
Overlord: Supremacy

This fanfiction follows the journey of a young man who, despite being crippled, finds solace in playing the DMMORPG Yggdrasil. However, his life takes an unexpected turn when he is transported to a new world. While the premise might seem cliché at first glance, I assure you this story is anything but typical. I've poured my efforts into crafting a unique and immersive narrative, and I hope you'll give it a chance. ----- A warning though: the new world and other worlds will be AU (Alternate Universe), meaning certain things will be different. This story is based on another author’s work called 'Overlord Ascension,' which was dropped. I received permission to continue it in his stead. Additionally, English is not my native language, so I ask for your understanding if any mistakes slip through despite my use of Grammarly. Unlike other Overlord fanfics where the MC simply conquers the world, this story will take a different path. How, you ask? Well, you'll have to read it to find out.

PrimisOptimus · Anime und Comics
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21 Chs

Arrival In the New World III

It was called {The Infinite Backpack} and could store 500kg of items. However, it became popular among Players because the stored items were assigned a shortcut. Players could use those items by simply using shortcuts.


Raizel tried to retrieve an item he knew was inside the backpack but to no avail.

"So thinking about the shortcut doesn't work. Perhaps I need to open it and manually retrieve the item."


He opened the backpack, and the inside looked the same as in Yggdrasil when Players placed an item inside it. The inside looked like a blue portal.


"Let's try this again," He mumbled and again thought of the shortcut for the item he wanted.

"Still no effect?"


After much deliberation, he decided to manually retrieve the item. He inserted his hand inside it and thought of the item he needed.


His hands felt something as soon as he thought about it, and its surface and shape felt like the item he needed. He then brought his hand back up and observed the item.


It was a ring made of silver and had a red gem. The ring was called {The Ring of Thousand Illusions}, an upgraded version of the Cash Shop item {The Ring of Illusion}.


Unlike its cousin, the upgraded version allowed its wearer to imitate any race, contingent upon having slain an individual of that race while wearing the ring.


He then placed the {The Ring of Ainz Ooal Gown} in the backpack and reattached it to his belt. He then equipped the ring and connected it to the chain.


"Now, let's try this. Change my race to Human," As the command was issued, the ring's gem shone momentarily before returning to normal.

'The activation looked good. Let's check my status.'


He opened his status, and sure enough, his race had been changed, or rather, his status showed the imitated race.


[Name: Cadis Etrama Di Raizel]

[Racial Classes(Covered): ...]

[Race: Human (Original Race: Vampire)]



While the original {Ring of Illusions} also stopped its wearer from using any racial ability, the upgraded version didn't have this shortcoming.


"Good, the ring is working as intended. This should protect me from rival Players."


He used the ring because there was a natural hatred among the heteromorphic Players and human, demi-human Players.


Because he had suspicions that he was teleported to Midgard or Alfheim, where most of the human and demi-human Players resided, it was paramount for him to conceal his race.


"Now then, I need information about this new world before I make any plans. But before that, I need a secure base of operation. If Nazarick had teleported with me, that wouldn't have been a problem."


He mumbled while getting up and gazing toward the forest's interior.

"I can't use any scouting-type spells or items; there is a great risk that my location might be revealed by that."


Typically, Raizel would be willing to take a risk like that because back in Yggdrasil, even if he died, he only lost 5 levels and a random item. And because he had a ring that made it so that only his lowest-class item would drop when he died, he was more willing to take such risks, but...


"I don't know if resurrection mechanics even work in this world; there is an equal chance of them not working. And honestly, I don't want to risk it. If I had a friend with me, maybe then I would be more open to such ideas, but not alone."


He had many items from the raids he had done on other guild bases, but alas, none of the items he had pillaged were high-class scouting-type items.

The highest-class scouting-type item he had was only at the Legacy Class. Whose effect would easily be negated by a Player specializing in anti-divination magic.


If Raizel was a scout, he could have used some skills to empower that item.


"~Sigh~ My best bet is to hide in the forest and search for a base of operation. But first, I should summon some helpers."


Although he couldn't use items or spells for scouting, that didn't mean he was powerless in that regard. In Yggdrasil, certain monsters had good scouting abilities.


He activated his Item Box, functioning as his inventory capable of holding an infinite number of items. Ordinarily, there was a limit to the number of items it could contain. Still, Raizel had utilized a Cash Shop item to expand its capacity.


A purple portal opened near him, and he inserted his hand into it. He then thought about the item he needed, and just like Raizel had expected, Raizel felt an item in his grasp that felt like the item he needed.


"So, it works the same way as the Infinite Backpack."

Muttering this, he took out the item, which turned out to be a scroll, a summoning scroll, to be more precise.


With casual nonchalance, he tossed the scroll into the air. Unfurling, it revealed its contents before igniting, the flames gracefully dancing from the bottom to the top.


A mere moment later, a small summoning circle materialized in the very spot where the scroll had hovered. In swift succession, a creature emerged from nothingness, and as quickly as it appeared, the summoning circle dissipated into nothingness.


'So the summoning scrolls also work.'


He contemplated while observing the summoned monster. It was a football-sized eyeball with bat wings on either side. Its sclera was obsidian black with a yellow pupil.


The monster was called Gazerwing, a level 50 scout-type monster, a vital asset for someone lacking specialized scouting classes like Raizel.


Raizel sensed a bond with the summoned creature, reminiscent of the connection he had with the {Billion Blade}, albeit less profound. Upon establishing this connection, a flood of information surged into his mind, revealing the Gazerwing's skills.


"Right, let's try giving it some orders,' Raizel focused on the connection, which felt like an ethereal tether connecting them both, and issued some orders.


"Go around the forest and gather information about any sentient life form, and if you find any, contact me immediately."


The Gazerwing vanished; however, Raizel was still aware of its whereabouts if he focused on the connection a bit.


"Let's try its skills," Muttering this, he closed his eyes and activated one of the exclusive skills of Gazerwing, known as Sense Share. It allowed the summoner to see from the eyes of the Gazerwing.


As the skill was activated, Raizel 'saw' a vision inside his head. The vision depicted what the Gazerwing was seeing. This skill was highly valued by the Players, but this was not the only reason why Gazerwing was popular among Players.


That reason went to its other skill called Divination Inhibition. It nullified any divination spells or skills. If a Player attempted to employ such techniques on a Gazerwing, the creature would perish. Yet, the Player would remain unaware of the summoner's location.


The vision showed the view of the forest from the sky.

'SHIT! Go down, you stupid bastard!'


As soon as he thought about it, the Gazerwing began to descend.

'It seems mental commands also work. That's good to know.'


He then deactivated the skill and opened his eyes. From the vision he had seen, the forest was quite large, and it would be difficult for a lone Gazerwing to scout it out completely.


"I can summon more monsters, but I want to save the remaining summoning scrolls; who knows, maybe they aren't a thing in this world. Also, I don't have a job class that allows me to craft more."


It was also quite possible that this world didn't have the materials he needed to craft more scrolls. Because of these reasons, he was hesitant to summon more monsters with scrolls. Also, even though the monsters summoned through scrolls had many weaknesses, Raizel could use the summoning scrolls as raw material for the production of other scrolls.


"I do have monster data of a few scout-type monsters, but that would take gold and quite a bit of time."


The monster he had summoned before using the scroll would vanish after a certain amount of time had passed. The time depended on the quality of the scroll, and because Raizel had used a high-quality summoning scroll, Raizel had roughly 3 days' worth of time.


Such scrolls weren't usually used in Yggdrasil because no one needed a summoned creature for that long. However, they were used to show off to other Players because the only way to get them was through the Cash Shop.


An alternative method of summoning monsters existed, necessitating access to the specific monster data one desired to summon. This method also required gold and a ritual. 


Opting for this method had its advantages; notably, the summoned monsters would not vanish. Furthermore, creatures summoned through this process could attain levels of up to 90. In contrast, those summoned through scrolls were limited to levels of 70 and below.


After much deliberation, Raizel took out a few more summoning scrolls and activated them.

'Even if I waste some of them, it's for my own safety.'


The scrolls burned up, and a few summoning circles manifested. After the summoning was done, the circles vanished, and in their place were a few more Gazerwings and 2 Elementals.


"You lot, go and search the forest for any sentient life form, and if you find any, don't engage them, but contact me. Also, you must not fly over the forest."


He issued the command to the Gazerwings, who promptly vanished. He then shifted his focus to the 2 Elementals. In Yggdrasil, Elementals were spirits affiliated with the various incarnations of nature, and their appearance resembled their elemental alignments.


Depending on their levels, they were divided into different tiers, with Primal being the highest tier and Lesser being the lowest. The ones Raizel summoned were known as Arcane Elementals, level 70 monsters.


One of the summoned Elementals looked like a hunk of earth, stones and vines. It had a humanoid body, and its stature looked like a golem— bulky and sturdy. It was the Earth Arcane Elemental, which boasted a high defence stat. Raizel intended to use it as a tank.


Raizel commanded while pointing towards it.

"You go underground and follow me. If you sense danger, tell me and protect me in case someone attacks me."


The Elemental nodded and smoothly merged with the Earth, gradually dissolving from view. In a matter of seconds, it had entirely vanished beneath the surface. This was one of its skills called Earth Swim.


Raizel then turned toward the second Elemental, who looked like a humanoid dinosaur made of shining white crystals. White fire blazed around its body, and its eyes were shining in bright white colour. It was the Arcane Star Elemental, and it had the highest attack stat among the other Arcane Elementals.


"You go invisible and tail me around. Attack whoever I command you to."

With the command passed, the Elemental turned invisible by using a 5th-tier spell called <Complete Invisibility>.


Raizel also called a Gazerwing back and assigned it the job of scouting around Raizel.


"With this, the preparations are done," Raizel muttered while looking deep into the dark forest and continued, "Let's see what this forest holds for me."


To be continued...

A/N: For those who worry that there will be no Nazarick in this fic, don't worry. Nazarick will be teleported to the new world, albeit a little while later.