
Pacific rim x Godzilla verse

Our Mc (Leo) gets reincarnated into a kaiju like world. Or more specific pacific rim x the Godzilla verse. Will he manage to save humanity? Stop the long going war between the titans and kaiju? Or will he fail and let the world explode! Read to find out. (Just like to let everyone know that this can be dropped whenever since I’m usually not good when it comes to keeping up with updates) (Also the story will have some elements and events from both movies, but don’t except things to go exactly as in the movies)

axeltheeugene · Filme
Zu wenig Bewertungen
9 Chs

Project: renaissance

It had been approximately 8 months since the last kaiju attack. And while Leo had now since recovered from the incident, his paranoia and restless hadn't. He needed answers, and answers he received.

Leo since the attack had since started to have a hunch about what type of world he was in, but after doing some research on his mother's computer he had come to a concrete conclusion. He was in the pacific rim universe. And most importantly, he was born before the main events in the movie happened.

But Leo wanted nothing to do with all pressure that came with trying to get involved with the main cast. In fact he never even tried to show interest in jaegers. Since most kids around his age had at least once, said they wanted to be a jaeger pilot.

But the strings of fate had different plans for him. Even if it went against his wishes.

"Mom. Come on mom. I'm gonna be late to school."-Leo said while trying to get his mother to hurry.

"Geez, just give me a minute I'm almost done."- Catherine said while putting on her shoes.

"There all done."- Catherine said while poking Leo's nose.

"Stop that mom. I'm almost 6 now, and it's embarrassing."- Leo said pouting, but truth be told he enjoyed the time he spent with his mother. Even if she was his second mother.

"I'll stop poking your nose once I die, so never."- Catherine said while smirking before laughing.

And Leo laughed with her too, but this happy moment was cut short when they felt the tremors. Along with the all to familiar sirens.



"No! Not again!"- Catherine screamed in fear.

And before Leo could utter a word, she had already grabbed his wrist and proceeded to run. But just like last time, Leo still couldn't keep up. So she picked him up and ran even quicker.


Leo heard a sound. Something akin to a clock. But from where the sound came he had no idea, nor did he care at the moment.


There it was again.


Catherine's breath had since started to get more rapid. As every time she breathed out, you could see fog leave her mouth.


Once again the same scene was playing out. They were now within seeing range from the shelter. But yet something different was occurring. Instead of the gates being almost completely empty, there was now a line to enter.


"What! No, this can't be happening now!"- Catherine said to herself in a panicked tone.


"People get in line!"- Yelled a guard trying to maintain order.


"Just let us all in!"- yelled a random person in the line.


"Let us in!"

"Just let us go through!"

Multiple people were screaming at the security guards. Trying to push their way into the shelter, but to little success as the guards had electrical shields.


"Get in line now!"- Screamed another guard trying to reinforce order. Before activating his shield.


And this had caused the people to calm down. But just then another guard had come up the stairs from below, to inform his superior about the grim situation they had on their hands.

"Sir."- whispered the guard to the captain

"What now Jose, can't you see I currently have my hands full."- Said the captain of the squad to his subordinate.


"We're running out of spots sir."- Whispered Jose to his captain in a worried tone.

However contrary to his expectations the captain didn't panic.

"Then we'll make space."- The captain said in a authoritative tone.

"It's going to be alright Leo, I pinky promise."- Catherine said to Leo in a not so convincing tone.

And as if fate wanted to laugh at the mother and son duo, the captain yelled a sentence that had sealed Catherine's fate.

"Alright listen up people!"- The captain yelled into a microphone to draw all the attention from the somewhat organized line.

"Do to the current situation, we'll only be accepting children 14 and under. Everyone else is not allowed. So say your goodbyes." -Captain



"That's bullshit!"

"Is this even allowed?!"

Similar things were heard throughout the line. Before reaching Catherine's ears. She wanted to cry, she wanted to just collapse. But she wouldn't… at least not in front of Leo.


"Listen Leo. Just go inside okay honey. I promise I'll meet you once everything is over okay."- Catherine said while tears were starting to form in her eyes.

But Leo hugged her instead saying:

"I don't want to leave, not without you." He screamed in tears.

And similar situations were happening throughout the line.


"Just go in okay honey. Do it for me. I promise everything is gonna turn out just fine." She said while looking away from him. She couldn't face him, how could she when she knew she was lying to him.

"No!"- Leo screamed in protest

But before anyone could utter another word a gunshot was heard. Which silenced the whole crowd. As the line had long since dispersed at this point.


"Alright I've had about enough of this. Grab the kids and let's go. We're wasting to much time."-

The captain said before turning around and walking into the shelter.

"Oh and one last thing. Kill everyone else once the kids are inside. Wouldn't want any accidents to occur."- Those were the last orders he gave before his back was blended into the dark downward stairway.

And so the soldiers did as they were told. Screams were heard, and children were being taken away.

And to make matters even more grim, the adults and elderly inside the shelter were also kicked out.

"You can't do this! I was already inside!" Screamed one person.


"We're just following orders."- A guard responded back.

And in about 7 minutes they had done their job. Sure people were trying to push their way into the shelter, but with the shields activated they had little success.

Catherine however didn't even try to push in, or look for another spot to take cover. She just took out a drawing from her coat that Leo had given to her. Before tears started to fall down onto the drawing of her and Leo holding hands underneath a rainbow.

She knew it was pointless either way. Since the destruction the Jaeger and kaiju would do was far to great to outrun.


"Ready, set, FIRE!!!"- Screamed a solider before gunshots were released and bodies were falling onto the ground. Catherine being no exception.


And as Leo was being taken away the now annoying sound stopped. He didn't know it now, but what he heard that day were the gears of death working. But it wouldn't be the last time he heard them.


Location: ???

Time: 2015 April, 10

Organization: Monarch / Jaeger program

"Ma'am we've collect enough kids." -Scientist

"Perfect… Let the trials begin." -???