
Passive skill: Immortality

Apocalypse has descended upon the earth, monsters roaming the world of mortal and hunting every human down, eating their flesh and bones. leaving nothing behind. Rey, who was the only survivor of his town, has embarked on a bloody path, the path of revenge, He's boy who will do everything to avenge his mother. Follow Rey on his path of no salvation.

Zefamel · Urban
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6 Chs

First fight

As I gazed toward the moon, with a devil like smile on my face, I was finally free.


"I pity you Rey...but don't worry, my long live friend~, I'll take good care of your body from now on~~"

Having watched Rey all this time, I have roughly guessed what was happening and what needed to be done.


[ Who are you? you're not the human Rey, wait.. you're -]

"I'm Raven."

I said in a cold tone as i was staring at the blue screen in front of me.

[ I see, let me scan you and adjust something then. ]


[ You have gained +21 points in your intelligence. ]


Title: -

Class: -

Blessing: -


Name: Rey Raven

Age: 17

Race: human

Mana core: <Rank - Lowest F>


Strength: 18

Agility: 10

Stamina: 12

Intelligence: 20 + 21

Charm: 9

Mana: 10

[AP]: 0


Skill: Shitty mana circulation (Lv1)


Passive skill: Immortality


I watch my status with a smile, I close it and turn around.

It was time to search for my first prey.

I start to walk in a random direction.





I was dragging a rod of metal on the ground, making the most noises as I could. I have come accross this beautiful baby earlier, It was stuck in a man head, when I have pulled it out of his head, there was dry blood on it, but so what. It's cute.


Time was moving, and I was losing patience, I wanted to test my immortality in a fight already.


Still no answer...


[ You're truly a pitiful case.]


Feeling the anger building inside of me, I throw my metal rod ahead of me.

It was a dense forest ahead of me, I think there will be nothing there.

When suddenly, against all odds, a painful sound resound.



I run toward it.

I run through the trees, being cautious of not falling because of a roots coming out of the ground.


[ You have gained +1 point in your stamina. ]

I continue to run forward without paying attention to the blue screen.

As I close the distance. It was all dark around me, the ray of the moon wasn't able to passe through the leafs.


[ You have gained +3 point in your stamina. ]

I have lost the trace of the monster.

I stopped and took a deep breath, trying to recuperate after this long run


[ You have gained + 2 in your stamina. ]

As i was watching the blue screen, i decide to walk slowly, raising my right hand and clenching my knife, when suddenly I got a gut feeling, In the corner of my eyes, I notice a bright flame suddenly appear in the darkness and coming at a fast speed toward my face.


I dug down with all my might and roll forward.


[ You have gained the skill: Sixth sense (Lv1) ]


I turned around, in my sight, was a monster, his mass on fire which was litting him up, short in height, green skin, a rounded head, a long and sharp nose cover with something similar to acne, yellow eyes, long ears, a flat belly, some tissues with weird drawing on it, covering his reproductive organs, by his facial features, and remembering a certain manga that Rey had read in the past, it was a goblin.


"Kyieekk?? (Why are you so hideous??)"

"Why are you so fucking ugly?"

Even though i didn't understand what he just say to me right now. somehow I was piss off.

Looking at him, I lift my left arm making a 180° ligne, I show him the middle finger of my left hand.

"Go fuck yourself."

Somehow, the goblin too, even if he didn't understand what was this action, he was piss off.


"Oh shut up, go put a fucking mask to hide that abomination of a face that you have!!"

My words were like arrow shots, piercing directly in his heart.

He was left in daze at my word.


I notice a single tear sliding down his left cheeks.

"Kyiekk kyieekk...(it's not my fault if my face is like that...)"


I think I have hit one of his insecurities...

Tears were rolling down his cheeks like waterfall..

[ You demon. ]


Did I really make a monster cry...?


[ You are the first one to have make a goblin cry. ]

[ You have gained the title: Bully of Goblins. ]


glaring at me, now, he just want to see me dead.

"Kyiiieeekkkkk!!!! (I'LL KILL YOU!!!)"

"System turn off the notification for now if possible."

[ The notification has been dissable. ]

Running toward me in rage, he swings his mass in all directions. Leaving many openings.

But I decided to observe him and calculate his range of attacks.

I was predicting all his thoughtless swing.

As he swing his mass with all of his force toward my stomach, I take a step back, missing his fixing target, the fire that was being trail off had hit my bagback handle and it was starting to take flame, I drop it on the ground.

The force he has put in his swing and the weight of his mass make him spine on himself, Without pity, I kick him, making him fall on the ground. his mass slipping out of his hand putting a fire to the grass around us.

"You dumb bastard."

The fire was becoming stronger around us,

forming an arena.

As I was watching this new scenary, a smile appear on my face, showing all of my teeth.


I look at him.

"Get up and attack me again."

The goblin who was trying to act dead, Ignoring my voice. But my expression change drastically, watching him with cold eyes, I close the distance and I place my foot on his head, I said.

"Do you prefer cooperate or having your skull crush."


Pushing my foot with his hands and jumping on his feet, he glare at me, a glimpse of red pass through his eyes, he took a deep breath, and suddenly the air around him has change, if earlier the air around him was like a clumsy child, now, it was like an hunter, ready for his hunt. He starts to circle around me, waiting for an opening.

I don't know how many time he had turned in circle, I have lost the count.

I put my hand on my mouth, and yawned, being bored because he was not attacking. I let my guard down.

But it was this moment that he has been waiting for.

He dash toward me, not leaving me the time to be surprise by his sudden burst of speed. His nails, which were sharper than a knife, in the blink of an eyes, were already at 2 inches away from piercing through my head. Even if I'm immortal, I know this pain will not be something that I can bear.

I tilt my head with all my force, his nails pass by my cheek and leave a cut. As he withdraw his hand and tries to take distance, I stomp on his foot, making him stay in my range, As he turn his head, my left fist was already under his chin.

"Kyieek- "


Hearing the sound of something cracking, he was sent flying leaving a trail of blood in the air, being knouckout and having lost some teeth.

The pain of the cut on my cheeks was starting to kick in.

Fuck not now!!


I clench my teeth, as the my skin was being reattached by the regeneration.

The goblin has slam against a tree and has fall on the ground.

Taking a deep breath, I watch his body that was on the ground and unconscious, I start to walk toward him.

A fire around us has become much more stronger and violent, but even so I continue to watch his body.

I open my mouth and say.

"I have been arrogant earlier, if not for an extrem luck and my sixth sense, it would had been me on the ground."

I touch my cheek, where my skin has regenarate.

I take off the bandage that was wrap around my hand and knife.

I crouch and put the bandage on the ground, I grab the knife tightly, placing it on his torso, just above his heart.

"I'll never underestimate the weak looking again."

I press the knife, piercing through his flesh.

"Thank you for this lesson."

As those were my last words for him, I pierce his heart.

The goblin was dead.

I take out my knife and stand up.

"System, you can activate the notification."

[ Activating the notification. ]




[ Skill: Sixth sense (Lv2). ]

[ You have gained the skill: Basic combat (Lv1). ]

[ You have gained the passive skill: Pain tolerance (Lv1). ]

[ You have kill a Goblin rank - Middle F. ]


[ You have gained +3 point in strength. ]

[ You have gained +2 point in agility. ]


[ Do you want to extract the mana core. Yes/No. ]


slowly in front of my eyes, a white ball was being form.


[ Extraction succesfull. ]

I grab it with my hand.

So now...how do I strengthen my core with it?

"System what do I do now, I need to absord his energy or you will merge it with my-"

[ You need to eat it. ]

"...Is there no other wa-"

[ No, it's the only way. ]


[ ... ]

After a moment of silence, I look at the mana core, and then...

"Is there really really no other way-"


I put the whole mana core in my mouth and swallow it in one gulp.


[ You have eat a mana core rank - Middle F. ]

[ You have gained +5 points in agility ]

[ You have gained the skill: Accelation (Lv1). ]

[ Your mana core had been strengthen, to breakthrough to rank - Middle F, you'll need to eat 4 mana core rank- Lowest F or 2 mana core rank - Middle F. ]

I was left in awe because of everything that I have received.

I decided to check my status



Title: Bully of Goblins

Class: -

Blessing: -


Name: Rey Raven

Age: 17

Race: human

Mana core: <Rank - Lowest F>


Strength: 18

Agility: 17

Stamina: 18

Intelligence: 41

Charm: 9

Mana: 10

[AP]: 0


Skill: Shitty mana circulation (Lv1), Sixth sense (Lv2), Basic combat (Lv1), Accelaration (Lv1).


Passive skill: Immortality, Pain tolerance (Lv1)


As I was watching my status, I have totally forget that I was surrounded by fire.

But I was so curious about the title that I have gained.

When I was moving my hand to press on it, An arrow, coming from behind the fire at a fast speed, my instinct kicking in and yelling at me to move, but in vain, I was too slow, the arrow bury itself in my shoulder.


Screaming in agony, I fall on my knees and I grab my shoulder.


I look around, there were movement everywhere, Shadows were jumping through the fire.






They were blocking every path of escapism, those scream, it was an horde of Goblins

Walking out of the flame, with a spear in his right hand, a gaze full of killing intent direct toward me, It was a Hobgoblin.
