
OverPowered System

Stonexia Yrrah who was an poor simpleton loved reading novels with op characters and playing games. Rest of his social life was totally dull. He rarely stepped out of his house. Even his neighbors don't know about his existence. Of course the reasons for this is society itself which used to bully him when he was kid. When he became adult he was bullied by college mates. Being poor even his parents couldn't support him or protect him from his bullies. After college, which he barely passed by minimum grade he had hard time finding a job to earn money. Even in job he was bullied by seniors and once he was forced to resign as well by a senior who wanted to use him as a stepping stone. After losing job, he has nowhere to go, nowhere to live, he was afraid to do suicide as well being a coward, so he simply pleaded to lord and asked for the reason of his existence? He just demanded one thing if their is no reason for his existence then simply provide him a painless death. "There is a reason for your existence. Here you go." (Animation of lightning thunders and cloud blasting "BANG" echoed) "BOOTING UP OVERPOWERED SYSTEM." Author's Note - The summaries of various novels will be posted in it too so it can help you save your spirit stones :)

mailmeharry2008 · Fantasy
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56 Chs

A for Apple, B for Ball

In Cultivation Cosmos Gods of Destruction, who are now called Servants of One Almighty God instead, from Almightoronia Cosmos arrived and were amazed by the modern culture of the society. It was far beyond the Earth back in DU too. They experienced tremendous growth by the herbs and bone relics from this cosmos which significantly raised their powers. Zeno, Future Zeno and Zalama were leading this group of gods. They were just saying "Wow", "Amazing", "Superb" etc... as these three triplicate copies usually copy each other words or rephrase it by some other word.

Although the strongest villain of this cosmos is dead but this doesn't mean that all other villains are dead too, there still are existences which are stronger than Zalama living here. And predicting that these three shorties can easily attract troubles from rich families living in Cultivation Cosmos who are always looking for someone to quench their bullying thirst. And even the celestials that are servants of Ancestor God/Abyssal Demon are still surviving in this cosmos. Stonexia already told Servants of God to stay with them so that bullies are at least afraid of a big group. And look wise all servants of God are intimidating too unlike Zeno, Future Zeno or Zalama to save them from unnecessary troubles or otherwise they will end up destroying many enemies, or even planets or universes here due to their childish nature of getting angry. Stonexia has instructed Han Yrrah to keep eye on these three people too as he liked their childish nature very much and don't want them to get wiped out from this world or vice versa of them wiping out planets in this cosmos.

But actually no such thing happened and Zenos enjoyed the fun modern rides in amusement parks and Mr. Han helped them get admission in junior school run by Yrrah Society. They made many new Yrrah Society kids friends there too who were very nice towards them. And currently they are learning culture and studies there right from the basics A for apple, b for ball, c for cat... etc. etc..

Now the environment of this cultivation cosmos is not like the old days when strong preyed on weak just on the sight. However some parts still have some such people but mostly it was peaceful and covered under jurisdiction of Queen Maya Yrrah who can neither be effected by bribes of wealthy people nor by the schemes of crooked people. She always issued right judgements towards civilians after asking opinion from system which can immediately distinguish right and wrong.


Back in Strongest Cosmos, Lin Fan was laughing on site of dirty deeds committed by the magical beasts shamelessly. The leader of this battalion of magical beast was 'Devouring Heavens Dragon Python' who was an ordinary Immortal King level beast. On noticing that something is wrong and presence of an Indigenous Being on the site who is laughing, he understood that all this mess is doing of this Indigenous Being only. After war of words, actual battle started. And as Lin Fan was lazy for taking action himself he simply ordered 'Black Heavens Demon Kings' to charge at Devouring Heavens Dragon Python. Python tried devouring whole army but steel mounted demons pierced the mouth of python with their spears and the lifeless body of Dragon Python fell.

Now his eyes are set on the unsocial elements, i.e. magical beasts indulged in unsocial acts in wide open grounds. He simply threw a huge palm towards them and destroyed countless magical beasts. Not a single one of them survived. Lin Fan obtained experience points from beasts and that python but he need lots of experience points to reach Heavenly Lord rank. Later the Master God of magical Beasts appeared after noticing the extinguished life mark of Dragon Python. But as soon as he appeared Lin Fan was ready with his Legendary Brick to take the other party down. However the party seemed like nine headed magical beast. So only one of his head fell with this sneak attack and rest were fine, but that angered the Master God. The strength of this Master God was monstrous and similar to that of War Master God.

[War Master God injured Lin Fan during this Universe vs. Universe level war earlier which even caused Lin Fan to forget his memories, but Stonexia Yrrah helped him retrieve his memories earlier by throwing pics of his wives in bikinis in his invisible mode, that's why he is back in action. Of course, Lin Fan doesn't know how he received those pics, how can somebody own a camera in this cultivation based cosmos or why are his wives wearing modern bikinis???.....]

Battle continued shaking heaven and earth with both parties unleashing various spells, doomsday palm, Cyclone with Power of Decaying, Lightning, Fire, Earth, Space, etc. Both parties were on stalemate but as soon as the unconscious head of this Master God wakes up he will gain even more strength, so Lin Fan was worried. He challenged Master God for melee combat and he accepted it after delaying enough to wake his unconscious head which further strengthened him. Lin Fan tried all his crooked moves like 'Twisting Heaven and Earth' or 'True Origins Crushing Kick' but all were failure as this Master God was much better and experienced in melee combat than Lin Fan.

Finally Lin Fan was about to use his ace 'Power of Biggra', but before he can use that, 'Boundless Future Buddha Lord' appeared out of nowhere and sneaked attack on him. Not only him there appeared 10 another Master Gods to eliminate this future threat for Moon Shadow Mainland.

(Stonexia thought, Not only MC but even villains of this novel are shameless and despicable and knowing that Lin Fan may still control the situation or at least escape anytime he didn't interfered and went to Scheming Cosmos....)


After getting thoroughly humiliated by Stonexia, Xu Que finally relaxed after knowing that Stonexia didn't chased him further. He felt proud about his escaping abilities, but system warned him that other party has shown him mercy or otherwise it's impossible for ancestor system to not be able to locate this Scheming System which is one of the younger systems.

Putting this incident on back of his head, he went to meet the Ice Empress and his doggie Buttface, who were resting in an Inn of Water Cloud City in southwest of East Continent where demonetization of spiritual stones has still not happened. Thank God they didn't saw Xu Que's humiliation or he won't have any face to act tough in their presence again. After having a meal he threw his shoe again activating the Lucky Aura to know the new direction which pointed to south this time, and they started their journey immediately. He kept moving unless encountering a city. Then he threw his shoe again and like this they kept moving. Ice Empress was confused if this is really luck or Xu Que has some way to really locate the Water Empress as direction still seemed correct to her.

Meanwhile journeying, Xu Que cut open the remaining ancient cutting stones to obtain some incomplete or damage artifacts and recycled them to convery them into artifact refining essences for his future use. Another 2 star Dragon soul element was found among those cutting stones too. Therefore he merged the two stones to obtain a 3 star Dragon soul element which increased his probability to obtain advanced star rank magic art by 80 percent. Next time he encountered the city he used lucky aura for throwing shoe and extracting the advanced star rank skill simultaneously to retrieve a skill 'The Great Ultimate Derivation Dragon & Elephant Seal!'. Although their were still prerequisites seals to completely cultivate this technique but due to thunder energy stored in his body after his heavenly tribulation back in Five Element Mountains the skill boosted his power significantly. Ice Empress was startled too by the sudden rise of aura from Xu Que.

Stonexia went ahead of time towards Water Empress saying that he is guru of Xu Que, and started teaching her modern methods too inviting her in Yrrahs Plaza and showing her modern lifestyle. She had already seen Wanda Plaza so it was not surprising for her to see similar setup in Yrrah Plaza but the culture and modern fashion available there was not something she had experienced earlier while staying with Xu Que. She was really having fun there. Stonexia knew that there is no bad luck stuff or something like that so he told her not to believe such nonsense at all, or otherwise she was about to commit suicide so as she doesn't bring troubles to Xu Que.

Ha ha Stonexia doesn't only annoy our MCs but is also a helping hand too for them, and he doesn't take credit for his goodwill too :)

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