
Overbearing Power

Follow Robin, A hot-blooded arrogant boy, on his journey of survival and hunting down big bad monsters. One day when Robin was in his high school math class, the world started to change. One moment there was a massive thunder strike splitting the sky open and the next the school was being attacked by goblins. When Robin leveled up and got strong and bulky, he didn’t want to be a hero or a villain. He wanted to get strong enough to get rid of anyone who stood in his path and smash their skulls open. What to Expect: OP MC Arrogant MC Little To No Romance No Harem Game Elements Giant Muscular MC Base Building Monster Pets

theFlyingDog · Fantasie
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35 Chs

Chapter 14 - Upgraded Planet!

As soon as I saw this message from the system I dashed inside the mall.

It was a little hard to maintain balance and run at the same time while the ground was shaking vigorously.

The items started to fall from the cabinets. I had around 7 minutes to get everything I wanted and get out of the building. I was still not sure if the things I get will remain with me or not after the planet starts upgrading, but I was too hungry and really needed to get some food.

The food section was on the second floor so I used every bit of my strength and jumped from the first floor to the second floor. I saw some people running away from the mall, there were probably around 5-6 people but I didn't stop and went straight towards the food cabinets and started storing any food item I got my hand on to my inventory.

The inventory only needed me to touch an object to store it inside, this made it very convenient for me to store the food. After emptying out the whole floor, there were around 3 minutes remaining. I was still not sure if the things I got will stay with me or not, so I threw a chocolate bar inside my mouth and ran outside.

The earthquake was getting worse, I was somehow able to maintain balance but when I saw Walter and Lily they were crouched down on the ground. The people I saw while running into the mall were also there together with them.

I ran towards Walter and Lily and gave them a few chocolate bars and told them to eat them quickly.





*Planet Upgrading*

The moment I saw this message from the system, the earthquake became even more vigorous, it was getting hard for me to stand anymore. But suddenly every building within my eye range disappeared.

It looked like they sank down into the ground. I turned my head to look in the other direction and it was the same.

The next thing to sink into the ground were the cars.

In the next few seconds, every man-made thing from the giant building to the tiny soda cans, everything was consumed by the planet.

All that was left now was a green forest as far the eye could see, and massive empty brown spots where the buildings previously were.

After all of this was done, the earthquake started to calm down.

Walter: "Man we are really alive, for a moment I thought that the ground will split up*

*Planet Upgraded to Rank D*

*Stronger Minerals and Lifeforms will now be available*

*Safe Zone Villages Will Spawn In Random Location Along With Adventurer Guilds*

We saw a light shooting toward the sky. When I look in the direction of the light, I could vaguely see a fence or a wall and a tall medieval European-looking building.

This was a few miles away, and it looked like the beacon was shot from the tall building.

Our plan was to check out Walter's house on the way back to school, but we decided to check out the new structure before going back. If the same thing which happen here with the building sinking into the ground happened at the school too then the school was no more.

While Walter and Lily were discussing our future plans, the group of people who I saw escaping the mall came to greet us.

Their group consisted of 7 members with 4 males and 3 females. 5 of them looked like they were around their mid-20 whereas the other 2 looked like they were in their late 30s.

They were equipped with knives and baseball bats. Their weapons were still stained with dried-up green goblin blood.

After using Identification I found that 5 of them were at level 1 while the other two were both at level 2.

They seemed a little hesitant in approaching us since I looked like a caveman with only a little piece of clothing covering my crotch. I still had my underwear on, so my ding-dong was safe.

One of the older guys from the group was the first one to speak.

Old Guy: "Hello Guys, I am Luke. We wanted to know if you want to come with us, we were planning on going towards that." He said while pointing towards the beacon.

Then one of the other guys, who looked like he was in his mid-20s joined in.

Mid-20s Guy: "Yes we thought that it might be the safety village that the system mentioned, so we wanted to check it out."

Walter: "Oh we were planning to go there too"

Lily glared back at Walter. It seems she was getting more cautious of people after the incident that happened before.

Since we were going the same way, I thought it might not be a problem to tag along with their group.

After that Luke introduced us to his group, the 3 other males excluding Luke were Asmond, Niko, and David, and the ladies were Tina, Assa, and Kera.

We did the same and introduced ourselves to them, and started walking towards the safety zone village.

While walking I tried to take out the food from the inventory and they were still there.

Having the food took out a heavy burden off me, it was as if a heavy stone lying on my chest was lifted. Now we had enough food to last a month or two.

On our way to the safety zone, Luke told us that he and his group were from the same apartment, and how he somehow survived the initial goblin attack by locking himself in his room.

But later when he saw the world changing outside from his window, he got out of his room to look for food. His plan was to get to the mall and get the food and return to his room until the government fixes everything.

But on his way out of the apartment, he had to fight a goblin and found his team members on the way.

We had almost covered 20% of the distance and the safety zone was starting to become more visible. The walls of the safety zone village looked like they were made of wood. The tall European-style tower was the same.

It was as if we were back in medieval times, when even stone architecture was unavailable. I was not sure how those wooden walls, or should I call them fences were supposed to defend against monsters like the Omega Sabretooth or Hobgoblins.

While I was busy with my thoughts, an arrow came flying and hit the ground near us.

A few goblins jumped out from our flanks. We were surrounded, there were around 6 goblins to our right and 5 to our left. Plus there were probably around 2 or 3 archers shooting at us from the top of the trees nearby.

Another arrow came flying aimed at me. The arrow hit my right shoulder, but it didn't have much power to penetrate deep into my muscles.

*-10 HP*

I took out the arrow from my shoulder, the arrowhead was made of stone. Although it was sharp enough for a stone weapon, it was still not sharp enough to cause serious damage to me with my 21 defense.

Another arrow came flying, this time it was from my left and it hit the left side of my chest.

*-10 HP*

Being not able to see the attacker was starting to make me angry.

*YOU FUCKING BITCH GOBLINS* I roared with anger.

Even the people in my group were shocked, to their surprise I was not dead yet after being hit by the arrows, and now I started shouting like a madman while they were trying their best to maintain their composure.

Luke was shocked by my outburst and asked Walter

Luke: "Is your friend ok?"

Walter: "He does that from time to time"

In anger, I grabbed a goblin warrior who was close by and threw him in the direction where the arrows came from.

*Forest Goblin Warrior Lvl 3 Killed*

*+150 Exp*

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