama, let me get you your room folder!"

The clan kids are all giving Nawaki a second look, and some of them begin whispering amongst each other Billy looks at how Nawaki began shrinking from all the stares he got, then he looks at the Genin.

'What a fucking scumbag… Really political favors! At school?!' he sighed. 'So that's why he didn't tell me his full name, all right, let's fix this… Hmm, based on his body and how he walks, he is an office, Genin… I can take this bitch on.' Billy's smile stretched, showing his oddly sharp jagged teeth.

Billy moved away from Nawaki and the Genin, then he shouted and pointed toward the tree lines. "Is that lady Tsunade!" The Genin immediately moved to where Billy was.

"Where is lady Tsunade?! He asked with a smile and hope in his eyes.

Billy squinted his eyes and pointed at the treelined. "There, by the trees, I think she is practicing something." the Genin moved, leaving Billy behind him, and at that moment, Billy withdrew his kunai and reversed it, then he struck the back of the Genin's leg, making him lose his balance, in less than a second he brought the kunai to the end of the neck, knocking him out instantly.

Billy reached into the Genin's veins and checked if the pulse slowed when it did. Billy rose and sat on the back of the Genin; he looked up and saw the shock on the children's faces.

Billy looked from left to right, challenging any kid who would dare to oppose him; when non did, Billy pointed at the Uchiha kid he had threatened earlier. "You kid" The Uchiha kid started sweating, then he pointed at himself.


Billy nodded, "Yeah, you, come here."

The kid walked slowly. "I want you to run to building 99, the one right over there, and if you see a Chunin or a Genin, tell them that the Genin suffered a heat stroke, and tell them to bring a mednin, or someone who knows healing Jutsu" The kid stood there, not moving so Billy decided to encourage him, and he shouted. "What the fuck are you waiting for a kiss goodbye!? GO!"

The Uchiha kid started running, leaving Billy, who sat on top of the Genin.

Billy reached into the files and he looked for his name, then he looked for Nawaki's name. Finally, he lowered the files on the Genin's back. "get your keys already; we don't have all day!" Billy stood up and balanced a kunai on his finger. "Come on, Nawaki, let's go already."

When he reached Nawaki, he turned around and looked at the kids "you guys better not lie and say I did this... I am a good kid... can't you see?" and he laughed.


(Nawaki's POV)

Nawaki woke up with a yawn; then, he stretched his body. He looked around his room; he saw the light of the morning sun illuminating his room, and he saw his books littering his bedroom, the food uneaten from last night rotting in his favorite reading spot.

Nawaki stood up and began rubbing his eyes. "GOOD MORNING KONOHA!" he shouted to wake himself, but then he heard his sister scream at him.


He smiled 'she is back from the front lines!' then he screamed back. "No can-do, sis; today is the day that Nawaki Senju takes his first steps into becoming Hokage!"

She shouted back, "I said, shut up, or I am going to pummel you!"

Nawaki stopped. 'Oh man, she is mad again… all right, let's bring out the big guns!' he shouted again. "You won't hurt me because I am your cute lil brother, tehe!"

Silence is all that he heard then; then he felt the house shake. 'Welp, I am dead, so long dream.'

His room door slowly opened to show his sister glaring at him, then she whispered. "I am going to gut you like a fish Nawaki."

Nawaki started shaking; he felt dread and stiffness across his body, then he saw his sister stiffening. "Remember, Tsunade, a princess never shouts, now come breakfast is prepared, or in your case, Tsunade, supper."

Nawaki smiled at his sister. 'Phew, saved by Grandmother Mito.'

When both his sister and his Grandmother moved away, Nawaki walked towards two pictures on the walls, then he clapped both of his hands and bowed. "Grandfather, Granduncle… Why did you bring such a fiend into this pure world?"

Nawaki straightened and went to the bathroom, then he changed his clothes to the new and improved. 'Awesome shinobi gear 8.6' Finally, he arrived at the breakfast table to see his Grandmother reprimanding Tsunade. "How many times do I have to tell you again, young lady, stop gambling!"

Tsunade grumbled and looked downcast. "But it was just there; Jiraiya betted his whole mission payment on it!"

Mito sighed. "Why did you leave me with this mess, dear."

Nawaki climbed the table and looked at the breakfast; they had omelet rolls, white rice, miso soup, pickled vegetables, and fish. He started filling his plate, then he looked up and asked. "Did Tsunade lose again?"

Tsunade eeped, and her ponytail straightened out of shock. "Nnn. No! I let him win!"

Nawaki laughed. "Right… and I am the princess of the sea! You know you should be careful; if you lose too much, some may give you a nasty nickname… Like bad breath, nasty loser!"

Tsunade deadpanned at him. "Man, you are bad at nicknames."

Nawaki bristled. "What! My names are awesome; you have my secret technique, the magma lava water stream! Or my flaming ice spear of death and wild things!"

Tsunade laughed. "I can't… stop!"

At this, Mito stopped them. "Enough children, eat your breakfast already, and Nawaki, do not forget about the academy today."

He nodded at Mito. "Hai! I have already sent my bags and everything."

Tsunade began to speak, but Mito looked at her and shook her head; Nawaki looked at them weirdly, but he shrugged and started eating his breakfast. Tsunade looked at Mito. "Mito-sama"

Mito sighed. "What is it, young lady? I already know that you wanted something?"

Tsunade recoiled for a moment. "Wha… what? I don't always do that… do I?" While munching, Nawaki nodded at her, then Mito looked away, afraid to show that she was right.

Tsunade sighed in defeat, then she activated her big eyes and looked at Mito. "Mito-sama, I would really like it if you trained Jiraiya in fuinjutsu."

Mito looked at her granddaughter in the eyes. "You betted something and lost, didn't you" Tsunade nodded. "Fine, but no more betting!" Tsunade hummed and took a bite from her fish.

Mito turned her head towards Nawaki. "Now Nawaki, I know that you are really excited about attending the academy, but remember what I told you last night, do not tell them your family name; when you meet them, we really cannot afford another Tsunade situation again."

Tsunade groaned loudly at that. "It's not my fault that nobles sent their sons to the academy just because they wanted to marry me!" Nawaki laughed, but soon everything calmed down.

And the family ate at a leisurely pace, but when Nawaki was done, he stood up. "Thanks for the food!" he; tried to run away, only for Mito to catch him at the last second.

"Where do you think you are going, young man? We will not be seeing you for a year; give Gram-Gram a kiss."

Mito started pulling Nawaki closer while he tried desperately to run away, but at the last struggle, she won and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Now run along," Nawaki bolted out of there.

When he was outside, he inhaled some of the fresh air; then he heard a voice call out to him. "Nawaki-Kun, is that you?" he turned his head towards the voice and looked at the Hokage.

He ran toward the Hokage. "Hokage-sama! Good morning."

The Hokage smiled and patted Nawaki's head. "Good morning to you too, Nawaki. Is Mito-sama home?" Nawaki nodded, but then he noticed another person with the Hokage, he had a scar on his chin, and he wore this frown.

The Hokage noticing Nawaki's stares, informed him. "This is my friend and teammate; we studied under your granduncle together; his name is Danzo."

Nawaki smiled at the man, "Hello, Danzo-san!"

Danzo looked down with a scowl at Nawaki and nodded, "Morning."

Nawaki smiled some more. "I must go Hokage-sama, but it has been nice seeing ya! Goodbye." Nawaki bowed his head and ran away. "'Man, that guy was really quiet, he was like." He changed his voice to sound gruffer and annoyed. "morning."

Nawaki started laughing at his own joke. He passed the weapons district; then he reached a park he really liked; from the park, he used one of the trees to jump on top of a building and traveled from building to building until he reached the academy. 'Come on, ten more seconds, and I can beat my highest record!' He closed his eyes and pushed all his strength into his last stretch, then darkness.


Nawaki woke up with a dizzy head, and he felt someone was carrying him; he struggled to move, then he heard a voice. "Oh, you're finally awake" he felt someone place him down.

He opened his eyes fully and looked around. "Gaahhhhh!" he stood up, shocked and scared.

The kid who had been carrying him for some time looked at him in shock and screamed. "AHHHHHHHHH!"

They stared at each other and screamed for some time until Dai stopped him. "WAIT!" Dai started panting while holding his hand in a stop motion. "Why are we screaming?!" he shouted in confusion.

Nawaki pointed at Dai with a glare. "What is this… THING you are wearing!"

Dai looked at his jumpsuit and stretched it. "What this thing? My mom gave it to me before they shipped me to Konoha."

Nawaki stopped for a second, and he looked downcast for a moment before he raised his head with a vengeance. "I don't care if this thing was the last momentum that your clan gave to you; BURN IT!"

Dai looked shocked. "What burn it?! Never" he turned around and showed him the back of the suit. "Look at how my body is all fit," then he started shaking. "It's like I'm wearing nothing at all!"

Nawaki closed his eyes and shook his head. "NOOOOO! I NEED A YAMANAKA! HELP!"

Dai was totally unimpressed. "Get over it, dude, anyways I saved you from a stampede, so I think you should thank me."

Nawaki sighed. 'It is hard being a Senju sometimes.' He looked at him and gave him a small bow. "Thank you very much, freaky clothes-sama!"

Dai smiled with satisfaction; then he looked back at the Senju running away. "Hey, that is not my name! get back here and apologies!"

Nawaki turned around while he was running and stretched his lip "Beeeeeeeew."

Nawaki ran away while Dai screamed at him; while he was running, he fished out a paper from his pockets. "Hmm, building one hundred!" he turned his head and looked at the nearest one, 'Building 13' he sighed. "Dammit! Why is the academy so big!"

For the rest of the run, Nawaki started humming with excitement; he thought about all the friends he would gain and how this was the first step into becoming Hokage.

He looked around and found building one hundred. 'Finally!'

Nawaki ran towards the building and found kids loitering around. 'Man, look at all of them; those are the Uchiha guys and the Inuzuka; why do they have dogs with them?' He walked towards the Uchiha kid, that was being reprimanded by another.

The taller Uchiha was shaking his head at the smaller one. "This again, Izuku? You can't let anyone disrespect you, now remember what I told you, just look down at them."

Nawaki grew excited and ran towards the Uchiha. "Hi!" The Uchiha kids both stood shocked and turned around to look at him. "My name is Nawaki. Wanna be friends!?" he extended his hand toward Izuku.

Izuku looked up at the bigger one, and he nodded. Izuku slapped his hands away and tucked in his arms together while looking down at Nawaki. "Hn," then he smirked with smugness.

Nawaki's smile stretched more than normal, and he laughed. "Hahaha! Man, you, Uchiha, sure do like to look cool!" Then Nawaki slapped Izuku across the head, knocking him to the ground.

The bigger one, shocked, looked at Nawaki and screamed, "Hey, what do you think you are doing!?"

Nawaki kept the smile. "Man, you guys are boring… I am going away."

The bigger one bristled and shouted at him. "We have cool eyes!"

Nawaki laughed some more. "What!? Why would I care about your eyes? Everyone knows you have poo-poo eyes!" Nawaki ran away and disappeared between the crowd of Akamichi kids.

He walks around, looking at other clan kids. 'If only our clan numbers were higher, I would not have attended alone,' he sighed in sadness.

Nawaki started asking some more kids, but almost all of them stayed away, and the ones who did not were pulled by others from their clan.

Then he spotted someone. 'Is that an Aburame alone? This is my chance' Nawaki walked towards the masked kid, then he heard him hum a weird song. 'Why is he not buzzing like the other ones… Wait, could it be… A clanless kid!'; He ran towards him.


After the introduction and the explanation Nawaki gave, he and Billy sat and talked about Black turtle moan, 'Man Billy, you may be cool and stuff, but I know more about black turtle moan than you,' he smirked inwardly. 'I know that you think Akira was the one who took the folder, but I know that he is nothing more than a red herring!'

Suddenly Billy called out to him, something about people moving. "Hmm… want to check it out?" he replayed; they both started walking towards the gathering kids and the Genin.

The Genin spotted him and ran towards him. "Senju-sama"

Nawaki looked around and saw everyone looking at him, then he looked at the corner of his eyes to see Billy looking at him with a strange understanding, the Genin kept on talking, but Nawaki did not really give a damn about what he was about to say. 'Is this what I am bound to… Politics, kiss-asses, and clan intrigue.'

Then he heard Billy scream from the other side. "Is that lady Tsunade!" His head turned instantly. 'Sis? What is she doing here?... I thought she was going to sleep today?'

He saw Billy pointing at the tree line; then he saw the Genin move forward; Billy Jumped at the Genin, knocking him out, then he sat on top of him. 'WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO, BILLY?!!!'

Nawaki looked at the other clan children to see what they would do, then he noticed. 'None of them are looking at me… Did he do this for me?... or was he just.'

He stood still, watching the exchange between Billy and Izuku; Billy shouted something which made Izuku run, then he saw Billy fish out two files.

Billy walked towards him. "Come on, Nawaki, let's go… This place blows."

Nawaki, shocked, followed him towards the building. "Did you pull that stunt because you wanted something from me, Billy?" he asked with a low, uncertain voice.

Billy turned around to look at him. He looked at his dark gray eyes that reflected pain. "You think I give a shit if you are some Senju or something?"

Billy turned around and climbed up the stairs; the pale light of the window shadowed his body while he walked. "Bitch I don't give a damn if you are Madara Uchiha himself."

Nawaki had heard that line before; he had heard it a thousand times from clanless kids wanting to get closer to him, they reached the second level.

He sighed. 'I really wished it were true… new friends… what a joke, might as well end it here' Nawaki stopped walking and cleared his throat; Billy stopped and turned around, confused. "What is wrong, Nawaki?"

Nawaki prepared himself and the usual line. "I really appreciate your interest in my friendship, but on account of school and family matter, I cannot in good conscience continue our friendship. Therefore I."

Billy walked toward Nawaki and looked him in the eyes. "What the fuck are you talking about? Are you trying to apologize for something? If so, quit acting like you are some kind of Yuppie."

Nawaki sighed, 'They always do this' he cleared his throat again. "I am not apologizing; I am simply stating that our friendship has to end; thank you for your time, Billy; it was fun," Nawaki passed by Billy.

Billy called out to him. "Stop right there, you fucking retard."

Nawaki turned around and looked at him. "How many times do I need to explain this to you? I am." He could not finish his words because Billy simply sucker-punched him.

He laid there on the ground touching his cheeks. 'He hit me?' he stayed there for a second, 'No one ever acted like this before?' He leaned up to look at Billy.

Billy got closer and kneeled While looking him in the eyes. "Are you fucking awake now… I told you… I don't give one fuck about who the fuck you are; you think I would have just said yes, master, to some Senju who walks nearby. Fuck that noise, man, now stand up… and quit acting like a sissy; I just gave you a small tap" Billy reached out with his hand to help him up.


(Back to Billy's POV!)

Billy pulled Nawaki up. "Come on, our rooms are on the second floor" He started shuffling with the keys, 'Seriously kid, who the fuck fires someone from a friendship?'

He called out to Nawaki, "You ok there, Nawaki… Did I hurt the lil baby too hard?"

Nawaki shouted at him. "You caught me off guard; if I knew what you were about to do, I would have kicked your ass!"

Billy laughed. "So, still friends?" he turned around while walking backward and offered his fist.

Nawaki confused, looked at his fist, then he nodded with a big smile. "Yup! Still friends" Then he caught Billy's fist and started shaking it.

Billy stood still; then he sighed in disappointment. "nice going, nerd! You ruined the moment!"

Nawaki, confused, asked. "Ruined what… Hey, Billy, answer me… Stop IGNORING ME!"

For the rest of the walk, Billy explained how to pump fists, and when they reached the final stop, Billy stopped. He looked at the dark gray walls; then he looked at the roaches walking around, ignoring him and Nawaki; he looked at the Fluorescent lights that give this creepy, desperate office vibe… there was one light that kept turning on and off, with this electric sound.

He saw a pool of… he did not know what kind of liquid it was. The doors were made from rusted metal. Billy stood still for a moment; then he called out. "Nawaki, I think we are in the wrong place… This is clearly a prison."


{The inspiration for this kind of environment here!}


Nawaki stopped looking around and focused on a door. "No, I think we are in the right place; see, this is room '965'… what are our room numbers again?"

Billy pulled out the keys. "Hmm, it says room '970' and '971' So it is right about there," Billy pointed to the end of the hallway.

They walked towards the door. "Yup, this is the room, and yours is right across… coincidence?" Billy turned towards Nawaki.

Nawaki took on a thinking position. "I don't know, man… maybe it was random, you know… I mean, it's not even in alphabetical order" he shakes his head at the end.

Billy nodded and handed one of the keys to Nawaki. "Alright, let's open this bitch up" he inserted the key and turned it around.

Billy opened the door slowly; then, he heard a dry, scratchy voice. "So… what will it be today, Shinobi-san? More waterboarding, or is it going to be spike training… Bring it on. I can take it."

Billy peeked inside, and what he saw was Gollum from Lord of the ring incarnate, but with tattered clothes and tired eyes, but when the Gollum person saw him, it jumped from its sitting position and rushed Billy. Billy tried to close the door, but the Gollum overpowered him, and he was knocked back.

The Gollum creature smiled and took hold of his leg. "They told us… if we see another clean child… it means we graduated the first year! We passed!" he screamed to any who could hear.

Billy heard the other rooms shout in joy, and he could feel his leg being pulled; the creature smiled and looked at Billy. "Welcome to hell!" it laughed.

Then he heard Nawaki scream as another torture victim pulled him into his room and closed the key. At this moment, Billy could not control his fear and rage; his instinct commanded him to do anything.

Billy saw red; he pumped all his chakra across his body; he could feel the strength he felt before; when he consumed that man's neck! He felt that he was the butcher coming to the slaughter. "I will fucking murder you!"

Billy pulled his legs in, but the Gollum let go too quickly, then he spun on the ground like those capoeira dance fighters, he jumped on his feet and charged the Gollum, but then he felt something hit him from the side.

The hit sent him into the wall, cracking part of it, but Billy quickly regained his balance, and his rage was never-ending; he quickly looked back to his attackers; one was female, and the other was the Gollum.

Billy screamed his berserker cry and charged at them, but they were both much faster than him; they dodged around him. Then he noticed them; they were laughing at him; they were laughing at his futility.

This droves Billy to the edge, he pumped more chakra to his feet, and he felt much faster than before; he could feel the tunnel forming around him, but he would not give up; the female jumped into the air and did a spinning kick to his face, her feet smashed into his face.

Blood started pouring from his non-existent nose, Billy felt the ground stop, and he felt that he was being pushed to the back; he quickly raised his hand and caught her foot, then he pumped more chakra to his arm, and he swung her to the wall imprinting her into it!

He felt the satisfaction of hearing her pain, then he turned towards the Gollum, who was in shock, Billy pulled his victim from the wall, and he swung her again towards the Gollum, using her as a mace.

They both fell, But Billy would not let his prey gain ground, and he rushed them with his foot covered in chakra; he kicked them like a football. They both smashed into the other wall.

Billy smiled, the zipper from his mask leaking blood; he moved his finger towards the mask and opened the zipper; blood leaked out like a waterfall, and when the blood receded, his (teeth showed themselves in a blooded smile); he could feel his blood pumping.

He spread his arms wide like (Yujiro Hanma). "You messed with the wrong hombre Bitches" Billy brought his hands together with a loud clap and cracked his knuckles. "Let the slaughter begin." With each word, steam escaped from his bubbling blood.

Just as he was about to reach them, he felt someone hold him up by his foot; he saw the door turn upside down, then he felt himself sail into the air.

His back smashed into the wall of the room, then he felt gravity take hold of him, and his face shattered into the ground; Billy slowly stood up and looked at the door.

Standing there was a Shinobi covered in darkness; he started to close the door slowly; Billy ran toward the door, and he could see it closing; he saw the light from the door receding slowly; he charged his body with the last bit of chakra he has, and he rushed to the door HE WILL NOT LET HIS PREY RUN!.

He smashed into the closed door, imprinting his shoulder into it, denting the rusted metal.

But his rage was unending, and he let out all his strength into this one punch to the rusted metal door; he felt his hand pierce the door; he felt something alive near his hand; he tried to grab hold of it with a gurgling scream, he felt his bubbling blood fall down his throat muffling his rage!, but the body moved too quickly.

Out of chakra and bloodied, Billy fell; he withdrew his hand from the door, and he could feel the rusted metal scratching up his arm, leaving a fist-sized hole in the door.

Billy returned to the place he crashed into, and he looked at the door, his scratched-up arm resting on his knee.

Suddenly the door's top half made a noise, and he saw a small slit opening; a shining headband greeted him, and blue eyes met his own. The owner of the eyes stayed silent for a moment, looking for weakness in Billy, but he will not give him the satisfaction.

The owner of the dark blue eyes chuckled. "Good job, kid, and welcome to Shinobi 101" Then the darkness was all that he saw.

Wawweee! We ain't playing no more Yes, Sir.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter lads!

Highlord1337creators' thoughts