
Passive skill: Immortality

Apocalypse has descended upon the earth, monsters roaming the world of mortal and hunting every human down, eating their flesh and bones. leaving nothing behind. Rey, who was the only survivor of his town, has embarked on a bloody path, the path of revenge, He's boy who will do everything to avenge his mother. Follow Rey on his path of no salvation.

Zefamel · Urban
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6 Chs

Big mess

I was surrounded by a horde of Goblins, all of them having a weapon in their hands and screaming furiously.





My expression was ugly. The arrow that had hit me in the shoulder was giving me a horrible pain.


"Kyiekk. (Silence.)"

His voice was loud and clear.

With just one word, he had made all the Goblins shut their mouths.

That was the Hobgoblin.

He was coming toward me.

I couldn't think properly because of the pain, I was struggling to concentrate, I bite my lips, trying to resist the pain. I need to get out of here.

I glance around me, trying to find where I can escape.

When suddenly, my eyes pause, in my sight, I notice a goblin. He had an arc in his hand. At first glance, you could see that he was malnourished, our eyes met. I smile.


Finally having a plan, the pain that i was feeling was still here, I need to endure it. I lift my head, the Homogoblin was already in front of me. I look straight in his eyes.

Seeing my face, he was shock. He rubs his eyes and looks at me again.

He open his mouth.

"Why are you like this, kyiieek?"

He asked me.

Confuse, I come to realise that it must be his first time seeing a human, I guess.

"It's normal that I'm like this."

I said

As he heard my answer, he open his mouth in shock, he drop his spear on the ground and crouch down, placing both his hands on my shoulders.

I look at him in confusion, not knowing what was happening.

"Human...it's must had been hard for you..kyiek..."

As I notice his sad expression, I ask him in confusion?


Seeing me confused, a tear roll down his cheek

He pulled me in an embrace and said

"I'm here for you now... It's okay to be disfigured, we goblins, we don't judge look...Kyieekk.."

Tears were rolling down his cheeks as he finished speaking.

Hearing the words of the Homogoblin, all Goblins stare at me with a sad expression. they all start to open their mouth.

"It's must have been really difficult, Kyieekk."

"Poor man. Kyieekk..."

"Don't be discouraged with life man, kyieekk."

"Yes, I'm sure you will find your half one day!!! Kyiek!!"

"It's not a shame to be plain-looking, Kyieekk."

[ Yes, your ill-favoured face is not a problem. What is important is your heart. ]

As I heard their words, tears roll down my cheeks.

Feeling my tears dropping on him, the Hobgoblin pull me out of his embrace. He wipes my tears with his hand and says

"Join our family. We welcome you the way you are. Your look is not important. Kyiekk."

Feeling the sincerity of his words and remembering all the encouragements I have just received, I was feeling accepted.

I finally found my place-

Wait!! Wait, that's going to fast!! I have a plan!! what the fuck I'm doing.

Realising what have just happened at the speed of light.

I stare coldly at the Hobgoblin.



Having snap, my eyes were bloodshot, fill with rage, I grab the arrow in my shoulder and tear it out, I bite my lips, feeling an agonizing pain in my shoulder, I don't have time, clenching the arrow, I stab his eyes with it.


He scream in pain, he moves his hands in panic, reaching for the arrow.

Putting all the Goblins in shock and panic.

I grab his spear and stand up.

Not giving them any time, I activate my new skill: Acceleration, and go in the direction of the goblin with the arc.

The Hobgoblin, who has pulled out the arrow of his, scream at his Goblins.


But it was too late.

I was already in front of the goblin I was aiming for. My skill stop, I thrust the spear in his stomach, piercing through it.


"Systen disabled the notification!!"

I need my full concentration right now!!

[ The notification has been dissable. ]

I take my hand off the spear and run forward, I jump through the fire, I close my eyes.


Screaming while going through, I got to the other side, with the burning mark all over my body. I continue to run forward. Ignoring the pain that I was feeling.






Hearing the scream of the Hobgoblin and his troops, I sprint with all my force, Going further and further in the forest, taking distance from the horde of Goblins who want my neck.

I run.

I run.

I run.

I run without looking back.

While I was running, I notice that the wound on my shoulder and the burning mark that I have got has healed, and I wasn't feeling any pain.

I decide stop and to look behind.

I stare in the distance, noticing little ball of light moving in the dark.

"I have distanced them enough..."

I turned around, noticing that here the trees were bigger than the previous that I have seen before. I look at one of them and decide to climb it.

Why do I feel like I have forget something...

I'll think about it later, for now let's climb

"I hope I don't fall..."




Successfully, I didn't fall, I'm now on a branch, sitting and catching my breath.

"All of this was intense."

I sigh, thinking about something, I open my mouth

"System you can reactivate the notification."

[ Activating the notification. ]


[ Skill: Pain tolerance (Lv2). ]


[ You have gained +4 points in stamina. ]


[ You are the first human who has been taken out of pity by the Goblins. ]

[ You have gained the title: Pitiful One. ]


[ You have gained the skill: Heat tolerance (Lv1). ]


[ You have killed a Goblin rank - Lowest F. ]

[ You have gained +1 point in strength. ]

[ You have gained +2 point in agility. ]

I didn't get the chance to extract the mana core because of those fuckers.

I remember everything that happened. It's deeply engraved in my mind.

I'll kill them, but before that, let's see what I have at my disposition.



Title: Bully of Goblins, Pitiful One

Class: -

Blessing: -


Name: Rey Raven

Age: 17

Race: human

Mana core: <Rank - Lowest F>


Strength: 19

Agility: 19

Stamina: 22

Intelligence: 41

Charm: 9

Mana: 10

[AP]: 0


Skill: Shitty mana circulation (Lv1), Sixth sense (Lv2), Basic combat (Lv1), Accelaration (Lv1).


Passive skill: Immortality, Pain tolerance (Lv2), Heat tolerance (Lv1)


Let me do a quick inspection.


Title: Bully of Goblins

(When fighting against young Goblins, +2 points in each state.)

*Warming*: You will be hate by the old Goblins.


Umm, next one.


Title: Pitiful One

(Every time you meet a person, they'll take pity on you.)



"System ca-"

[ No you can't turn off the effect of a title. ]


Let's continue...


Skill: Acceleration (Lv1)

(For 3 secondes, +100 points in agility.)

Couldown - 25 secondes


Organizing all of my thought.

I have come up with a marvelous plan.


[ Yes.]

"How many hours left before sunrise?"

[ 4 hours. ]

That will be plenty.

So now...

"Let's the hunt begin~."


Hey guys, sorry for this short and fast chapter. I'm a little sick, to be forgiven. I'll tell you the title of the next chapter, 'Cover in blood'.

And there is a little surprise for you all in the comments.

See ya!!