
OverPowered System

Stonexia Yrrah who was an poor simpleton loved reading novels with op characters and playing games. Rest of his social life was totally dull. He rarely stepped out of his house. Even his neighbors don't know about his existence. Of course the reasons for this is society itself which used to bully him when he was kid. When he became adult he was bullied by college mates. Being poor even his parents couldn't support him or protect him from his bullies. After college, which he barely passed by minimum grade he had hard time finding a job to earn money. Even in job he was bullied by seniors and once he was forced to resign as well by a senior who wanted to use him as a stepping stone. After losing job, he has nowhere to go, nowhere to live, he was afraid to do suicide as well being a coward, so he simply pleaded to lord and asked for the reason of his existence? He just demanded one thing if their is no reason for his existence then simply provide him a painless death. "There is a reason for your existence. Here you go." (Animation of lightning thunders and cloud blasting "BANG" echoed) "BOOTING UP OVERPOWERED SYSTEM." Author's Note - The summaries of various novels will be posted in it too so it can help you save your spirit stones :)

mailmeharry2008 · Fantasie
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56 Chs

Yrrahs are king of Scammers

In Universe 20 (One Punch Universe) of Almightoronia Cosmos, Yi Yun, Lin Xintong, Lin Ming and Bai Yueyin have joined Heroes Association and with internal tests and tournaments they are currently SSS Rank Heroes. Even Genos can't keep his rank safe from them. It's long since Yi Yun has a fought a tournament and he really enjoyed tournament of a modern universe especially after stealing all top ranks there. Lin Ming is now Rank 1, Yi Yun Rank 2, Bai Yueyin Rank 3 and Lin Xintong Rank 4 in Heroes Association and all of them are enlisted under SSS Ranks. Stonexia knew about their strengths so he used his approach for them to be directly enlisted in SSS Ranks without going through unnecessary tournaments of other lower Ranks. Heroes Association although were not aware about Stonexia status as ancestor of Yrrahs but just his being Yrrah was enough to make them accept any of his request. Yrrah's approach towards Yi Yun's party is equal to a king's recommendation or supreme court order. Further they were really satisfied with these new Heroes too as crimes are increasing day by day and due to lesser involvement of Yrrahs in this universe they themselves can't control crime rate. Lin Ming has even broken all records except the ones setup by Saitama. Addition of 4 SSS rank heroes and that too that are of top quality will surely give their association some hope. They were getting missions from all over the universe every second, and they immediately dispatched Yi Yun towards a top rank mission there which involved rescuing of a hero named as King who was very weak in the anime too yet famous as hell. Earlier Saitama has saved his skin by helping various times unknowingly. King reached top ranks of heroes through the works of Saitama only. He himself has very dangerous looks but actually was nothing but a coward. But after demise of Saitama he was still given dangerous mission to discover some activity in Z City where monsters are spawning at an unimaginable rate. During this mission he tiptoed in the Z City territory but was still caught off guard due to keen senses of monsters which belonged to Monster Association an archenemy of Heroes Association. Earlier Garou was resurrected by the evil scientists of this association too. That time Genos helped in capturing those scientists. But currently Genos is on another top priority mission to stop an asteroid that's attacking their planet. And for that purpose he is sent to outer space in a spaceship which may take few days trip. Meanwhile King was assigned to this mission in absence of Genos, but how can he handle such tough task? That's why he ended up getting kidnapped by monsters instead.

Yi Yun went to the core of the Z City and slayed many monsters and rescued many innocent people who were kept hostage along the way to know about some information about the location of King. He went towards the location which was an pitch black bunker with very dim light of candles. He found that a person that matches the face description of King is tied with rope and a cloth in his mouth. But he didn't found any monster or boss nearby which was out of expectations. He didn't hurried to rescue King feeling something fishy. After careful inspecting through his senses Yi Yun couldn't locate the monsters nearby but was able to find that above the captured King was a cage which will be immediately triggered for anybody who dares to rescue King. Maybe this was the reason for no monsters presence and leaving a hostage so carelessly.

Yi Yun threw a rock towards King which triggered the trap and as the cage lowered, Yi Yun unsheathed his Mirage Sword to cut the cage open. Inside there was a mechanism that will capture the host further by roping his arms and legs, but from outside it was easy to cut through with only risk of ringing the alarm. After that he untied King and removed the cloth in his mouth. Due to ringing of alarm countless monsters came out from holes that were not visible due to dark environment. King was showing really cowardly expression, even Yi Yun was surprised to see how can a S Rank Hero like King display such cowardly behavior. But King who had already wet his pants by the sight of countless monsters surrounding them didn't mind the disdain from his savior and cried for help shamelessly with tears coming from his eyes and snot running and dirtying the modern clothes of Yi Yun. Yi Yun immediately used the Dao of Sword to cut through the void itself and once the void was cut it sucked in all the surrounding monsters instantly killing them. King who was earlier afraid of monsters was now horrified with the monstrous strength of Yi Yun instead. But he knew that at least this party is here to save him so he controlled his shivering body. Later Yi Yun reported mission as success and helped King in returning to his room within Heroes Association Headquarters.

King knew that he can't survive here alone. So as a last hope he shamelessly requested Yi Yun to help in his future missions too. He told his whole story of being a coward and also how he climbed to S Rank through the deeds of Saitama. He even told him about the OP strength of Saitama and various incidents of past.

King showed Yi Yun how to play the video games too, as he was a champion in video games who can beat even Saitama when its competition in video gaming. Yi Yun was immediately addicted to video games after playing with a champion like King. However he couldn't beat him in any game no matter what. And thus King and Yi Yun became best friends.

Meanwhile Headquarters received a news of help request from Genos to stop the asteroid coming in their direction. Lin Ming was assigned immediately for the mission and as he can fly himself without the need of spaceship he did so and moved closer to asteroid and using keen senses located Genos who was lying unconscious on the asteroid itself. Lin Ming smiled seeing that a hero has become a zero in this universe, but still was impressed imagining the scene when Genos would have tried to hug the asteroid without fearing his death in attempt to push it backwards but getting hit by its force instead. He landed on the asteroid, picked up Genos unconscious body and then flew towards the planet where Heroes Association was located. On reaching outer space around the planet he tear open a huge void that swallowed whole asteroid in itself. He actually used his Pure Yang Sword with an unparalleled sword intent which surpassed even Yi Yun's dao of sword which he displayed earlier against monsters to tear open a void. Heroes Association was able to see that Asteroid disappeared but weren't able to see how that happened. Lin Ming reported the mission as success and he credited the mission's success to unconscious Genos, seeing his self sacrificing nature even for an impossible mission. Genos was sent to laboratory instead of hospital for his treatment as he was an cyborg and not a human.


Stonexia went on to check the situation in Strongest Cosmos....

After obtaining 'Black Heaven Demons King Army' which is more of an treasure artifact rather than an army of demons, Lin Fan went to different secret grounds to rope in powerful beings of this universe for war against Moon Shadow Mainland, but he found all places empty. Boundless Future Buddha Lord (one of the traitor from Endless Mainland and maybe also most powerful Immortal King from Endless Mainland) was faster in neutralizing or gathering allies for Moon Shadow Mainland. After finding nothing to do, he used Heaven and Earth Smelt which was a product of system itself and capable of refining anything, to refine the 'Black Heaven Demons King Army' and remove the ownership of Southern Demon Immortal King from it completely. Later he fed all the pills he looted after killing Truth Immortal King to the demons of this army and thus upgrading it to be capable of killing ordinary Immortal Kings. Noticing that his control over Demon Army is no longer existing, Southern Demon Immortal King thought of Lin Fan as no ordinary man and considered that Boundless Future Buddha Lord is setting some trap against him.

War was ongoing and Lin Fan arrived at one of the war zones to test his new toy. The opponents were Super God Beast, Big Earth King Bear! and magical beasts army of a the 'Magical Beast Master God'. An elder was trying to stop this wave especially that bear but all his efforts seemed futile. At that time Bear taunted Indigenous Beings of Endless Mainland to be weak. But how can Lin Fan tolerate such insult, he immediately unleashed the new army which contained massive size demonic mounts and demons riding them, to teach this bear fella some lesson for being overbearing. As expected bear immediately stepped back and ordered for retreat. But how can 10,000 demons army be weak enough to let a puny bear escape from it. He captured the invading army of magical beasts and then flew towards the base of these invaders after unleashing the power of Biggra on captured beasts (Viagra like stuff which is colorless, odorless and can attack any enemy without his noticing that something is wrong in air). Magical beasts from other side were waiting for the triumphant victory news from the incoming army but as soon as Bear arrived it gave lustful expressions towards the magical beast welcoming him and pinned him down and then tragic wails of despair rang out.

Stonexia was watching all this commotion and found it entertaining this time. This time author didnt showed his laziness like earlier and produced some events. But he can't bear to watch such unsocial behavior of the beasts unlike shameless Lin Fan and thus moved away to check on towards Scheming Cosmos instead. Earlier he had thought business idea of manufacturing this Biggra and spread in other cosmoses but after seeing its effects he exploded this idea bubble. (something like bubbles shown in comics)


In Scheming Cosmos, Xu Que asked if more cutting stones are available then the attendant there told him about a Stone Cutting Convention happening which is at higher level and only influential families are able to participate there. Although Xu Que was not famous but his richie rich way of spending was similar to spoiled nobles of influential families, so she invited the Xu Que's party to that convention. After taking a seat in pavilion there he upgraded the system to 5.0 by spending most of his Act Tough Points. A function of Luck Aura, and debt recovery were unlocked as well. And system warned that if Xu Que didn't pay his pending loan of 8000 Act Tough Points which is now raised to 20,000 points with interest, then he will be beaten by the Debt Collector. He has unlocked an X-ray perspective machine too with upgrade of system that can help him see the quality of stones before getting cut (who knows if he will use X-ray for other dirty stuff as well or not).

Afterwards, as usual he showed his tough acting there and started cooking Stinky Tofus there which attracted disdain from all spectators including Ice Empress and everybody misunderstood him as cooking excreta instead. Later they saw him eating the cooked excreta with very happy expression too so they doubted that it is not excreta and sent some servant to test it out and everybody was surprised to see that the soul strength of the servant improved significantly. Demand of this tofu rose immediately. Later he auctioned a piece of tofu to elder of Jiang family at 5000 high quality spiritual stones. He has literally turned a stone cutting convention to Tofu Auction instead. Soon another richie rich strong man from Gong family offered 5000 high quality stones to buy tofu thus helping Xu Que recover his lost money earlier in buying cutting stones. He ripped off one of the elders to buy it at high cost of 10,000 high quality spiritual stones on credit and 10 ancient cutting stones saying that he is having one last piece of stinky tofu. Later he surprised the crowd by bringing out another packet of Stinky Tofu. Even Ice Princess was amused at his cheating the crowd. The elder of Jiang Family who agreed to pay 10,000 spiritual stones and 10 cutting stones was enraged by this. But what can he do. Even on asking for explanation Xu Que gave them shameless cunning answers like he was not the one offering high price (Elder himself raised the bid to acquire tofu at first place). His actual price is still 998 spiritual stones, that made them spit out their blood instead.

Then the stone cutting convention finally started and Xu Que in his haughty manner again announced that he will purchase all stones. But later seeing the disagreement of the crowd, he decided to back down and chose the 10 free ancient stones which were offered by the elder of Jiang Family earlier in exchange of stinky tofu. Later he chose 22 stones which were concealing 1 dragon soul element and 1 was having an elder's head and 20 other were treasures too. Rest of all stones were crap and he left them for others after checking through his new X-ray machine. This was noticed by others but being illiterate cultivators how can they know modern stuff, so nobody objected to his shady activity.

One of the lady objected and raised for one of the stone chosen by Xu Que by offering double spiritual stones. Xu Que initially tried to claim back by raising the bids but finally backed down and the final bid for that stone ended at 20,000 spiritual stones. But later Xu Que revealed that the stone contains a dead man's' head only which startled the crowd. Bidding continued on with worthless stones and people who can said to be fools bid the useless stones at enormous prices of 60,000 or even 100,000.

Later the stone with head was cut open and Xu Que scared the lady cutting the stone by reminding her that there's old man's head in it which may be cursed that may later try to misbehave and exploit the lady once it came out from stone. And as per prediction of Xu Que, a head which seemed very old but was still intact really appeared from the sliced stone. Thank god that head was lifeless and not like the one as Xu Que predicted, or the lady would be in serious trouble.

People started discussing with each other and claimed head to be even above Form Synthesis Stage or Crossing Calamity Stage or even Mahayana stage which is pinnacle of mortal cultivation stages in this universe. Shameless Xu Que didn't stepped back in taunting the lady for her wasting 20000 stones on a worthless head, thus adding salt to her wounds even more.

Now his miraculous ability was noticed by the hotshots present in the convention and they wanted to capture this guy. But Xu Que remained calm and ignored the warnings from Ice Empress who wanted him to escape as soon as possible suspecting the sinister motives of hotshots around. Later Xu Que himself offered the X-ray machine for sale at 100,000 high quality spiritual stones as minimum auction price. The crowd went crazy to buy it and divided themselves in groups to accumulate more cash. Bigger families created their own group and smaller ones recruited middle class families to match with the bigger families alliance. But they were unaware that that X-ray machine was a rented object from system that will disappear after 1 day.

After a great war of bidding the final price was an astronomical figure of 5 million high quality spiritual stones. Even Ice Empress was impressed how a figure at Infant Transformation Stage is capable of deceiving the big families and major factions of East continent. The highest bid was from elders of three big families of east continent. They decided to kill Xu Que later to reclaim what they have lost. But another problem popped up that they didn't know how to operate this X-ray machine and Xu Que offered a huge price of 10 million spiritual stones to buy the manual for operating this machine. Seeing such shamelessness everybody was stunned. In fact even after buying manual they can't see the projected image which is displayed in the head of Xu Que only by the system. He played with elders for some time but later threw the book for free towards them so as not to annoy them anymore. After that he wanted to leave but elders tried to stop him suspecting machine as another scam by Xu Que just like tofu. But Xu Que openly exposed their ideas of robbing him on their face and dared them to follow him if they want to rob him and left with Buttface and Ice Princess.

Seeing this many people hesitated following him. But the elders of three big families remained shameless. Jiang, Bai and Gong families elders left one by one to give chase to Xu Que's party to recover their 5 million precious spiritual stones. Soon the news of Xu Que from Heavens Exploding Faction and three families holding a mystic tool to see through cutting stones, spread around like wildfire. So various small families and middle class families joined hands together to hunt for three big families instead to seize the mystic tool from them instead. Finally the three elders caught up to Xu Que's party and threatened them to spill out the stones. Xu Que tried his trick to make these three fight each other but elders saw through his tricks. Later Xu Que provided them another manual saying that this is the true one and earlier one was fake that's why they can't control the X-ray machine. Jiang elder recited a bull crap incantation that was written on the manual and after that X-ray machine got invisible which he thought to be absorbed in his body but it actually was revoked by system. But the foolish elders thought manual words to be true and started trying the instructions on second page of manual, but the machine didn't showed up. Now the other two elders started suspecting Jiang elder that he is deliberately keeping the machine to reap all benefits alone. But after some crap comments they halted their internal battle and got attracted by greed to snatch a second x-ray machine too which was showed to them by Xu Que along with a free gift of Earth Shrinking Amulet (Divine Tracking emblem's name as per locals of East Continent) and even a vulgar incantation to humiliate and deceive the three elders. Thus controlled by greed for a second machine they attacked him in unison putting their personal disputes in pending list of their brains.

But before they attacked, Xu Que along with Buttface and Ice Empress burned Divine Tracking Emblem to escape successfully. Although the elders were angry by the escape of a young elite right under their nose but Jiang Elder was feeling really happy to obtain a gift of Earth Shrinking Amulet. Earlier he suspected this amulet to be fake too knowing the personality of Xu Que, but seeing him escaping using the same thing he felt happy. Later he chanted the vulgar incantation to bring out the X-ray machine out of his body thinking it as correct one but still nothing happened. Now elders from Bai family and Gong family were sure that Jiang Elder named as 'Jiang Limu' is cheating them and wants to keep the first X-ray machine with himself alone. They immediately attacked him but Jiang Limu used the Earth Shrinking Amulet in his hands to escape from the incoming attack instinctively. Now this confirmed the doubts of elders of Bai and Gong family that Jiang Limu has cheated them. But before they can plan any action a big crowd of cultivators arrived on the spot and on not finding Xu Que they suspected that Gong and Bai Elders have killed him already. But their real motive was X-ray machine too so they targeted Jiang, Gong and Bai Families instead. But soon some reinforcements from three big families arrived through a message delivering spell and except for some strong cultivators at Void Training Stage rest were massacred by an Jiang Elder who has recently arrived along with reinforcements. But this Jiang elder didn't knew that Jiang Limu has already escaped with X-ray machine and unknowingly he became no. 1 target of the rest of the two big families.

While in another corner away from the ancient city Xu Que told his party about his mischievous scheme. They were surprised to see the schemes of this young man. After all the ruckus and system upgrading expenses now Xu Que is only left with 30,000 points. He activated lucky aura, a new feature of system after upgrading by throwing a shoe to use it as a compass to know Water Empress location as Ice Empress was unwilling to reveal the information to him at all as Water Empress has told her to keep Xu Que away from her too knowing her accursed fate. Seeing that the shoe revealed correct direction even Ice Empress was surprised but she just thought it as a luck factor. Predicting that Water Empress (Jiang Hongyan) must be in serious trouble or otherwise she won't broke her promise to meet him at Bright Moon Hotel, he was desperate to find her. He didn't cared about expensive charges of 1000 act tough points per second to generate Lucky Aura from system and then throwing his shoe to make it work as compass.

Back there Jiang Limu on receiving message via Messaging spell from another elder of Jiang family to return to explain the situation to rest of the two families to avoid a war was shivering in fear. As he can't produce X-ray machine and he has escaped already he was in tough spot so he neither replied the message nor returned to the family. Not only that this Jiang Elder is blaming Water Empress cursed fate for these bad events too.


The Yrrah plaza became a huge success in Five Elements Continent and thus Yrrahs have immediately rolled up their plans to introduce Yrrah Plaza branches in all continents of this world.

And as only Almightoronian dollars are accepted by Yrrahs and people are crazy for the modern stuff for eating and amusement too, they have been forced into demonetization of their currency (replacement of currency after stopping usage of previous currency) of spiritual stones. They are selling the raw materials for making finished products in barter system to obtain Almightoronian dollars first and then they spent those dollars back to buy the finished products in all continents. Soon news of Yrrahs and demonetization was spread all around the world and previous currency was being forfeited by everybody. Earlier all those who got scammed by Xu Que were happy by this as they have spent their money already. But Xu Que was regretting the same as his 5 million stones are not worth a penny now. He was furious with these Yrrahs and even with the plaza scheme of theirs. It was clearly a scheme of his to make money, how dare Yrrahs steal his technique? He claimed Yrrahs to be king of scammers and himself a victim of the scam raised by Yrrahs. Having confidence on his strength, he immediately reached the branch of Yrrah Plaza on east continent to cause trouble and started cursing out foul words. Stonexia was watching this and teleported in front of him instantly which surprised Xu Que. "What's your problem, vulgar mouth kid?" asked Stonexia.

"You are kid, your entire family is kid..... how dare you behave like a elder in front of me when you look like the same age as me?" retorted Xu Que.

"Kid control your vulgar tongue in my presence or your system won't be able to help you from my wrath. And as for your question for my looks, my strength makes me look young, i should be over 150 years in age by now if i remember correctly." Stonexia revealed his true age and exposed the secret of Xu Que via a thought message.

Xu Que was surprised but he really can't see through the strength of this man in front of him. Even system was unable to read the cultivation level of this man. Moreover system warned him that an ancient system's aura is being detected from Stonexia which is much higher in status if compared to Scheming System. Now Xu Que got a hint that the other man is a human being just like him who has an even superior system if compared to his. So naturally he can't act haughty in front of him. Also this human must have already experienced modern life that's why applying idea of his Wanda Plaza as Yrrah Plaza can't be copying his idea. Although he was still angry by the demonetization of the spiritual stones as his hard schemed money is now waste product of past, but still what can he do against the person in front of him.

"But I will keep acting tough and escape from this Yrrah or whatever he is" thought Xu Que, and immediately started acting haughty in front of Stonexia. Stonexia simply threw his shoe in the mouth of Xu Que to shut him up, who was still blabbering vulgar words non stop trying to act tough. Xu Que was angry with this humiliation. For revenge, he used every last skill and spell he has along with strongest Fiery Buddha Lotus but even without any defensive move of Stonexia nothing could scratch his body from any attack of ant like mortal in front of him. Now Xu Que was feeling as if he has encountered a final boss of a game while being at start of a game himself. He immediately burned his Divine Tracking Emblems continuously but Stonexia was always in front of him wherever he teleported as OPS has copied whole Scheming cosmos already. Now he was cursing himself and regretted acting tough in front of this guy. Even tears were visible on the cheeks of Xu Que which was an impossible spectacle from a shameless MC like him. Stonexia was aware about this so he didn't annoyed this MC anymore and didn't chased Xu Que further. It was really fun for Stonexia to play with the MCs of various cosmoses.

Now i have covered all chapters from 574 to 593 of USS through this chapter....

mailmeharry2008creators' thoughts